Is your laptop cooking your gonads?

yeah, gamers are notorious for playing their video games with their laptops balanced on their laps.

as are the porn users.

Hit a Gonad Nerve, did she?... :lol:



no, she did hit another nerve.

my gonad nerves are fried. from sitting on the couch with my laptop while scavenging the right wing blogosphere for gossip while watching foxnews.
I'm not here to entertain you Mr. Numb Nuts. I'm only here for myself. And right now I am LMAO. (ok maybe just CMTM (chuckling mildly to myself).

Chanel's Tip of the Day: Don't eat the corn flakes.
I have no idea what you're talking about, but I imagine many of those basement dwellers are surfing porn on their sofa's while watching the Cartoon Network. Perhaps we need a larger study. :lol:

i am talking about the group which is probably most endangered by the heat of laptops to the scrotum.

this would be the group of computer users who actually own a laptop and use them on their laps for extended times.

you are just trying to slam a group and try to feel superior that way.

i think you should install ubuntu.

It isn't good for most laptops either, on your lap you block the air vents in many models.
Same goes with having it on your bed. This makes the processor run at constantly higher temperature - shortening the life significantly. In fact I read on slashdot once that 70% of all laptop failures are due to heating issues.
Laptops are not meant for your lap.
It's actually the other way around for me. I surf so much porn in my mom's basement that my gonads have actually been cooking my laptop via my
masquerade said:
hot thick sticky goodness

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