Israel Cuts The Turkeys Off From Advanced Military Technology


Jun 29, 2011
UAV Technology: Israel Cuts Turkey Off :clap2:
Growing political hostility between Turkey and Israel has led to the Israeli military cancelling the export permit for UAVs and support services for Turkey. This will cost the firm that sold Turkey Heron UAVs some $90 million. The Israeli military has veto power over any arms exports and in this case believed it was too risky to complete the supplying of Turkey with UAV technology.

Turkey has been using ten Israeli Heron UAVs. This has been complicated because of growing Turkish hostility towards Israel. Israeli UAV technicians and instructors were recalled from Turkey, where they were training Turkish troops on how to operate and maintain Israeli Heron UAVs. The Israeli personnel were withdrawn because it was believed they might be attacked.

The Turks ordered ten Herons seven years ago but delivery was delayed because of problems with the Turkish made sensor package. Meanwhile, the Turks were still fighting Kurdish separatists in northern Iraq and really needed those UAVs. Four years ago, the Israeli manufacturer made an interim deal to supply Israeli (without the Turkish sensors) Herons, along with support personnel, on a $10 million lease. But now those Herons are inoperable and the Turks have turned to locally made IHA UAVs, which are much less effective.

UAV Technology: Israel Cuts Turkey Off | TR Defence

[ame=]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
They need the chickens for Kapparot, where The person swings a live chicken or a bundle of coins over one's head three times, symbolically transferring one's sins to the chicken or coins.
Kapparot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Bestiality is not allowed in Islam but some people who are looking to demonise and degrade Muslims (and Islam) erroneously claim it is allowed in Islam.
Is Sex With Animals Allowed in Islam? « Yahya Snow's Blog

But you are allowed to choke your chicken, in the basement of your moms house

You're allowed to choke a disobedient muslima wife after having islimic sex with animals, but do it gently :woohoo:


[ame=]Palestinian cleric: How to gently beat your wife - YouTube[/ame]
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But you are allowed to choke your chicken, in the basement of your moms house

You're allowed to blow a camel or goat as per the religion of bestiality :bow3:

[ame=]Sex with Animals in Islam - YouTube[/ame]
UAV Technology: Israel Cuts Turkey Off :clap2:
Growing political hostility between Turkey and Israel has led to the Israeli military cancelling the export permit for UAVs and support services for Turkey. This will cost the firm that sold Turkey Heron UAVs some $90 million. The Israeli military has veto power over any arms exports and in this case believed it was too risky to complete the supplying of Turkey with UAV technology.

Turkey has been using ten Israeli Heron UAVs. This has been complicated because of growing Turkish hostility towards Israel. Israeli UAV technicians and instructors were recalled from Turkey, where they were training Turkish troops on how to operate and maintain Israeli Heron UAVs. The Israeli personnel were withdrawn because it was believed they might be attacked.

The Turks ordered ten Herons seven years ago but delivery was delayed because of problems with the Turkish made sensor package. Meanwhile, the Turks were still fighting Kurdish separatists in northern Iraq and really needed those UAVs. Four years ago, the Israeli manufacturer made an interim deal to supply Israeli (without the Turkish sensors) Herons, along with support personnel, on a $10 million lease. But now those Herons are inoperable and the Turks have turned to locally made IHA UAVs, which are much less effective.

UAV Technology: Israel Cuts Turkey Off | TR Defence

Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube

The Turks ordered ten [Israeli] Herons seven years ago but delivery was delayed because of problems with the Turkish made sensor package.
Everything the muslimes touch turns to shit. That's why the shithole is called TURKEY :badgrin:

I thought allah invented the UAV, no? :bow3:
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Just curious do gay Jews have to put a sheet with a small hole over their partners behind?
Boeing Aerospace, Third Largest Military Defense Contractor in the World :clap2:
Israel has a large and modern air force and a successful commercial aviation sector. Israel is also important to Boeing because of its position as a world aerospace leader. The Israeli aerospace industry in the public and private sectors provides a high level of innovation and expertise in the design and manufacture of a wide variety of defense, space and communications products. With some of the world’s highest per capita numbers of engineers and scientists, Israel is at the forefront of technological advancement, with a highly skilled and educated work force and a strong commitment to research and development.
Boeing Israel: Overview

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