Is Trump Being Unfairly Attacked About Gun Control ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Yes, President Trump has a CCW permit allowing him to carry a concealed weapon. I do too. And yes, Trump is a lifelong member of the NRA. And yes, Trump has advocated making CCW permits valid nationwide.

But what do these things have to do with shooting attacks like that in Parkland, FL ? I'd say they strongly help to STOP such attacks, by providing both a deterrent to would-be shooter-attackers, and a cure, by allowing people (teachers, administrators, etc) to stop mass shooters, before they can kill people.

As for gun control, Trump may be getting a bad rap. In his 2015 book, Crippled America (page 110-111), Trump stated >> "The Second Amendment hq beenunder attack for a long time.Throughout the years, state governments have chipped away at it, adding restrictions...Some of these restrictions obviously make sense. For example, felons and mentally ill people should not have access to guns."

Again on page 114, Trump says "We have to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental health issues. The fact that people with mental health problems can obtain guns is not right. We all agree abut that, and we have to stop it, but there are som big hurdles."

Further on in the page, Trump clarifies these "hurdles" >> "Most people with mental health problems aren't violent; they just need help..But there are people who are violent."

Here Turmp has made an important distinction that his critics on gun control may be overlooking. It's not enoug to say that mentally ill people shouldn't get guns. This is not always correct. Most mentally ill people, as Trump said, are not violent. They may be on computers 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. A mental disorder, but not violent. No reason to deny them a gun.

They may have fear of heights, or water, or spiders. All mental disorders, but not harmful and not reason to deny them their 2nd Amendment rights to defend themselves (and others).

One of the students of MSDHS spoke out against Trump very forcefully, citing Trump having vetoed an Obama gun control bill. But does this kid (or his treachers) know the specifics of that bill ? Or why it was nullified ? Maybe the nullification was to protect law-abiding citizens, and their right to bear arms, while not creating any danger to anyone.

Gun control is a tricky issue. It needs a lot of care to spek correcly about it. I say to all these students, teachers, anybody >> Look before you leap.

As for Trump, I'd suggest thoroughly examining any legislation he has worked with, and reading Chapter 11 (only 8 pages) of the book Crippled America.

They may find that Trump is a very careful supporter of gun control (in its proper way) , as is the NRA such as the support they both gave to "Project Exile" in Richmond, VA. The NRA also supported gun control bills proposed by Republican senators Grassley and Cornyn, both which were voted down by Democrats.

Examine Baby! Examine!
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Trump doesn't even read. He damn sure never wrote a book. He hired ghost writers to write a couple of books, Nobody can believe anything attributed to him anyway. Anything that was put in the book you mention was put there for political purpose, anyway..
Guns have been around longer than he has been around which makes someone else the reason why they exist in the first place. So in other words, yes, I think that he and several of our previous leaders have been unfairly attacked over the matter if they too were attacked over the matter.

God bless you always!!!

Trump doesn't even read. He damn sure never wrote a book. He hired ghost writers to write a couple of books, Nobody can believe anything attributed to him anyway. Anything that was put in the book you mention was put there for political purpose, anyway..
You just got a new teddy bear didn't you ? :biggrin:
Well, USMB liberals. You're not going to Trump bash on this one ?

Lost your talking points ? Cat got your tongues ?
How many USMB posters have read Trump's book Crippled America ? If so, what's your feeling about Chapter 11 ?
Yes, President Trump has a CCW permit allowing him to carry a concealed weapon. I do too. And yes, Trump is a lifelong member of the NRA. And yes, Trump has advocated making CCW permits valid nationwide.

But what do these things have to do with shooting attacks like that in Parkland, FL ? I'd say they strongly help to STOP such attacks, by providing both a deterrent to would-be shooter-attackers, and a cure, by allowing people (teachers, administrators, etc) to stop mass shooters, before they can kill people.

As for gun control, Trump may be getting a bad rap. In his 2015 book, Crippled America (page 110-111), Trump stated >> "The Second Amendment hq beenunder attack for a long time.Throughout the years, state governments have chipped away at it, adding restrictions...Some of these restrictions obviously make sense. For example, felons and mentally ill people should not have access to guns."

Again on page 114, Trump says "We have to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental health issues. The fact that people with mental health problems can obtain guns is not right. We all agree abut that, and we have to stop it, but there are som big hurdles."

Further on in the page, Trump clarifies these "hurdles" >> "Most people with mental health problems aren't violent; they just need help..But there are people who are violent."

Here Turmp has made an important distinction that his critics on gun control may be overlooking. It's not enoug to say that mentally ill people shouldn't get guns. This is not always correct. Most mentally ill people, as Trump said, are not violent. They may be on computers 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. A mental disorder, but not violent. No reason to deny them a gun.

They may have fear of heights, or water, or spiders. All mental disorders, but not harmful and not reason to deny them their 2nd Amendment rights to defend themselves (and others).

One of the students of MSDHS spoke out against Trump very forcefully, citing Trump having vetoed an Obama gun control bill. But does this kid (or his treachers) know the specifics of that bill ? Or why it was nullified ? Maybe the nullification was to protect law-abiding citizens, and their right to bear arms, while not creating any danger to anyone.

Gun control is a tricky issue. It needs a lot of care to spek correcly about it. I say to all these students, teachers, anybody >> Look before you leap.

As for Trump, I'd suggest thoroughly examining any legislation he has worked with, and reading Chapter 11 (only 8 pages) of the book Crippled America.

They may find that Trump is a very careful supporter of gun control (in its proper way) , as is the NRA such as the support they both gave to "Project Exile" in Richmond, VA. The NRA also supported gun control bills proposed by Republican senators Grassley and Cornyn, both which were voted down by Democrats.

Examine Baby! Examine!
Just as unfairly as you judged Clinton and obama.

What’s more telling is trump needed cue cards to remind him what to say to victims. No one believes he’s sincere anymore
Yes, President Trump has a CCW permit allowing him to carry a concealed weapon. I do too. And yes, Trump is a lifelong member of the NRA. And yes, Trump has advocated making CCW permits valid nationwide.

But what do these things have to do with shooting attacks like that in Parkland, FL ? I'd say they strongly help to STOP such attacks, by providing both a deterrent to would-be shooter-attackers, and a cure, by allowing people (teachers, administrators, etc) to stop mass shooters, before they can kill people.

As for gun control, Trump may be getting a bad rap. In his 2015 book, Crippled America (page 110-111), Trump stated >> "The Second Amendment hq beenunder attack for a long time.Throughout the years, state governments have chipped away at it, adding restrictions...Some of these restrictions obviously make sense. For example, felons and mentally ill people should not have access to guns."

Again on page 114, Trump says "We have to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental health issues. The fact that people with mental health problems can obtain guns is not right. We all agree abut that, and we have to stop it, but there are som big hurdles."

Further on in the page, Trump clarifies these "hurdles" >> "Most people with mental health problems aren't violent; they just need help..But there are people who are violent."

Here Turmp has made an important distinction that his critics on gun control may be overlooking. It's not enoug to say that mentally ill people shouldn't get guns. This is not always correct. Most mentally ill people, as Trump said, are not violent. They may be on computers 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. A mental disorder, but not violent. No reason to deny them a gun.

They may have fear of heights, or water, or spiders. All mental disorders, but not harmful and not reason to deny them their 2nd Amendment rights to defend themselves (and others).

One of the students of MSDHS spoke out against Trump very forcefully, citing Trump having vetoed an Obama gun control bill. But does this kid (or his treachers) know the specifics of that bill ? Or why it was nullified ? Maybe the nullification was to protect law-abiding citizens, and their right to bear arms, while not creating any danger to anyone.

Gun control is a tricky issue. It needs a lot of care to spek correcly about it. I say to all these students, teachers, anybody >> Look before you leap.

As for Trump, I'd suggest thoroughly examining any legislation he has worked with, and reading Chapter 11 (only 8 pages) of the book Crippled America.

They may find that Trump is a very careful supporter of gun control (in its proper way) , as is the NRA such as the support they both gave to "Project Exile" in Richmond, VA. The NRA also supported gun control bills proposed by Republican senators Grassley and Cornyn, both which were voted down by Democrats.

Examine Baby! Examine!
Just as unfairly as you judged Clinton and obama.

What’s more telling is trump needed cue cards to remind him what to say to victims. No one believes he’s sincere anymore

Pretty sure nobody believed he was sincere to start with.
Yes, President Trump has a CCW permit allowing him to carry a concealed weapon. I do too. And yes, Trump is a lifelong member of the NRA. And yes, Trump has advocated making CCW permits valid nationwide.

But what do these things have to do with shooting attacks like that in Parkland, FL ? I'd say they strongly help to STOP such attacks, by providing both a deterrent to would-be shooter-attackers, and a cure, by allowing people (teachers, administrators, etc) to stop mass shooters, before they can kill people.

As for gun control, Trump may be getting a bad rap. In his 2015 book, Crippled America (page 110-111), Trump stated >> "The Second Amendment hq beenunder attack for a long time.Throughout the years, state governments have chipped away at it, adding restrictions...Some of these restrictions obviously make sense. For example, felons and mentally ill people should not have access to guns."

Again on page 114, Trump says "We have to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental health issues. The fact that people with mental health problems can obtain guns is not right. We all agree abut that, and we have to stop it, but there are som big hurdles."

Further on in the page, Trump clarifies these "hurdles" >> "Most people with mental health problems aren't violent; they just need help..But there are people who are violent."

Here Turmp has made an important distinction that his critics on gun control may be overlooking. It's not enoug to say that mentally ill people shouldn't get guns. This is not always correct. Most mentally ill people, as Trump said, are not violent. They may be on computers 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. A mental disorder, but not violent. No reason to deny them a gun.

They may have fear of heights, or water, or spiders. All mental disorders, but not harmful and not reason to deny them their 2nd Amendment rights to defend themselves (and others).

One of the students of MSDHS spoke out against Trump very forcefully, citing Trump having vetoed an Obama gun control bill. But does this kid (or his treachers) know the specifics of that bill ? Or why it was nullified ? Maybe the nullification was to protect law-abiding citizens, and their right to bear arms, while not creating any danger to anyone.

Gun control is a tricky issue. It needs a lot of care to spek correcly about it. I say to all these students, teachers, anybody >> Look before you leap.

As for Trump, I'd suggest thoroughly examining any legislation he has worked with, and reading Chapter 11 (only 8 pages) of the book Crippled America.

They may find that Trump is a very careful supporter of gun control (in its proper way) , as is the NRA such as the support they both gave to "Project Exile" in Richmond, VA. The NRA also supported gun control bills proposed by Republican senators Grassley and Cornyn, both which were voted down by Democrats.

Examine Baby! Examine!
Not even the cops or secret service are carrying 20 round clips
Yes, President Trump has a CCW permit allowing him to carry a concealed weapon. I do too. And yes, Trump is a lifelong member of the NRA. And yes, Trump has advocated making CCW permits valid nationwide.

But what do these things have to do with shooting attacks like that in Parkland, FL ? I'd say they strongly help to STOP such attacks, by providing both a deterrent to would-be shooter-attackers, and a cure, by allowing people (teachers, administrators, etc) to stop mass shooters, before they can kill people.

As for gun control, Trump may be getting a bad rap. In his 2015 book, Crippled America (page 110-111), Trump stated >> "The Second Amendment hq beenunder attack for a long time.Throughout the years, state governments have chipped away at it, adding restrictions...Some of these restrictions obviously make sense. For example, felons and mentally ill people should not have access to guns."

Again on page 114, Trump says "We have to keep guns out of the hands of people with mental health issues. The fact that people with mental health problems can obtain guns is not right. We all agree abut that, and we have to stop it, but there are som big hurdles."

Further on in the page, Trump clarifies these "hurdles" >> "Most people with mental health problems aren't violent; they just need help..But there are people who are violent."

Here Turmp has made an important distinction that his critics on gun control may be overlooking. It's not enoug to say that mentally ill people shouldn't get guns. This is not always correct. Most mentally ill people, as Trump said, are not violent. They may be on computers 16 hours a day, 7 days a week. A mental disorder, but not violent. No reason to deny them a gun.

They may have fear of heights, or water, or spiders. All mental disorders, but not harmful and not reason to deny them their 2nd Amendment rights to defend themselves (and others).

One of the students of MSDHS spoke out against Trump very forcefully, citing Trump having vetoed an Obama gun control bill. But does this kid (or his treachers) know the specifics of that bill ? Or why it was nullified ? Maybe the nullification was to protect law-abiding citizens, and their right to bear arms, while not creating any danger to anyone.

Gun control is a tricky issue. It needs a lot of care to spek correcly about it. I say to all these students, teachers, anybody >> Look before you leap.

As for Trump, I'd suggest thoroughly examining any legislation he has worked with, and reading Chapter 11 (only 8 pages) of the book Crippled America.

They may find that Trump is a very careful supporter of gun control (in its proper way) , as is the NRA such as the support they both gave to "Project Exile" in Richmond, VA. The NRA also supported gun control bills proposed by Republican senators Grassley and Cornyn, both which were voted down by Democrats.

Examine Baby! Examine!

The Great Douche don't care about either.
It's a Con Man Playing another SCAM!

The Great Douche only cares about....ITS Hair &

Just as unfairly as you judged Clinton and obama.

What’s more telling is trump needed cue cards to remind him what to say to victims. No one believes he’s sincere anymore
How did I unfairly judge Obama and Clinton ? This is news to me.
Pretty sure nobody believed he was sincere to start with.
But they believe it now, He has delivered on his promises. Got the Keystone pipeline going. Appointed conservative judge to the SCOTUS, got us out of bad trade deals (ex TPP, Paris Climate Accords), reformed the tax code, and got workers bonuses and raises, knocked the hell out of ISIS, stood up to North Korea (made them back down from Guam threat), etc, etc :biggrin:
The Great Douche don't care about either.
It's a Con Man Playing another SCAM!

The Great Douche only cares about....ITS Hair &
So the great Democrat machine has you fully programmed. Message received.
Trump doesn't even read. He damn sure never wrote a book.

That is not to say Trump is a dummy. He's too busy being President, and as in his previous positions of business leadership, he really has to stay on his toes personally alert to dangers all around just to stay alive.

There's a Secret Service, true, but even Obama had a lot of trouble with them in office, and Trump is more used to the private security at business suites, so Secret Service had to evolve to cope.

He hired ghost writers to write a couple of books, Nobody can believe anything attributed to him anyway. Anything that was put in the book you mention was put there for political purpose, anyway..


The very word is suggestive of “head” in a number of senses:
  1. Head count, initiative, balloting, voting.
  2. Haircut, scalping, decapitation.
  3. Leadership, governance, government.
#1 is a democracy. #2 is a military coup. #3 is a dictatorship. Do you want your real name on a political book? Many authors use pseudonyms to protect their identity or for other reasons. Trump is rich, and it costs quite a bit of money up front to publish a book traditionally — yes you can do it yourself, but by God you need an editor, another pair of eyes to look it over before you print how many copies with a stupid mistake or misprint. Then you have to market it and sell it for at least enough money to recoup your costs.

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