Isn't Gas Warfare Against The Law?

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Isn't Gas Warfare against The Law?
By Wesley Pruden, The Washington Times
December 12, 2006

We're well into the Christmas season, and if the spirit of the Christ child is under assault we have an abundance of air and wind, a lot of it vile and foul.

One of the study commissions at the United Nations, perhaps stacked with vegetarians overdosing on tofu and bean sprouts, concludes that the flatulence of cows is more damaging to the environment than automobiles. Poor Bossy, contentedly chewing her cud and minding her own business, now exposed as just another scapegoat (scapecow?) to blame for global warming.

But it's not just cows. Some of our most distinguished statespersons are polluting the environment with a certain strain of flatulence, too. Jim Baker and his Iraq Study Group contributed more than their rightful share only last week, with the advice that if we would just quit being beastly to the nice folks determined to kill us peace would rain (if not reign) on Earth.

Kofi Annan, who finishes his term as the secretary-general of the U.N. this month and will be liberated to return to the sweet life in his home in Ghana, can't wait. He had a lot of rude things to say yesterday about America as a nation with no respect for human rights or the rule of law, always eager to bullyrag innocent bomb-throwers and airplane hijackers. When you hang out with peace-loving diplomats from Syria and Zimbabwe, Iran and North Korea, you probably can't help being offended by warmongering Americans.

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