Is Zionism a sophisticated Hegelian Dialectic?

In reality Hitler initially was a friend of the Jews.

Until they started up trouble and stabbed Germany in the back.

Hey look! Another idiot who never read Mein Kampf!

Hitler saw mass migration of Jews to Palestine as one possible solution to his "Jew problem."

From Lennni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of Dictators":

"Hitler’s view of the Jews and the Jewish problem is sharply expressed in Mein Kampf. He goes to great lengths to demonstrate that his Jew-hatred was quite reasonable, that it flowed from experience and the logical inferences to be drawn from clear evidence.

"He always insisted that his first thoughts towards the Jews were all benign.

"His father, 'the old gentleman', looked upon anti-Semitism as a left-over religious prejudice and so, we are told, did the enlightened young Adolf. It was only after his mother died, and he moved from provincial Linz to Vienna, that Hitler found occasion to question the glib assumptions of his youth.

"For there he wandered through the old inner city and encountered a Galician Hasid, 'an apparition in a black caftan and black hair locks. Is this a Jew? was my first thought.' But the more he thought about what he had seen, the more his question assumed a new form: 'Is this a German?' [1]

It is in the context of his earliest ruminations on what was, for him, the central question of existence that he introduced Zionism into his opus.

"'And whatever doubts I may still have nourished were finally dispelled by the attitude of a portion of the Jews themselves. Among them there was a great movement, quite extensive in Vienna, which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the Zionists.'"

Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Chap. 7)

Extracts From Mein Kampf by Hitler

...The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands.
Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord [p. 60].

...To what an extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. They are based on a forgery, the Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that they are authentic... For once this book has become the common property of a people, the Jewish menace may be considered as broken [p. 279].

...His unfailing instinct in such things scents the original soul (die urspruengliche Seele) in everyone, and his hostility is assured to anyone who is not spirit of his spirit. Since the Jew is not the attacked but the attacker, not only anyone who attacks passes as his enemy, but also anyone who resists him. But the means with which he seeks to break such reckless but upright souls is not honest warfare, but lies and slander.

Here he stops at nothing, and in his vileness he becomes so gigantic that no one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.

The ignorance of the broad masses about the inner nature of the Jew, the lack of instinct and narrow-mindedness of our upper classes, make the people an easy victim for this Jewish campaign of lies.

While from innate cowardice the upper classes turn away from a man whom the Jew attacks with lies and slander, the broad masses from stupidity or simplicity believe everything. The state authorities either cloak themselves in silence or, what usually happens, in order to put an end to the Jewish press campaign, they persecute the unjustly attacked, which, in the eyes of such an official ass, passes as the preservation of state authority and the safeguarding of law and order.
Slowly fear and the Marxist weapon of Jewry descend like a nightmare on the mind and soul of decent people.

They begin to tremble before the terrible enemy and thus have become his final victim.
The Jews domination in the state seems so assured that now not only can he call himself a Jew again, but he ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs. A section of his race openly owns itself to be a foreign people, yet even here they lie. For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesnt even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, Frenchman, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.

How close they see approaching victory can be seen by the hideous aspect which their relations with the members of other peoples takes on.

With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.

For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone.
And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals.

And in politics he begins to replace the idea of democracy by the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In the organized mass of Marxism he has found the weapon which lets him dispense with democracy and in its stead allows him to subjugate and govern the peoples with a dictatorial and brutal fist.

He works systematically for revolutionization in a twofold sense: economic and political.

Around peoples who offer too violent a resistance to attack from within he weaves a net of enemies, thanks to his international influence, incites them to war, and finally, if necessary, plants a flag of revolution on the very battlefields.

In economics he undermines the states until the social enterprises which have become unprofitable are taken from the state and subjected to his financial control.
In the political field he refuses the state the means for its self-preservation, destroys the foundations of all national self-maintenance and defense, destroys faith in the leadership, scoffs at its history and past, and drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.

Culturally, he contaminates art, literature, the theater, makes a mockery of natural feeling, overthrows all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drags men down into the sphere of his own base nature.

Religion is ridiculed, ethics and morality represented as outmoded, until the last props of a nation in its struggle for existence in this world have fallen.

Now begins the great last revolution. In gaining political power the Jew casts off the few cloaks that he still wears. The democratic peoples Jew becomes the blood-Jew and tyrant over peoples. In a few years he tries to exterminate the national intelligentsia and by robbing the peoples of their natural intellectual leadership makes them ripe for the slaves lot of permanent subjugation.

The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people.

The end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the vampire sooner or later dies too [pp. 293-296].


I don't think he is a Jew hater.

But he does bring up a lot of good points.

Says the anti-Semite. Who gives a damn what you think anyhow? YOU SUCK.

I am not the least bit anti-semitic or have anything against the regular Jewish people.

I am only against the illegal state of Israel and the Zionist that rule there.



"When the Zionists do it, that means it is not illegal."

Harry S. Truman

Says the anti-Semite. Who gives a damn what you think anyhow? YOU SUCK.

I am not the least bit anti-semitic or have anything against the regular Jewish people.

I am only against the illegal state of Israel and the Zionist that rule there.

Big difference. :cool:


[quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man]
I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles

WHOA..:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a fucked up person!! WOW
Shouldn't this be in the conspriacy room with the rest of the nuts?

You always think any criticism of Israel or the Zionist should be put in the conspiracy forum.

In the hope that the truth will be hidden from the public. :doubt:

Um yeah!

When do you start quoting from the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Another book you like to mention but have never read.

Several years ago I kept hearing about it so I went out and bought my own copy to read.

I don't know if it is a fictional work or not.

But it definitely lays out the Jewish Zionist agenda for world domination.

And their distain and hatred for non-Jewish goyim. :doubt:
Says the anti-Semite. Who gives a damn what you think anyhow? YOU SUCK.

I am not the least bit anti-semitic or have anything against the regular Jewish people.

I am only against the illegal state of Israel and the Zionist that rule there.



"When the Zionists do it, that means it is not illegal."

Harry S. Truman

"Sometime in the late 1950s, that world-class gossip and occasional historian, John F. Kennedy, told me how, in 1948, Harry S. Truman had been pretty much abandoned by everyone when he came to run for president.

"Then an American Zionist brought him two million dollars in cash, in a suitcase, aboard his whistle-stop campaign train. 'That's why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast.'

"As neither Jack nor I was an antisemite (unlike his father and my grandfather) we took this to be just another funny story about Truman and the serene corruption of American politics."

Harry had a couple of million good reasons to feel that way.

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years
I am not the least bit anti-semitic or have anything against the regular Jewish people.

I am only against the illegal state of Israel and the Zionist that rule there.

Big difference. :cool:


[quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man]
I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles

WHOA..:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a fucked up person!! WOW

At least I laid out a possible solution for the protection of the Jews.

If you have a better one and then please lay it out.

History has shown that the Jews will sometime in the future be again persecuted.

I propose isolation of them as a way to stop the cycle of hate and prejudice.

Do you have a better solution??
Hey look! Another idiot who never read Mein Kampf!

Hitler saw mass migration of Jews to Palestine as one possible solution to his "Jew problem."

From Lennni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of Dictators":

"Hitler’s view of the Jews and the Jewish problem is sharply expressed in Mein Kampf. He goes to great lengths to demonstrate that his Jew-hatred was quite reasonable, that it flowed from experience and the logical inferences to be drawn from clear evidence.

"He always insisted that his first thoughts towards the Jews were all benign.

"His father, 'the old gentleman', looked upon anti-Semitism as a left-over religious prejudice and so, we are told, did the enlightened young Adolf. It was only after his mother died, and he moved from provincial Linz to Vienna, that Hitler found occasion to question the glib assumptions of his youth.

"For there he wandered through the old inner city and encountered a Galician Hasid, 'an apparition in a black caftan and black hair locks. Is this a Jew? was my first thought.' But the more he thought about what he had seen, the more his question assumed a new form: 'Is this a German?' [1]

It is in the context of his earliest ruminations on what was, for him, the central question of existence that he introduced Zionism into his opus.

"'And whatever doubts I may still have nourished were finally dispelled by the attitude of a portion of the Jews themselves. Among them there was a great movement, quite extensive in Vienna, which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the Zionists.'"

Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Chap. 7)

Extracts From Mein Kampf by Hitler

...The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands.
Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord [p. 60].

...To what an extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. They are based on a forgery, the Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that they are authentic... For once this book has become the common property of a people, the Jewish menace may be considered as broken [p. 279].

...His unfailing instinct in such things scents the original soul (die urspruengliche Seele) in everyone, and his hostility is assured to anyone who is not spirit of his spirit. Since the Jew is not the attacked but the attacker, not only anyone who attacks passes as his enemy, but also anyone who resists him. But the means with which he seeks to break such reckless but upright souls is not honest warfare, but lies and slander.

Here he stops at nothing, and in his vileness he becomes so gigantic that no one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.

The ignorance of the broad masses about the inner nature of the Jew, the lack of instinct and narrow-mindedness of our upper classes, make the people an easy victim for this Jewish campaign of lies.

While from innate cowardice the upper classes turn away from a man whom the Jew attacks with lies and slander, the broad masses from stupidity or simplicity believe everything. The state authorities either cloak themselves in silence or, what usually happens, in order to put an end to the Jewish press campaign, they persecute the unjustly attacked, which, in the eyes of such an official ass, passes as the preservation of state authority and the safeguarding of law and order.
Slowly fear and the Marxist weapon of Jewry descend like a nightmare on the mind and soul of decent people.

They begin to tremble before the terrible enemy and thus have become his final victim.
The Jews domination in the state seems so assured that now not only can he call himself a Jew again, but he ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs. A section of his race openly owns itself to be a foreign people, yet even here they lie. For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesnt even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, Frenchman, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.

How close they see approaching victory can be seen by the hideous aspect which their relations with the members of other peoples takes on.

With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.

For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone.
And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals.

And in politics he begins to replace the idea of democracy by the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In the organized mass of Marxism he has found the weapon which lets him dispense with democracy and in its stead allows him to subjugate and govern the peoples with a dictatorial and brutal fist.

He works systematically for revolutionization in a twofold sense: economic and political.

Around peoples who offer too violent a resistance to attack from within he weaves a net of enemies, thanks to his international influence, incites them to war, and finally, if necessary, plants a flag of revolution on the very battlefields.

In economics he undermines the states until the social enterprises which have become unprofitable are taken from the state and subjected to his financial control.
In the political field he refuses the state the means for its self-preservation, destroys the foundations of all national self-maintenance and defense, destroys faith in the leadership, scoffs at its history and past, and drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.

Culturally, he contaminates art, literature, the theater, makes a mockery of natural feeling, overthrows all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drags men down into the sphere of his own base nature.

Religion is ridiculed, ethics and morality represented as outmoded, until the last props of a nation in its struggle for existence in this world have fallen.

Now begins the great last revolution. In gaining political power the Jew casts off the few cloaks that he still wears. The democratic peoples Jew becomes the blood-Jew and tyrant over peoples. In a few years he tries to exterminate the national intelligentsia and by robbing the peoples of their natural intellectual leadership makes them ripe for the slaves lot of permanent subjugation.

The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people.

The end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the vampire sooner or later dies too [pp. 293-296].

Extracts From Mein Kampf by Hitler


Prior to the Balfour Declaration, Germany's defeat in WWI and the Weimar revolution any prospect of a revived Jewish state must have seemed remote to Hitler:

"In 1919 Hitler joined the tiny National Socialists and became their inspired beer-hall rabblerouser, but the dominant ideologist on the finer points of the Jewish question was the Baltic German refugee Alfred Rosenberg, who had developed his theories while still in his native Estonia.

"By 19l9 Rosenberg had already explained Zionism in his book, Die Spur des Juden im Wandel der Zeiten (The Trace of the Jews in the Wanderings of Time) It was just another Jewish hustle; the Zionists only wanted to create a hide-out for the international Jewish conspiracy...

"Hitler soon began to touch on these themes in his talks, and on 6 July 1920 he proclaimed that Palestine was the proper place for the Jews and that only there could they hope to get their rights."

Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Chap. 7)

WHOA..:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a fucked up person!! WOW

At least I laid out a possible solution for the protection of the Jews.

If you have a better one and then please lay it out.

History has shown that the Jews will sometime in the future be again persecuted.

I propose isolation of them as a way to stop the cycle of hate and prejudice.

Do you have a better solution??

Yea I do.. How about we take your skank azz and all the other jew-hating BIGOTS and dump you all on a Leper Colony where you can slowly rot being you're already TRASH on the inside. How's that for a better solution?! You're a sick fuck!
I am not the least bit anti-semitic or have anything against the regular Jewish people.

I am only against the illegal state of Israel and the Zionist that rule there.

Big difference. :cool:


[quote: Originally Posted by Sunni Man]
I am not anti-semitic at all.

And actually worry that people will finally get fed up with the Jews and cause them harm.

History has shown this to be the case over and over;

as Jews have been killed and driven out of countless countries throughout history.

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles

WHOA..:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a fucked up person!! WOW

Sunniman at one time had Minnie Mouse in a burkah as his avatar.

When I asked him about it, he explained that "eventually" all American women would wear one.

He claims otherwise, but he is your basic Sharia law islamofascists, and I tell him what Michelle Malkin and all American women should tell sharia men that are so insecure about their penises they have to cover up women in slave garb:

9/11 pledge: “I will not submit”


It's 92 degrees in Central Ohio today. Let's all wear a bikini in celebration of the freedoms we enjoy in this country on SunniMan!

You always think any criticism of Israel or the Zionist should be put in the conspiracy forum.

In the hope that the truth will be hidden from the public. :doubt:

Um yeah!

When do you start quoting from the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Another book you like to mention but have never read.

Several years ago I kept hearing about it so I went out and bought my own copy to read.

I don't know if it is a fictional work or not.

But it definitely lays out the Jewish Zionist agenda for world domination.

And their distain and hatred for non-Jewish goyim. :doubt:

I hate to break it to you but the Protocols of the Elders of Zion IS A FRAUD.

Figures YOU believe it!


WHOA..:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a fucked up person!! WOW

At least I laid out a possible solution for the protection of the Jews.

If you have a better one and then please lay it out.

History has shown that the Jews will sometime in the future be again persecuted.

I propose isolation of them as a way to stop the cycle of hate and prejudice.

Do you have a better solution??

Yeah, how about we all put the muslims into a de-militarized play-pen until they learn to behave like civilized beings and stop trying to kill "The Great Satan?"

It makes about as much sense as your solution, but I bet you won't go for it.


WHOA..:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a fucked up person!! WOW

Sunniman at one time had Minnie Mouse in a burkah as his avatar.

When I asked him about it, he explained that "eventually" all American women would wear one.

He claims otherwise, but he is your basic Sharia law islamofascists, and I tell him what Michelle Malkin and all American women should tell sharia men that are so insecure about their penises they have to cover up women in slave garb:

9/11 pledge: “I will not submit”


It's 92 degrees in Central Ohio today. Let's all wear a bikini in celebration of the freedoms we enjoy in this country on SunniMan!


WRONG.. NO American woman will ever be caught wearing those fucked up MoiMois.. He can wear it his damn self being he's so obsessed with Burkah fashion.
Hitler saw mass migration of Jews to Palestine as one possible solution to his "Jew problem."

From Lennni Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of Dictators":

"Hitler’s view of the Jews and the Jewish problem is sharply expressed in Mein Kampf. He goes to great lengths to demonstrate that his Jew-hatred was quite reasonable, that it flowed from experience and the logical inferences to be drawn from clear evidence.

"He always insisted that his first thoughts towards the Jews were all benign.

"His father, 'the old gentleman', looked upon anti-Semitism as a left-over religious prejudice and so, we are told, did the enlightened young Adolf. It was only after his mother died, and he moved from provincial Linz to Vienna, that Hitler found occasion to question the glib assumptions of his youth.

"For there he wandered through the old inner city and encountered a Galician Hasid, 'an apparition in a black caftan and black hair locks. Is this a Jew? was my first thought.' But the more he thought about what he had seen, the more his question assumed a new form: 'Is this a German?' [1]

It is in the context of his earliest ruminations on what was, for him, the central question of existence that he introduced Zionism into his opus.

"'And whatever doubts I may still have nourished were finally dispelled by the attitude of a portion of the Jews themselves. Among them there was a great movement, quite extensive in Vienna, which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the Zionists.'"

Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Chap. 7)

Extracts From Mein Kampf by Hitler

...The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men.

Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands.
Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord [p. 60].

...To what an extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. They are based on a forgery, the Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that they are authentic... For once this book has become the common property of a people, the Jewish menace may be considered as broken [p. 279].

...His unfailing instinct in such things scents the original soul (die urspruengliche Seele) in everyone, and his hostility is assured to anyone who is not spirit of his spirit. Since the Jew is not the attacked but the attacker, not only anyone who attacks passes as his enemy, but also anyone who resists him. But the means with which he seeks to break such reckless but upright souls is not honest warfare, but lies and slander.

Here he stops at nothing, and in his vileness he becomes so gigantic that no one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.

The ignorance of the broad masses about the inner nature of the Jew, the lack of instinct and narrow-mindedness of our upper classes, make the people an easy victim for this Jewish campaign of lies.

While from innate cowardice the upper classes turn away from a man whom the Jew attacks with lies and slander, the broad masses from stupidity or simplicity believe everything. The state authorities either cloak themselves in silence or, what usually happens, in order to put an end to the Jewish press campaign, they persecute the unjustly attacked, which, in the eyes of such an official ass, passes as the preservation of state authority and the safeguarding of law and order.
Slowly fear and the Marxist weapon of Jewry descend like a nightmare on the mind and soul of decent people.

They begin to tremble before the terrible enemy and thus have become his final victim.
The Jews domination in the state seems so assured that now not only can he call himself a Jew again, but he ruthlessly admits his ultimate national and political designs. A section of his race openly owns itself to be a foreign people, yet even here they lie. For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesnt even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

It is a sign of their rising confidence and sense of security that at a time when one section is still playing the German, Frenchman, or Englishman, the other with open effrontery comes out as the Jewish race.

How close they see approaching victory can be seen by the hideous aspect which their relations with the members of other peoples takes on.

With satanic joy in his face, the black-haired Jewish youth lurks in wait for the unsuspecting girl whom he defiles with his blood, thus stealing her from her people. With every means he tries to destroy the racial foundations of the people he has set out to subjugate. Just as he himself systematically ruins women and girls, he does not shrink back from pulling down the blood barriers for others, even on a large scale. It was and it is Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.

For a racially pure people which is conscious of its blood can never be enslaved by the Jew. In this world he will forever be master over bastards and bastards alone.
And so he tries systematically to lower the racial level by a continuous poisoning of individuals.

And in politics he begins to replace the idea of democracy by the dictatorship of the proletariat.

In the organized mass of Marxism he has found the weapon which lets him dispense with democracy and in its stead allows him to subjugate and govern the peoples with a dictatorial and brutal fist.

He works systematically for revolutionization in a twofold sense: economic and political.

Around peoples who offer too violent a resistance to attack from within he weaves a net of enemies, thanks to his international influence, incites them to war, and finally, if necessary, plants a flag of revolution on the very battlefields.

In economics he undermines the states until the social enterprises which have become unprofitable are taken from the state and subjected to his financial control.
In the political field he refuses the state the means for its self-preservation, destroys the foundations of all national self-maintenance and defense, destroys faith in the leadership, scoffs at its history and past, and drags everything that is truly great into the gutter.

Culturally, he contaminates art, literature, the theater, makes a mockery of natural feeling, overthrows all concepts of beauty and sublimity, of the noble and the good, and instead drags men down into the sphere of his own base nature.

Religion is ridiculed, ethics and morality represented as outmoded, until the last props of a nation in its struggle for existence in this world have fallen.

Now begins the great last revolution. In gaining political power the Jew casts off the few cloaks that he still wears. The democratic peoples Jew becomes the blood-Jew and tyrant over peoples. In a few years he tries to exterminate the national intelligentsia and by robbing the peoples of their natural intellectual leadership makes them ripe for the slaves lot of permanent subjugation.

The most frightful example of this kind is offered by Russia, where he killed or starved about thirty million people with positively fanatical savagery, in part amid inhuman tortures, in order to give a gang of Jewish journalists and stock exchange bandits domination over a great people.

The end is not only the end of the freedom of the peoples oppressed by the Jew, but also the end of this parasite upon the nations. After the death of his victim, the vampire sooner or later dies too [pp. 293-296].

Extracts From Mein Kampf by Hitler


Prior to the Balfour Declaration, Germany's defeat in WWI and the Weimar revolution any prospect of a revived Jewish state must have seemed remote to Hitler:

"In 1919 Hitler joined the tiny National Socialists and became their inspired beer-hall rabblerouser, but the dominant ideologist on the finer points of the Jewish question was the Baltic German refugee Alfred Rosenberg, who had developed his theories while still in his native Estonia.

"By 19l9 Rosenberg had already explained Zionism in his book, Die Spur des Juden im Wandel der Zeiten (The Trace of the Jews in the Wanderings of Time) It was just another Jewish hustle; the Zionists only wanted to create a hide-out for the international Jewish conspiracy...

"Hitler soon began to touch on these themes in his talks, and on 6 July 1920 he proclaimed that Palestine was the proper place for the Jews and that only there could they hope to get their rights."

Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (Chap. 7)

I'm sorry but your BS website is trumped BY HITLER'S OWN WORDS!


The Zionist claim that it is a fraud.

But if you would ever read it.

You would quickly see that its predictions and agenda are coming to pass very quickly.
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WHOA..:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a fucked up person!! WOW

Sunniman at one time had Minnie Mouse in a burkah as his avatar.

When I asked him about it, he explained that "eventually" all American women would wear one.

He claims otherwise, but he is your basic Sharia law islamofascists, and I tell him what Michelle Malkin and all American women should tell sharia men that are so insecure about their penises they have to cover up women in slave garb:

9/11 pledge: “I will not submit”


It's 92 degrees in Central Ohio today. Let's all wear a bikini in celebration of the freedoms we enjoy in this country on SunniMan!


WRONG.. NO American woman will ever be caught wearing those fucked up MoiMois.. He can wear it his damn self being he's so obsessed with Burkah fashion.

I always feel sorry for all those women I see in my neighborhood or at Walmart wearing those damn things, in the summer.

You know their husbands are forcing them to wear them, and we have heard of the honor killings when they won't wear a "hajib."

I'll die first before I wear one. Especially in Ohio humidity! I can't STAND being hot.
WHOA..:cuckoo::cuckoo: What a fucked up person!! WOW

Sunniman at one time had Minnie Mouse in a burkah as his avatar.

When I asked him about it, he explained that "eventually" all American women would wear one.

He claims otherwise, but he is your basic Sharia law islamofascists, and I tell him what Michelle Malkin and all American women should tell sharia men that are so insecure about their penises they have to cover up women in slave garb:

9/11 pledge: “I will not submit”


It's 92 degrees in Central Ohio today. Let's all wear a bikini in celebration of the freedoms we enjoy in this country on SunniMan!


WRONG.. NO American woman will ever be caught wearing those fucked up MoiMois.. He can wear it his damn self being he's so obsessed with Burkah fashion.


We have dozens of American women converts to Islam at our mosque that wear them every day.
Sunniman at one time had Minnie Mouse in a burkah as his avatar.

When I asked him about it, he explained that "eventually" all American women would wear one.

He claims otherwise, but he is your basic Sharia law islamofascists, and I tell him what Michelle Malkin and all American women should tell sharia men that are so insecure about their penises they have to cover up women in slave garb:

9/11 pledge: “I will not submit”


It's 92 degrees in Central Ohio today. Let's all wear a bikini in celebration of the freedoms we enjoy in this country on SunniMan!


WRONG.. NO American woman will ever be caught wearing those fucked up MoiMois.. He can wear it his damn self being he's so obsessed with Burkah fashion.

I always feel sorry for all those women I see in my neighborhood or at Walmart wearing those damn things, in the summer.

You know their husbands are forcing them to wear them, and we have heard of the honor killings when they won't wear a "hajib."

I'll die first before I wear one. Especially in Ohio humidity! I can't STAND being hot.

I know.. I feel the same way! I've read about women being stoned to death for blinking wrong.. young girls being tortured to death for being teenagers.. ISLAM promotes a culture of death and destruction treating women lower than dogs.. I believe men actually think women are lower than dogs. I read where women walk behind their "Master," cannot look a man in the eyes, sit in the backseat, eat seperately.. What a bunch of loons these woman hating bigots are.
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Sunniman at one time had Minnie Mouse in a burkah as his avatar.

When I asked him about it, he explained that "eventually" all American women would wear one.

He claims otherwise, but he is your basic Sharia law islamofascists, and I tell him what Michelle Malkin and all American women should tell sharia men that are so insecure about their penises they have to cover up women in slave garb:

9/11 pledge: “I will not submit”


It's 92 degrees in Central Ohio today. Let's all wear a bikini in celebration of the freedoms we enjoy in this country on SunniMan!


WRONG.. NO American woman will ever be caught wearing those fucked up MoiMois.. He can wear it his damn self being he's so obsessed with Burkah fashion.


We have dozens of American women converts to Islam at our mosque that wear them every day.

I said American women, NOT BRAIN-DEAD ROBOTS.

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