*Islams Is Not My Neighbor: I Reject Everything Islam*

*Is The Constitution Unconstitutional For Christians?*

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Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. If you are a Christian, and I know many here are, and will read this, you know Jesus Christ taught we are to love our neighbors, do good to them, helping them when asked and not asked, we are to share needful things to them and not ask for repayment, but when is a neighbor not my neighbor, and at what point is the teachings of Jesus Christ's null and void in these lesson's on neighbors?
2. If your neighbor is seeking to kill or convert you, he is not a neighbor, and the words of Jesus Christ no longer has true meaning in this teaching, and no longer applies, its suicide to *ALL* those who try to uphold Jesus Christs teachings when his neighbor is out to kill or convert him. God knows I love Jesus Christ, and HE knows I am in no way against his teachings of Jesus Christ, but a neighbor that is actively out to kill or convert me or you is only there and is set up by Satan himself.
3. Poor misguided Christians who have this conflict, you on the one hand want to follow Jesus Christs teachings, and yet on the other hand, your neighbor wants you dead, who do you follow, do you allow your neighbor to kill you, surely if you are a Christian, you would die before converting, and yet you're perplexed on what would Jesus Christ have you do???
4. America is the home of the free, as its been that way, always from our begining, and yet the onslaught of Islam marching towards us, with Muslim immigration and the high birth rates, this has infact instilled little to no alarm within this Nation, in us who have built this Nation to what it presently is, Islam as a religion, has the freedom of religion here in USA as do Christians, and even though they move in here, set up houses next to mine, I am expected to love them, from the teachings of my Bible and from the stand point of our *Constitution*, which gives Islam every right as a verifiable religion as my religion has, which if indeed I follow, binds me to death, or conversion to Islam, by the steady marching of the growth of Islam within my Nation.
5. I put forth that Islam is not my neighbor, and can not ever be considered my neighbor, I make this claim knowing full well its not *Politically Correct*, or *Biblically Correct* this is to say, I believe Islam is the major force that will kill me and mine, and will in the end, kill the *Constitution*, the thing that protects me shall indeed kill me and mine and everything good in it, which in fact throws the *Constitution* into a bind, for the thing that protects me, it indeed infact kills me, its then *Unconstitutional*.
6. The *Constitution* must be amended to outlaw Islam and ban it permently, or its against my rights to live free, and worship my God, Jesus Christ here in my land, The United States of America.
7. For Muslims can never be my neighbor, they are out to kill me, or convert me, and you saying I am lying, makes you just as much in party with Islam, and Satan who is indeed is the father of Islam, and *ALL* evil in the world.
8. And your lack of knowledge to these facts is no excuse for you to go against my words.
10. We have to move back from the edge of the cliff of this unnessary suicide, both the *Constitution* and the *Bible* need further study, don't go blindly off the cliff, Jesus never meant you too, we must change the things we can, and learn to understand better the things we can't.

Sorry bout that,

Relax, Jimmy.

I doubt the Muslims really want you either.

1. Did somebody just *dingey* in?
2. I hear you, and I have always noticed the *political correct* crowd always make the issue about the person who reveals the truth.
3. And can not touch reality as it is.
4. Welcome to the world of *the dingey*
5. Maddie take a bow, sweets.
6. The blind man should never live next to a high cliff, and those leading the blind should never expect the blind man to see.

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What does "rejecting" mean in this case? I mean, acceptance isn´t tolarance. To refuse the contact to anything should be the right to anyone. But fighting against something is something else. How strong is your rejection to islamic affairs?
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Sorry bout that,

What does "rejecting" mean in this case? I mean, acceptance isn´t tolarance. To refuse the contact to anything should be the right to anyone. But fighting against something is something else. How strong is your rejection to islamic affairs?

1. What I'm basically saying is this.
2. The Constitution is flawed.
3. We have to change it.
4. The Bible is correct, to normal neighbors, but if your neighbor wants you dead, and is actively working towards those ends, its okay to do everything possible to stop him.
5. Sure the OP was long winded, but I was feeling quite spiffy when I wrote it. :lol:

And your lack of knowledge to these facts is no excuse for you to go against my words.

Let's see, you open up a thread in a discussion forum. Then you call the discussion thread you opened a win as a checkmate in your first post.

This when you are not playing chess, and have yet to discuss with anyone.

You're a loon Chess. A harmless loon, but a loon nevertheless.

Your premise aside... :lol:
1. What I'm basically saying is this.
2. The Constitution is flawed.
3. We have to change it.
4. The Bible is correct, to normal neighbors, but if your neighbor wants you dead, and is actively working towards those ends, its okay to do everything possible to stop him.
5. Sure the OP was long winded, but I was feeling quite spiffy when I wrote it. :lol:


and that´s what´s in the mind of every muslim?
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Sorry bout that,

And your lack of knowledge to these facts is no excuse for you to go against my words.

Let's see, you open up a thread in a discussion forum. Then you call the discussion thread you opened a win as a checkmate in your first post.

This when you are not playing chess, and have yet to discuss with anyone.

You're a loon Chess. A harmless loon, but a loon nevertheless.

Your premise aside... :lol:

1. Ahhh, Ropey, you surprise me, you are like every other liberal who just attacks the person behind the thread, not the thread, I always thought he were more of a religious conservative than that, but I guess I'm wrong, well I've been wrong before, shit happens!
2. Don't tell me you're offended again????? :confused:
3. You can't sling a dead cat in Hebron without you getting offended!!!!
4. My *Checkmate* listing worked on you eh, you sure didn't bring any ammo to this debate, so,...***CHECKMATE!!!***,....***ROPEY!!!****
5. You wanna play again?

6. The *Constitution* must be amended to outlaw Islam and ban it permently, or its against my rights to live free, and worship my God, Jesus Christ here in my land, The United States of America.

Though I do agree on what you said about who is your neighbor, I do not believe we should amend the Constitution to ban Islam. If we amend the Constitution to ban Islam, what stopes other religions from amending it to ban Christianity?

Atheism is on a rise in this country. If we ban one religion then Atheist can ban all other religions if they become too powerful. Freedom of religion was put in the Constitution to protect those who want to practice what they believe without the fear of other religions trying to stop them and to stop a certain religion from becoming too powerfull and rule over everyone. As long as you are a law abiding citizen (which includes not killing) then you should be able to believe what you want under our Constitution.

The 'checkmate' is the law that says you can not kill another person unless it is in self defence (life or limb in danger directly). If someone practices Islam and kills or tries to kill someone then he is breaking the law. It don't matter what religion you are, you can not kill another just because they didn't convert. As a Christian you and your belief are protected by this law along with what the Constitution states on freedom of religion.
Sorry bout that,

1. What I'm basically saying is this.
2. The Constitution is flawed.
3. We have to change it.
4. The Bible is correct, to normal neighbors, but if your neighbor wants you dead, and is actively working towards those ends, its okay to do everything possible to stop him.
5. Sure the OP was long winded, but I was feeling quite spiffy when I wrote it. :lol:


and that´s what´s in the mind of every muslim?

1. We Christians are not to dispute our faith with Muslims, we can approach them, perhaps one or two times, with the truth, and if they do not listen, we just wipe the dust off of our feet and call it done.
2. Now if you are a Christian in a Islamic country, you may want to heed to the local govenments *death laws* which state if you share the truth, in thier country, you will have to be put to *death*, Islam is a governing form, that has *death* as its final punishment, if you don't submit to it.
3. Now this is bascially evil, coming from a evil people, founded on a Satanical form of government.
4. Because its a *government law* that some one can bring you to the governor, of a district of a city within Islam, and make a legal charge against you, and have thier belief system, put you to *death*, kinda like what happened to Jesus Christ in his journey here in Israel at his time.
5. I have always contended Islam is *No Religion*, its a governing system, masked as a religion.
6. A group or series of laws, to govern those within it, and keep them all in *checkmate*.
7. Satan has done very well putting this Islamic form of government on earth, and perhaps some day soon, God will come and show just how much it displeases him.
8. And then it will be peace on earth, Jesus Christ will rule over mankind, and Islam will not be found anywhere, though Jesus Christ is in the koran, they will soon find out, that Jesus never knew them.
9. Thats the real kick in the pants, Islam through Satan, couldn't eliminate Jesus Christ from thier book, and also Satan couldn't eliminate the Jews from thier book, this should tell anyone with half a brain that the Koran is nothing but borrowed pieces of text sewn together, making a false religion, and the only way to make it stick Satan had to make it *law* and to break the *law* would mean death to the victim who broke the*laws* of Islam.
10. In order to defend our lands, we may have to apply Islamic law on those whom practice Islam, those who practice it, may have to be put to *death*, within our borders, what is good for me in ther lands is also good for them in mine, *the balance should be made equal*.
11. I'm all for *equal balances*. :eek:
12.People of Islam in my country, should be under *Islamic Death Laws In Reverse*.
13. You heard it here first!

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Sorry bout that,

6. The *Constitution* must be amended to outlaw Islam and ban it permently, or its against my rights to live free, and worship my God, Jesus Christ here in my land, The United States of America.

Though I do agree on what you said about who is your neighbor, I do not believe we should amend the Constitution to ban Islam. If we amend the Constitution to ban Islam, what stopes other religions from amending it to ban Christianity?

Atheism is on a rise in this country. If we ban one religion then Atheist can ban all other religions if they become too powerful. Freedom of religion was put in the Constitution to protect those who want to practice what they believe without the fear of other religions trying to stop them and to stop a certain religion from becoming too powerfull and rule over everyone. As long as you are a law abiding citizen (which includes not killing) then you should be able to believe what you want under our Constitution.

The 'checkmate' is the law that says you can not kill another person unless it is in self defence (life or limb in danger directly). If someone practices Islam and kills or tries to kill someone then he is breaking the law. It don't matter what religion you are, you can not kill another just because they didn't convert. As a Christian you and your belief are protected by this law along with what the Constitution states on freedom of religion.

1. Firstly we have to get back to our roots as a Nation, this Nation is founded on the Bible, and thats it, *Checkmate*.
2. Then we have to make the needed changes in *OUR* ~ *CONSTITUTION*, in order to protect this Nation, or it will be lost to evil, there is no doubt.
3. Evil Islam is already making much headway in Europe, in just a short period of time, and if if keeps going, all of Europe will be lost to evil Islam within thirty years, never doubt me, unless things get changed in Europe, and soon, its over for the Christians in all of Europe, they will escape to USA.
4. Islam is way further behind in America, and I project we won't be seeing the threat of losing our Nation for some eighty five years more or less.
5. If *The Lord* doesn't come back in time, I think the leaders of Europe will not go down quitely, they will use thier weapons in a last ditch effort to get Islam off thier backs.
6. They will be forced by Satans hand to use them, and it won't be out of line to do it, when we start seeing what Islams prepared to do to take over Europe. :eek:

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Sorry bout that,

All mysticism is bad.

The occult doesn't exist.

1. Rdean, the question you should be asking yourself, is this.
2. "Do I want to live under the *Islamic Law of Death*, or the *Christian Laws of Freedom*."

1. Ahhh, Ropey, you surprise me, you are like every other liberal who just attacks the person behind the thread, not the threads

When the person is seeing themselves as the judge and jury of discussions, then yes. That's because there is no thread.

It's just you creating a post, and then calling it a win to exclude everyone before a discussion can even follow.Your method is loony. You? I could care less one way or the other, but your method is rather an insane approach.

Seriously lost in something that is not reality. I see why you post on these forums. No person can truly discuss with your method. In real life I would say that others leave your discussions shaking their heads, likely they do the same here. If you want to call that a win. Then go ahead. :cuckoo:
Sorry bout that,

1. Ahhh, Ropey, you surprise me, you are like every other liberal who just attacks the person behind the thread, not the threads

When the person is seeing themselves as the judge and jury of discussions, then yes. That's because there is no thread.

It's just you creating a post, and then calling it a win to exclude everyone before a discussion can even follow.Your method is loony. You? I could care less one way or the other, but your method is rather an insane approach.

Seriously lost in something that is not reality. I see why you post on these forums. No person can truly discuss with your method. In real life I would say that others leave your discussions shaking their heads, likely they do the same here. If you want to call that a win. Then go ahead. :cuckoo:

1. So you're offended again? :lol::lol::lol:
2. You can not be honest in anything, always looking at an angle where you can say *"I'm offended!"*
3. Like a whiner child, you will always be unhappy, crying how your brother got the better lolly pop.
4. If you have anything to say, just say it!
5. No one is stopping you, and I will not allow you to define me, so just get to your opinion if you have one, if you just want to attack the OP maker, you're making a *jackass* out of yourself.
6. You are every bit of a liberal, just prove me where I'm wrong if you can???
7. Now admit it, and we can move forward.
8. I know you can't because you are straddled on the fence, and you step down to defend which ever side you choose at that moment,...... with this whine,..... *I'm so offended*,.... of yes I know you.
9. When I post my patented, *Checkmate*, its because its, *Game Over*, and you know it, I have already taken out the King, in the patented *One Move* ~ *CWN* ~ *Checkmate* fashion only I can do.
10. If you think you have a move, then *move on*, get it? :lol::lol::lol:

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Your problem Chessfail is you are ignorant and a bigot.
Submission to god is something you like .

You object to the idea Mohammad claims to be a prophet of god.
You object to the genocidal supremacy of Islam.

You aught to learn why you hate so broadly
It may save you from looking like a fool.
Sorry bout that,

Your problem Chessfail is you are ignorant and a bigot.
Submission to god is something you like .

You object to the idea Mohammad claims to be a prophet of god.
You object to the genocidal supremacy of Islam.

You aught to learn why you hate so broadly
It may save you from looking like a fool.

1. I am what all free people should be.
2. You don't understand that, then why would I care?
3. I make all sorts of claims, and have *rock solid* reasons to back them up.
4. And I am not shy to share them either.
5. My broad brush works great, and many here believe my opinions are *true*.
6. If I look like a fool to you, I couldn't careless, but if my words indeed effect change, which they are, then I wear my foolishness like a badge, and if my foolishness changes things in reality, then my foolishness is greater than your wisdom. :eek:

How can I reject a group of people so large? I do not know the heart of them all. If I had a neighbor who was a Muslim and he afforded me the same values I cherish, I would call him a friend. It is an extremist MUslim who wants to kill all infidels just as someone who claims to be a Christian rejecting everything Islam who would frighten me and I wouldn't want as a neighbor.

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