Islamic Idiots Burn Poppies on Armistice Day


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity

But three miles across London from the Armistice Day ceremony at the Cenotaph, another face of Britain was on display. It was contorted with hatred, poisoned by politics, and fuelled by flames from a giant, burning poppy.

These were the Muslim extremists who brought shame to the memory of the dead yesterday by breaking the traditional two-minute silence with chants of ‘British soldiers burn in hell’.

Ironically, it was the freedom for which thousands fought that allowed them to stage their demonstration at the stroke of 11am – the exact moment the nation came to a halt at the Cenotaph, across the country, and after parallel services at British bases in Afghanistan.



Two faces of Armistice Day: Boy brimming with pride, fanatics burning with hate | Mail Online

Fuck off. Go back to whatever hole you came from.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yup its conformed every sigle day, islam is *Pure Evil*.
2. I say we expell islam from America, and Europe.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

Mexican army on the Hunt For Poppies In Mexico - America's Biggest Heroin Supplier...

On The Hunt For Poppies In Mexico — America's Biggest Heroin Supplier
January 14, 2018 - The Mexican army gave NPR a firsthand look at its efforts to eradicate the flowering crop that's made into heroin.
The mountains looming ahead are legendary in Mexico. "Whether it was Morelos or Zapata, any figure in Mexican history who needed to escape authorities came here to the mountains of Guerrero," says Lt. Col. Juan Jose Orzua Padilla, the Mexican army spokesman in this region. Today, it's not revolutionaries skulking through this formidable southern section of the Sierra Madre mountains — it's heroin traffickers. Mexico's southwestern Guerrero state is now the top source of heroin for the American drug epidemic, which resulted in more than 64,000 overdose deaths in 2016, mostly from heroin or other opioids. The Drug Enforcement Administration says 93 percent of heroin analyzed by the agency in 2015 came from Mexico, more than double the amount from five years before. The Mexican army gave NPR reporters a firsthand look at its efforts to eradicate poppy — the flowering plant that's a raw material for making heroin.


Guerrero, Mexico is located in the southwest region of Mexico.​

Mexico has the third largest area under poppy cultivation in the world, after Afghanistan and Myanmar, according to a 2017 United Nations report based on estimates from 2015. By 2016, Mexican poppy cultivation had potentially grown more than three times the national amount estimated in 2013, according to the DEA. "You get up into the mountains and look around the hillsides and there are poppy fields everywhere," says Orzua from an army pickup rumbling over winding dirt roads. Guerrero is a heroin hub not only because its mountains are inaccessible. But also, Orzua explains that the high elevations catching warm, humid air from the Pacific coast are ideal for growing high-quality poppy. The poppy plants — which bloom beautiful, deep-red flowers just before harvest — have changed with agricultural enhancements over the last few years, says Orzua.They are now shorter and each plant can carry up to 10 bulbs from which opium paste is extracted. Harvest time is now as many as three times a year, instead of two previously. Poppy fields are both more productive and more potent in Guerrero. "But this is nothing to be proud of," he adds solemnly.

Soon, a few poppy fields spread before the army convoy. The red flowers stick out next to a dead corn field at one end, peach and mango trees at the other. "This is just a distraction field," Orzua says. It's meant to occupy soldiers with destroying less productive fields instead of the best producers, higher up in the mountains. But they're here and have orders to destroy all poppy they come across. A handful of troops begin reconnaissance in the area, tiptoeing among the poppies, rifles at the ready. As the heroin business has boomed, driven by strong demand in the U.S., Guerrero has consistently been one of Mexico's most violent states. The U.S. State Department listed it as a "Do Not Travel" zone in its recent travel advisory. At least 15 cartels operate in these mountains, using brutal tactics to get a slice of trade. But in these fields, the only other person in sight is a farmer up the hill tending to his mango trees. The nearest town is 30 minutes down a winding dirt road.


Isai Bello grew up in the U.S. states of Nevada and California and later lived in South Carolina. When he moved back to his family's home state of Guerrero, Mexico, joining the military was the best way to make a clean living, he says. He earns about $30 per day eradicating poppies for the army.​

The poppy field has recently been tapped: The bulbs bear horizontal slices made by harvesters. Sticky white liquid seeps out of the incisions. After solidifying and oxidizing for a few hours, it's scraped off. That opium paste then gets trucked by cartels to their hidden mountain labs where it's processed into heroin. The soldiers here — all men in their late teens or early 20s, mostly locals from Guerrero — throw their automatic rifles behind their back and pull out machetes. They hack away at the poppy and pile it into a giant pyre. Fumigation is the top method for the army's poppy elimination. In this little valley, however, the soldiers are killing off the plants by hand, rather than spraying harsh chemicals. Orzua says they don't want to ruin the fruits and vegetables local farmers eat to survive. At the top of the heroin supply chain are largely poor farmers hoping to sell opium paste to cartels. This 2-acre poppy plot could earn a farmer roughly $750 per harvest, half that in a bad year. The best farmers can harvest three times each year. But once it's processed into heroin, its price multiplies and will yield tens of thousands of dollars in the U.S. "The farmers are the ones who get exploited most. But if they aren't offered a better alternative, they'll just keep returning to poppy," Orzua says. "I'm not justifying it, I just understand their needs."


But three miles across London from the Armistice Day ceremony at the Cenotaph, another face of Britain was on display. It was contorted with hatred, poisoned by politics, and fuelled by flames from a giant, burning poppy.

These were the Muslim extremists who brought shame to the memory of the dead yesterday by breaking the traditional two-minute silence with chants of ‘British soldiers burn in hell’.

Ironically, it was the freedom for which thousands fought that allowed them to stage their demonstration at the stroke of 11am – the exact moment the nation came to a halt at the Cenotaph, across the country, and after parallel services at British bases in Afghanistan.



Two faces of Armistice Day: Boy brimming with pride, fanatics burning with hate | Mail Online

Fuck off. Go back to whatever hole you came from.

the penalty for burning symbols such a the memorial poppies should be the same as the
penalty for public burning or "defilement" of a Koran. The penalty should be determined
by WHAT HAPPENED to people in the past who burned korans

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