Is veganism a creed?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Vegan firefighter from Canada claims meal choices offered to him during wildfire violated his human rights

During a 10-day period in July 2017, Adam Knauff was one of 1,000 Canadian firefighters who helped fight a raging wildfire in British Columbia. Now, he says that a lack of vegan meal options offered to him during the conflagration was a human rights violation.

Knauff filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario against the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry over his treatment during and suspension following a wildfire near Williams' Lake almost two years ago, the National Post reported.

"The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry discriminated against me and failed to accommodate my sincerely held ethical beliefs (creed) when it failed to provide me with food that accommodated my personal commitment to ethical veganism," Knauff claimed in his complaint to the tribunal, "and then disciplined me and suspended me because I attempted to assert my right to accommodation of that sincerely held ethical belief."

Knauff's case hinges on his assertion that veganism is more than a simple dietary choice for him, explaining that it is also a conscientious one and thereby deserving of government protection as a "creed."

"I am an ethical vegan in that I not only follow a vegan diet, but I extend the philosophy of non-consumption of animal products to all other areas of my life," he said.

When Knauff arrived to assist with the fire in mid-July 2017, around 10,000 nearby homes had been evacuated and the only nearby store was a Time Horton's restaurant that was being partially operated, the complaint says.

"On some days during my deployment to Williams Lake, I was not provided with any food that was vegan or not otherwise contaminated with animal products, and therefore forced to go hungry," even though he had filled out a food information form regarding his diet, he wrote.

Knauff went on to say that "After working 16-hour days for four days with inadequate nutrition I began to feel physically ill and mentally groggy." He later complained that his only source of protein for one meal was a "single black bean."

Things escalated a few days later when Knauff admitted that he swore at a cook who handled beef patties and vegan patties with the same set of gloves and got a warning from his supervisor.

"No one seemed to take my ethical beliefs seriously," Knauff wrote in the complaint.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry responded with a denial of Knauff's claims of human rights violations and discrimination and said the firefighter was sent home and suspended three days without pay due to his "inappropriate, insubordinate, unprofessional and aggressive behaviour," the National Post reported.

The ministry also argued that "vegan status is a sincerely held lifestyle choice, but does not meet the legal definition of creed."

Knauff also denied the ministry's claim that he threw food at staff.

In 2015, the Ontario Human Rights Commission changed its policies to include non-religious beliefs in the legal definition of a "creed," but later clarified that the updated policy "does not say one way or the other whether ethical veganism is a creed."

Factors to determine whether or not a belief qualifies as a "creed," the commission explained, are whether the belief is sincerely and deeply-held, "integrally linked to a person's identity," and addresses "ultimate questions of human existence."
Snowflake of the year candidate.

Or just trying to strike it rich and retire early.

Considering the Left wing fanaticism within Canada, it may be a pretty good bet he will be rich.
Let's see if I got this right. If you don't eat animal products, you are a vegetarian which means if you also made a living treating sick animals you would be a veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were 80 years old you would be an octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were a Protestant who rejects the doctrine of the Trinity you would be a Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were a philanthropists who ruled your kids with an iron fist, you would be a humanitarian disciplinarian Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if by sheer chance you wore born in Hungary and your birth was not accomplished vaginally, you would be a humanitarian disciplinarian Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian, born Hungarian by cesarean. Of course, if your spouse works in a library....

Sorry, the devil made me do it.
Let's see if I got this right. If you don't eat animal products, you are a vegetarian which means if you also made a living treating sick animals you would be a veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were 80 years old you would be an octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were a Protestant who rejects the doctrine of the Trinity you would be a Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if you were a philanthropists who ruled your kids with an iron fist, you would be a humanitarian disciplinarian Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian. And if by sheer chance you wore born in Hungary and your birth was not accomplished vaginally, you would be a humanitarian disciplinarian Unitarian octogenarian veterinarian vegetarian, born Hungarian by cesarean. Of course, if your spouse works in a library....

Sorry, the devil made me do it.
Nice, but he is a vegan..which is more extreme than a vegetarian...and if you were a cannibal veterinarian....
"Things escalated a few days later when Knauff admitted that he swore at a cook who handled beef patties and vegan patties with the same set of gloves and got a warning from his supervisor."


That's just neurotic. The guy needs a shrink.
It could be, but for the record, if you go long enough without eating meat and dairy, then your body's flora gets altered so suddenly eating meat can cause major gastro upset when reintroduced. We wouldn't a fireman with the flaming trots in the woods.
It's not a religion, but it's an ethical position. Not a diet. As a vegan, I'd say that it's like a paradigm shift... an entirely different way of looking at the world. For me it was definitely one of the best decisions I ever made. (In the top two.)

Don't get me started. ;)
I like a nice salad but I like it with a porterhouse steak and a baked potato.

Vegan??? No thanks. You can't get all you need from just eating veggies.

Good luck to the Canadian firefighter. Not like someone is going to provide a vegan dinner while fighting a fire. The dumb fuck should have brought his own.
"I am an ethical vegan in that I not only follow a vegan diet, but I extend the philosophy of non-consumption of animal products to all other areas of my life," he said.

Shame he didn't have as strong of convictions about wildfire consuming homo sapiens.
It's not a religion, but it's an ethical position. Not a diet.

Anything can be cast as an "ethical position." Sodas make you fat, the body is a temple, boom! Opposition to soda is now an ethical position. But at the end of the day, it's still really just a dietary choice.

Don't get me started. ;)

Oh Heaven forbid you should ever be challenged to justify your claims instead of simply having people bow down in worship of your righteousness!
It's not a religion, but it's an ethical position. Not a diet.

Anything can be cast as an "ethical position." Sodas make you fat, the body is a temple, boom! Opposition to soda is now an ethical position. But at the end of the day, it's still really just a dietary choice.

Don't get me started. ;)

Oh Heaven forbid you should ever be challenged to justify your claims instead of simply having people bow down in worship of your righteousness!

Um, wtf? When I said don't get me started, I was joking, I was basically saying that once I get going on this topic, I might talk your ear off. Why so hostile and presumptuous?
Veganism is the stupidest, most arrogant, anti-science, despicable eating disorder of all time. It is an ABSOLUTE of the mammal family that ALL of us thrive on dairy, we are fucking designed to consume it, our mammalian cells thrive on it, our own women's bodies produce it!

Of course, depriving one's brain of animal proteins causes serious mental problems which escalates the vegan psychosis in a rolling snowballing effect. The brain is the fattiest, greasiest organ in the human body; if early cavemen hadn't started eating meat, giving them giant bursts of animal proteins and fats, their brains would never have grown more and more complex to achieve the sentience we have today.

I'll tell you something else about this vegan assholery: I have never seen, nor does there exist, a healthy-looking vegan. They universally have a grayish complexion and sunken eyes. They always look haggard and wasted away.
Veganism is the stupidest, most arrogant, anti-science, despicable eating disorder of all time. It is an ABSOLUTE of the mammal family that ALL of us thrive on dairy, we are fucking designed to consume it, our mammalian cells thrive on it, our own women's bodies produce it!

Of course, depriving one's brain of animal proteins causes serious mental problems which escalates the vegan psychosis in a rolling snowballing effect. The brain is the fattiest, greasiest organ in the human body; if early cavemen hadn't started eating meat, giving them giant bursts of animal proteins and fats, their brains would never have grown more and more complex to achieve the sentience we have today.

I'll tell you something else about this vegan assholery: I have never seen, nor does there exist, a healthy-looking vegan. They universally have a grayish complexion and sunken eyes. They always look haggard and wasted away.
List of herbivorous animals - Wikipedia

Mammals (formally Mammalia) are a class of vertebrate, air-breathing animals whose females are characterized by the possession of mammary glands while both males and females are characterized by hair and/or fur, three middle ear bones used in hearing, and a neocortex region in the brain. Herbivorous mammals include:

Veganism is the stupidest, most arrogant, anti-science, despicable eating disorder of all time. It is an ABSOLUTE of the mammal family that ALL of us thrive on dairy, we are fucking designed to consume it, our mammalian cells thrive on it, our own women's bodies produce it!

Of course, depriving one's brain of animal proteins causes serious mental problems which escalates the vegan psychosis in a rolling snowballing effect. The brain is the fattiest, greasiest organ in the human body; if early cavemen hadn't started eating meat, giving them giant bursts of animal proteins and fats, their brains would never have grown more and more complex to achieve the sentience we have today.

I'll tell you something else about this vegan assholery: I have never seen, nor does there exist, a healthy-looking vegan. They universally have a grayish complexion and sunken eyes. They always look haggard and wasted away.


Being against abuse, cruelty and exploitation is such a DESPICABLE thing! How eeevul, to be for love and mercy!!!!! (And war is peace, freedom is slavery, up is down and dark is light, in your mind, evidently.)

Oh, and btw, OBVIOUSLY we are designed to drink breastmilk when we are infants. FROM OUR OWN MOTHER. Vegans are all for breastfeeding, as I've told you before. What they oppose is the disgusting, evil, completely unnecessary exploitation and cruelty that goes along with the dairy industry. So if you're going to write up a hysterical, emotional, asinine rant, at least get your facts right.
I must've posted this at least 20 times, but something tells me that the haters like "WillMunny" have never bothered to watch it.


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