Islamic State said to seek biological weapons


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Just what the world needs!!!

Islamic State said to seek biological weapons

Seized laptop belonging to jihadist reveals chilling instructions on using and safely testing weapons

BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF August 30, 2014, 11:39 pm 7

An image grab taken from a video uploaded on social networks on August 28, 2014, shows young men in underwear being marched barefoot along a desert road before being allegedly executed on August 27, 2014 by Islamic State (IS) militants at an undisclosed location in Syria's Raqa Province. Islamic State fighters have executed more than 160 Syrian soldiers it captured during its storming of the key northern Tabqa air base this week. AFP was unable to verify the location and the date of the video. (Photo credit:AFP / HO / YOUTUBE)

  • Plans to develop biological weapons and instructions on how to weaponize the bubonic plague from infected animals were found on a laptop belonging to a Tunisian Islamic State jihadist, by a Syrian rebel commander from a moderate group in northern Syria.
The laptop was seized during an attack on an IS hideout in Idlib province, near the Turkish border, in January, according to the Syrian commander, dubbed Abu Ali, Foreign Policy Magazine reported.

He said IS men fled the building before it was attacked by his men.

Among the over 30,000 files found on the machine — including a trove of documents containing jihadist propaganda, instructions on bomb-making, training for deadly campaigns and lessons on how to use disguises to evade capture — Foreign Policy said it found evidence that the laptop user was teaching himself about biological weapons, “in preparation for a potential attack that would have shocked the world.”

Read more:

Islamic State said to seek biological weapons The Times of Israel
Everything seems to fall back to the death of those who do not believe as they do. Terrible way to make friends and influence people.:eek:
Just what the world needs!!!

Islamic State said to seek biological weapons

Seized laptop belonging to jihadist reveals chilling instructions on using and safely testing weapons

BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF August 30, 2014, 11:39 pm 7

An image grab taken from a video uploaded on social networks on August 28, 2014, shows young men in underwear being marched barefoot along a desert road before being allegedly executed on August 27, 2014 by Islamic State (IS) militants at an undisclosed location in Syria's Raqa Province. Islamic State fighters have executed more than 160 Syrian soldiers it captured during its storming of the key northern Tabqa air base this week. AFP was unable to verify the location and the date of the video. (Photo credit:AFP / HO / YOUTUBE)

  • Plans to develop biological weapons and instructions on how to weaponize the bubonic plague from infected animals were found on a laptop belonging to a Tunisian Islamic State jihadist, by a Syrian rebel commander from a moderate group in northern Syria.
The laptop was seized during an attack on an IS hideout in Idlib province, near the Turkish border, in January, according to the Syrian commander, dubbed Abu Ali, Foreign Policy Magazine reported.

He said IS men fled the building before it was attacked by his men.

Among the over 30,000 files found on the machine — including a trove of documents containing jihadist propaganda, instructions on bomb-making, training for deadly campaigns and lessons on how to use disguises to evade capture — Foreign Policy said it found evidence that the laptop user was teaching himself about biological weapons, “in preparation for a potential attack that would have shocked the world.”

Read more:

Islamic State said to seek biological weapons The Times of Israel

maybe we should help them by delivering some to them, bursting at a height of 8 feet and spraying their deadly spores. They will soon stop that idea and start looking for other ways to go to war.
Culture Rooster

In the great ancient world war poems "The Mahabharata" (Vyasa - India) and "The Iliad" (Homer - Greece), we read of the honor of battle and the human desire to ornament courage in times of conflict.

War is hell, and war is perhaps necessary. The modern age has seen the use of devastation items such as nuclear bombs and anthrax strains for the attainment of war-related goals. These controversial items have replaced the spear, the bow and arrow, and the sword from the ancient world. War is now more remote and more deadly.

For our world of consumerism globalization (i.e., eTrade), networking is a totem of social contract-making. When we watch relevant modern warfare intrigue-themed Hollywood (USA) movies such as "WarGames" (1983), do we think about the gravity of biological warfare?

Perhaps warfare-themed American comic book avatars such as Magneto (Marvel Comics), a man who can manipulate the forces of magnetism against his adversaries, and Green Arrow (DC Comics), a super-archer whose skill with a laser-accurate bow-and-arrow set make him mighty, serve as modern age political cartoon-like pop culture art symbols that encourage more casual and colloquialized dialogue about 'might access.'

Dialogue I think is the key to unraveling the messes surrounding the terrible qualities of biological warfare. We need to keep connecting politics with culture.


Biological warfare - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Mebbe dey'll get `em from China...

IS Seeks Biological, Nuclear Materials, Counterterror Officials Warn
April 19, 2016 - European counterterror chiefs warned at a London conference Tuesday that Islamic State militants are seeking to secure biological and nuclear materials to build rudimentary weapons of mass destruction.
They said IS might be splitting into two for operational purposes, with one wing focused on defending the terror group’s self-styled caliphate straddling Syria and Iraq, and the other dedicated to carrying out terror attacks in the West. Speaking at the Security and Counter Terror Expo in London, security officials said IS militants had shown interest in obtaining nuclear, biological and chemical material for terror attacks in the West. “We know terrorists are trying to acquire these substances,” said Jamie Shea, deputy assistant secretary general for emerging security threats at NATO. Jorge Berto Silva, deputy head of counterterrorism for the European Commission, added that there was a “justified concern."


A police officer enters the building where a raid occurred in Saint-Denis, France, a few days after terrorist attacks in Paris, Nov. 19, 2015. France's prime minister warned at the time that terrorists might at some point use chemical or biological weapons.​

Summer attacks

The warning came as German and Italian intelligence officials reported their fears that IS strategists are planning suicide summer attacks on Mediterranean resorts. The German newspaper Bild said the plans involved the use of automatic weapons on crowded beaches, similar to the shooting last June in the Tunisian beach resort of Sousse that left 38 vacationers, mostly Britons, dead. Disguised as a tourist, the gunman at Sousse, Seifeddine Rezgui Yacoubi, pulled out an AK-47 assault rifle concealed in a beach umbrella. An Italian security official told VOA the plans involve attacks on French, Spanish and Italian beaches. “We think they are planning to pretend they are vendors,” he said.


A chlorine-tinged cloud of smoke rises into the air from an alleged Islamic State bomb that was detonated by Iraqi army and Shi'ite fighters, in the town of al-Alam in Salahuddin province​

On Tuesday, Spanish police announced they had arrested a Moroccan on the island resort of Palma de Mallorca on suspicion of recruiting fighters for IS. Many analysts argue the chances that IS will be able to secure nuclear material for even a rudimentary bomb are small — but not zero. Over the past five years, the FBI has assisted authorities in Moldova in disrupting four efforts by nuclear smugglers to sell radioactive material to Middle Eastern groups, including IS. The Associated Press reported last year that one IS-involved deal was focused on the attempted sale of a huge cache of deadly cesium.

British, Belgian warnings

See also:

Pollution Scare Exposes China’s Oversight in Hazardous Chemicals
April 19, 2016 - Anxiety is growing among parents in eastern China about contaminated soil and underground water after nearly 500 students from a middle school developed illnesses that are possibly linked to chemical pollution at a nearby site.
The pollution scare is yet another reminder of the seriousness of China’s chemical pollution problem and exposes gaping holes in the country’s management of hazardous materials, analysts say. State-owned CCTV reports 493 students from Changzhou Foreign Language School in Jiangsu province have fallen ill, diagnosed with dermatitis, bronchitis and white blood cell deficiencies, as well as a few cases of cancer, including lymphoma and leukemia.


Children play during a class break on a foggy day, located on the China border on Sept. 21, 2015. Parents grew anxious after nearly 500 students from a middle school developed illnesses that are possibly linked contaminated soil and underground water adjacent to three former pesticide plants.​

Parents suspected the symptoms were likely triggered by extremely high levels of groundwater and soil pollution because the school is adjacent to the sites of three former pesticide plants, including the local arm of Shenzhen Noposion Agrochemicals Company, one of China’s largest pesticide makers. The CCTV report quoted students and parents complaining about the water, tasting “a bit sour,” and a smell “like rotten duck eggs” in the air after students begun their studies here in December of last year.

Wrong site

The state media concluded the school shouldn’t have been built on the “toxic plot of land,” citing an environmental assessment report released prior to its construction last year. Earlier, investigative news reports suggested that, based on groundwater samples, the level of chlorobenzene, which is used to make pesticides and is harmful to human nervous systems, livers and kidneys, exceeded national standards by more than 94,000 times.


A China Railway High-speed (CRH) Harmony bullet train travels above a river contaminated by leaked fuel, in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province​
Another report by Caixin Media further confirmed that one plant had buried toxic waste before it moved away in 2010, citing its former employees. “From this Changzhou case, it’s quite obvious that the factories were illegally dumping some hazardous wastes [be]cause those were very poisonous wastes,” said Ada Kong, Greenpeace East Asia toxics campaign manager.

Kong added the tragedy shows how “dangerously lax” China’s management of hazardous materials is as the country’s chemical industry has been loosely regulated with its use and discharge of hazardous materials. That has long caused serious problems for many local governments, which have rezoned industrial sites without knowing how much chemical waste had been discharged on site, according to Kong.

Worrying parents nationwide

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