Israel - a sad, pathetic, bloody joke

"The invisible refugees, the refugees the West is ashamed of showing the world cuz it would hurt its ally’s marketed image as a "democracy"."

Lets start off with the fact that Israel allowes these camps to be shown at all. But Israel is a Democracy .. just not for Moslems ... deal with it. Islam does not own the world. I owe Islam nothing and their anger should be a motivation to achieve something other than drilling in sand as opposed to the cry for destruction that it has become.

THESE CAMPS ARE IN EXISTENCE FOR OVER 50 YEARS. That is the second most ridiculous thing that I've heard. We have 50 year old refugee camps in the US and around the world and we just call them slums or projects. After 50 years you are a resident of whatever land you are on. Drac is 100% correct to blame the varied Arab governments who have yet to assist these de facto citizens, but who would rather use them as pawns. If 5 Arab armies did not attack Israel at once in 48, we would have something to speak of, but we don't. That was a war to irradicate a people, be glad the Jews wheren't that inhumane.
The first most ridiculous thing I've heard is that these camps/terrorist breeding grounds are sponsored by the UN. So the Arab nations have found a political way for the entire world to pick up the tab for these camps which shouldn't exist, or at least be refered to as "refugee" camps. They exist all over the Arab/Muslim world ... no difference. The US and Israel should cecede from the UN !!!! Enough said on this, so now on to a tangent ...

F Koffee Anan ...

18) Koffee Anan for the week of 11/08/04 for telling the U.S. and Iraqi forces not too carry out it's planned offensive into Fallujah ( Anan is too busy giving the French authorization to attack the Ivory Coast then to support the war on terror. For more on this Koffe Anan's warning click here.
+ Constantly finding time for condemnations of Israel.
+ The food for oil scandal.
= Let's just get out of this corrupt kangaroo League of Nations that has proven itself impotent long ago.
"When you walk down the streets of Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem, sometimes you wonder whether you are really in the Middle East...
You start asking yourself if you didn’t catch the wrong plane and ended up in Warsaw or any other eastern european capital.
It’s absolutely impossible for anyone who still hasn’t lost his sanity to believe that all those almost albine individuals passing by are the descendants of any semitic people."

It has always been said that God would collect the Jews from the 4 corners of the Earth. The things that Jews wear under their shirts with the tasles in the corners (tsitsit) have come to represent this and they are worn by orthodox jews every day.

You are saying that Europe kicked the Jews around from country to country until they ended up .. in large majorith in the Pale of Settlements (Poland / Western Russia), but that's the Jews fault. Good logic.

So you will see Eastern European Jews and American and black and white and green Jews. They are Jews .. not Muslims .. deal with that too. What do you think all the Arab countries are? You may not openly prctice any religion but Islam in Suadi Arabia and many other Arab/Muslem countries. Yet you call Israel racist. When was the last time Israel convicted (or even tried) a person for prostelatizing their religion. Being a missionary in some of these Arab/Muslim countries carries a death penalty. Do you realize how insanely ridiculous you are, refering to Israel as a "Racist" country ?!!!? It is surrounded by them. One more time .. THE WORLD DOES NOT BELONG TO MOHAMED AND HIS DECIPLES TO DO WITH AS THEY PLEASE.
"European jews or any other group of people had a right to move to palestine, mingle with the local population and live there as equal citizens."

So we finall have it Jose. This is what that you are advocating. A one state 2 people solution. Like in Lebanon. You are out of yoyur rabbid ass mind. I knew it had to come out sometime. THERE WILL NEVER BE A ONE STATE 2 PEOPLE SOLUTION. Get that idea out of your head. You are advocating that Israel commit suicide. Have I struck you as a logically bereft individual ?! Then why do you play me for stupid ?!

“One Land for Two Peoples”
Is it a solution to the Arab/Israeli conflict or a recipe for disaster?

For decades, the declared thrust of the Palestinians has been their desire of having their own state — in Judea/Samaria (the “West Bank”) and in the Gaza Strip. Now, a new idea has taken hold and is propagated in national media: a binational state, encompassing those territories and “Israel proper.” The slogan is “One Land for Two Peoples.”

What are the facts?

Review of history: The Arabs have launched four major wars against Israel, at the end of which Israel remained in possession of all the lands west of the Jordan River, the undivided city of Jerusalem, the vast Sinai, the Golan Heights and the Gaza Strip. In what was in all likelihood a major act of folly, but in order to attain peace with Egypt, Israel returned the Sinai to Egypt. But the peace with Egypt is the coldest imaginable.

Thus, having been unable to defeat Israel in war and unable to wear it down by their “intifadas,” the Arabs had to think up something new in order to destroy Israel. And they did indeed come up with something. According to Yasser Arafat, the most important weapon of the Arabs is the “Arab womb,” the motto being: “If we can’t defeat them in war, let’s outbreed them.” And that is exactly what would happen if there ever were a “binational” state. There can be little doubt that, within a generation or less, the Arabs would have outbred their Jewish fellow citizens and would have become the majority in the country. They would thus have accomplished what they were unable to attain by any other means, namely the destruction of the Jewish state.

Created as a Jewish state: Israel was created as a Jewish state by the will of the nations of the world and by the brain and brawn of the Jewish people. There is no reason why the Israelis would turn their country over to those who are their declared mortal enemies. Do the Turks plan to establish a binational state with the Kurds (or do the Iranians or Iraqis, for that matter)? Do the Spaniards consider a binational state with the Basques? Do the Chinese propose the formation of a binational state with the Tibetans? Of course not. Why, therefore, should Israel even consider sharing its country with those whose never-changing agenda is its destruction? Why should Israel, one of the most advanced countries in the world in virtually every field of endeavor, make itself hostage to those who live in backwardness and ignorance and who are guided by religious fanaticism? Israel was founded to be the Jewish homeland and it will never acquiesce to its own destruction by allowing itself to become a binational state.

It's an interesting site Jose. You should check it out. Oil and water don't mix. The Palestinians' open desire to convert the country into a muslim one out and out procludes this. You should read the Quoran sometime and see how Mohamed refers to Jews. Jews are the most hated among the nations by the end of the book, mostly because they knew he was full of crap and wouldn't cowtow. Well Jews sure as hell ain't starting now. Israel does not want Islamic influences in their country just like Saudi Arabia wouldn't let a Jew build a synagogue in Riyad. It's not racist, it's a necessity brought on by those you are defending.
"Let me ask you this, are you aware of jewish refugees? or glass is just half full for you?
Sure I am. I strongly support Lybia's decision to allow them back or receive compensation for lost property."

F Libya and their decision to anything. They let it happen to begin with. And, no, this did not start with the forming of Israel. Injustices against Jews have been happening in the Muslim world for a long long time. Jews in Muslim countries are "Dimhis", third class citizens. The success of some Jews in some of these countries does not dismiss the fact that Jews have been hated and abused but tolerated in these areas for a long long time.

Do not hold Jews to a higher level than you hold Muslems. Yet you do just that. Do you really really think that a Jew will not kill Arabs if his life is at stake if he is fighting an enemy devoid of even the needle on a moral compass ?! Do you think that a Jew wants to be right more than he wants to be alive ?!

One more time. BUILD A WALL 100 feet high w/ razor wire and land mines all along it. You are just affraid that left on their own the Palestinians would fail ... miserabely. And you are correct, but it's not Israel's fault, nor can Israel be asked to bear the weight of Palestinian's past mistakes, with them being so many.So no right of return for the same reasons mentioned above. TWO STATES TWO PEOPLES.
"In a democracy, all ethnic minorities enjoy full civil rights (INCLUDING CITIZENSHIP)."

So Israel should be a democracy so that Arab Muslim states can integrate, but not the other way around ? You want the world to welcome Muslims with open arms while Moslem countries crack down on religious freedoms of minorities. Speak about hypcracy.

You can never win any of these arguments because you are the devil's advocate. The devil has been a very bad boy lately. Anything Israel may have done he has done 100 times as often and 100 times more brutally. I just want to make sure that you understand that I am not buying it.

Is that what you think that the Palestinians want to establish in place of Israel ? A democracy ? Pleeeease sucka
"Eventually, all US foreign aid won’t be enough to save a state based on an idea of racial exclusivity that was already dumped in the dustbin of history.
You backed the wrong horse Drac...
You fell in love with a jewish version of Nazi Germany and South Africa under apartheid...
And if you live long enough you're gonna see it bite the dust just like the other two."

You just keep on betting this horse Drac. It's been a winner and it's still a winner. It's a vibrant gem in the dust that is the Arab/Muslim world. If it disappears it would be the result of agression, so believe me, you won't be able to live in that prt of the world for 100 years anyways. Isarel certainly won't go quietly.

Funny that you should mention Israel and Nazi in the same sentence. I'm getting a better and better understanding of you Jose. Israel is the underdog you understand ? 600 million Arabs and trillions in petrol dollars and Israel is the agressor ? Your logic so deeply illudes me, Jose, that it borders on disturbing. It's not Apartheid. Jews on one side Arabs on the other with all the other Arabs. NOT APARTHEID .. SEPERATION. We just don't mix and at least I'm man enough to admit it. Arabs just want to stick it out to see if they can get in a couple more punches, and as a source of population control. If one of Israel's hands wasn't tied by world opinion, I'd ring the bell myslef. Like I said .. You just know that the Palestinians would fail as a country (with no oil to drill) if seperated from their focus of hatred. What would they possibly do w/ 60% unemployment and an education system revolving around the million martyrs to Jerusalem curiculum ?!
José said:
First of all, I have to say that I love ajwps like a brother. I imagine him as a very flamboyant, very intense individual, always making passionate speeches in defence of his beloved Israel. I would like to meet him irl to see whether my ideation corresponds to the truth or not.

I have no desire to meet José and also have no desire to meet Muhammad the prophet. Your very passionate defense of a murdering religion of hate is very admirable for one who enjoys being a cannibal of innocent children. I found your picture on the net.


And as someone else said before, he’s an accomplished commedian.

You are also an accomplished speller. You are no COMEDIAN.

I will never forget these three “nuggets”:
“José Muhammed”
“José’s desillusioned with his strong faith in Islam”
“José’s opinions are like farts, they come from his entrails and they stink”

Yes an elephant never forgets....

You can love him, you can hate him, but no one can deny the fact that Arnold J. Wolf is the funniest fundamentalist jew in the world. I also deeply respect his religious faith but any serious geneticist would declare he is not a semite, let alone, an ethnic jew.

A serious geneticist doesn't declare anything but examines the human genome for possible specie identification. It is certain that even an ordinary geneticist would find your primate lineage to be closely related to the spider monkey.

His last name clearly shows us he’s an ashkenazi jew. Any SERIOUS DNA test would reveal the fact that he is a caucasian individual behaving like an ethnic Jew did 2000 years ago.

You'r certainly a mental giant among primitive primates.

He just can’t “return” to Palestine based on his genes.

No I can't return to a land that does not appear on any western world map. But you can find a Palestine, Texas on the map of the world.

Whether he likes it or not, ashkenazi jews are just another modern european people, who, GENETICALLY, have the same “right to return” to Palestine as Latvians or Finns.

That declarative statement is interesting alright. Do you have a right-to-return to your arboreal home in Rhodesia? It is no longer on the world map either. Do you have a prehensile tail?

Ethnic germans, poles and ukrainians moving and living in Palestine, IN A SOCIETY OF EQUALS, would still seem a bit exotic, eccentric but there would be nothing fundamentally wrong with that.

Let's see their are ETHNIC Germans, Poles, Ukranians and Chinese people, also there are Jewish Germans, Poles, Ukranians and Chinese people who have a right to return to Israel the homeland of all Jewish people.

What turns Israel into a tragicomic political entity is the ETHNIC SUPREMACISM exercised on the native semitic population of Palestine by those european settlers through the land grab and ethnic cleansing of Western Palestine and the occupation and settlement activity that is going on in Eastern Palestine and the laughable, ridiculous attempt to justify this ethnic supremacism ON GENETIC GROUNDS

Is that anything like Americans who have taken the land of the native Indians for a state country or is it like the land of Tibet now taken over by the Chinese Communist government? Did the Europeans settle the North American continent with a land grab or did the Ethnic French take Alsace Loraign from the Ethnic Germans?

How about the Catholic Church (a religion) take over the land mass now called the Vatican from the Italian people?

Get over it José, the country of Israel now belongs the religion called Judaism and its people called the Jews. That fact is now established among the nations of the world and no amount of your embicilic ethnic cleansing can remove the Jewish people from their land.

As I said, America and South Africa could at least be taken seriously as colonial projects.

As you said, America and South America have been colonized and taken from the indigenous Indian populations who in turn took the land from the earlier mound people. Looks like you have a sort of conundrum in your twisted logic.

The jewish ethnocracy, the supremacist political entity created in the Middle East by non-semitic, ashkenazi jews can’t even be taken seriously...

And the Jewish people's land of Israel has been attacked by surrounding armies on at least 5 occasions. These neighboring countries lost on all tries and now Israel has an internal terrorist problem that will be solved by cleansing the land of the foreign none native Arabs. There are no palestinians and never have been except for the Jewish people. The rest are just Arabs who want to kill the religion of Judaism. By the will of Allah, the Arabs are losing their hold on many places here on earth.

Israel is just a joke... A sad, pathetic, bloody joke.

Keep on laughing José for you clearly make yourself a sad, pathetic joke that will end up like the dust which constitues the carcass in which you defecate.
José said:
First of all, I have to say that I love ajwps like a brother. I imagine him as a very flamboyant, very intense individual, always making passionate speeches in defence of his beloved Israel. I would like to meet him irl to see whether my ideation corresponds to the truth or not.

I have no desire to meet José and also have no desire to meet Muhammad the prophet. Your very passionate defense of a murdering religion of hate is very admirable for one who enjoys being a cannibal of innocent children.

And as someone else said before, he’s an accomplished commedian.

You are also an accomplished speller. You are no COMEDIAN.

I will never forget these three “nuggets”:
“José Muhammed”
“José’s desillusioned with his strong faith in Islam”
“José’s opinions are like farts, they come from his entrails and they stink”

Yes an elephant never forgets....

You can love him, you can hate him, but no one can deny the fact that Arnold J. Wolf is the funniest fundamentalist jew in the world. I also deeply respect his religious faith but any serious geneticist would declare he is not a semite, let alone, an ethnic jew.

A serious geneticist doesn't declare anything but examines the human genome for possible specie identification. It is certain that even an ordinary geneticist would find your primate lineage to be closely related to the spider monkey.

His last name clearly shows us he’s an ashkenazi jew. Any SERIOUS DNA test would reveal the fact that he is a caucasian individual behaving like an ethnic Jew did 2000 years ago.

You'r certainly a mental giant among primitive primates.

He just can’t “return” to Palestine based on his genes.

No I can't return to a land that does not appear on any western world map. But you can find a Palestine, Texas on the map of the world.

Whether he likes it or not, ashkenazi jews are just another modern european people, who, GENETICALLY, have the same “right to return” to Palestine as Latvians or Finns.

That declarative statement is interesting alright. Do you have a right-to-return to your arboreal home in Rhodesia? It is no longer on the world map either. Do you have a prehensile tail?

Ethnic germans, poles and ukrainians moving and living in Palestine, IN A SOCIETY OF EQUALS, would still seem a bit exotic, eccentric but there would be nothing fundamentally wrong with that.

Let's see their are ETHNIC Germans, Poles, Ukranians and Chinese people, also there are Jewish Germans, Poles, Ukranians and Chinese people who have a right to return to Israel the homeland of all Jewish people.

What turns Israel into a tragicomic political entity is the ETHNIC SUPREMACISM exercised on the native semitic population of Palestine by those european settlers through the land grab and ethnic cleansing of Western Palestine and the occupation and settlement activity that is going on in Eastern Palestine and the laughable, ridiculous attempt to justify this ethnic supremacism ON GENETIC GROUNDS

Is that anything like Americans who have taken the land of the native Indians for a state country or is it like the land of Tibet now taken over by the Chinese Communist government? Did the Europeans settle the North American continent with a land grab or did the Ethnic French take Alsace Loraign from the Ethnic Germans?

How about the Catholic Church (a religion) take over the land mass now called the Vatican from the Italian people?

Get over it José, the country of Israel now belongs to the religious people of the book called Jews. That fact is now well established among the nations of the world and no amount of your embicilic ethnic cleansing can remove the Jewish people from their land.

As I said, America and South Africa could at least be taken seriously as colonial projects.

As you said, America and South America have been colonized and taken from the indigenous Indian populations who in turn took the land from the earlier mound people. Looks like you have a sort of conundrum in your twisted logic.

The jewish ethnocracy, the supremacist political entity created in the Middle East by non-semitic, ashkenazi jews can’t even be taken seriously...

And the Jewish people's land of Israel has been attacked by surrounding armies on at least 5 occasions. These neighboring countries lost on all tries and now Israel has an internal terrorist problem that will be solved by cleansing the land of the foreign none native Arabs. There are no palestinians and never have been except for the Jewish people. The rest are just Arabs who want to kill the religion of Judaism. By the will of Allah, the Arabs are losing their hold on many places here on earth.

Israel is just a joke... A sad, pathetic, bloody joke.

Keep on laughing José for you clearly make yourself a sad, pathetic joke that will end up like the dust which constitutes the carcass in which you defecate.

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