Is this what the bible would have us believe?


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
The Bible would have us believe that this is the truth:

1) God creates the world, no sin, therefore no one dies.
2) God creates adam and eve and they are immortal for they have no sin.
3) They eat the apple, now and forever sin is now part of man, and now man dies.
4) When they you die you go into the ground body and soul.
5) There you wait for judgement, because the savior hasn't opened the gates to heaven.
6) Jesus is born, lives and dies.
7) Jesus goes to hell and retrives the keys to the gates of heaven and death.
8) Jesus goes up to heaven taking a select few, mostly the saints and prophets, and the guy on the cross to name a few.
9) The rest of us are waiting for the final judgement as foretold in the book of revelations.
10) So as of right now when you die you go into the ground and wait for the second comming. The final judgement.
11) Right now no one goes to heaven or hell. We are waiting for final judgement for that to be determined.

Is this what the bible would have us believe?
Nope. You're close in some areas. But you don't seem to understand what happens to the Spirit of man between death and resurrection.
It depends on who or what sect of Christianity you are asking. The ancient Hebrews didn't believe in Hell, and many still don't. They believed in concepts like Sheol or Gehenna, which is a temporary holding place, akin to the Christian concept of Purgatory. Hell came about as the Christian world's interpretation of Sheol. The King James Bible incorrectly translated 30-some-odd references to Sheol in the OT as "Hell," and simultaneously ushered in a generally more "fire and brimstone" era.
Nope. You're close in some areas. But you don't seem to understand what happens to the Spirit of man between death and resurrection.

Well what does the bible say happens to your spirit between death and resurrection?

The Spirits of the Righteous go to paradise. That's where Christ met the thief on the cross next to him the day they both died. This was, of course, before the resurrection.

The Spirits of the Wicked end up in a place called prison. Also known as hades, hell, etc. This is where Peter testified that Christ preached the Gospel to the dead who were once wicked in the days before the flood. (1 Peter 3&4)

Christ described these places in the parable of Lazaraus and the Rich man. At the time Christ told the parable, there was a gulf between the righteous and the wicked. Christ removed this gulf when He descended to hell to preach the Gospel to the dead,

Now the Gospel is preached to the dead. So those who had no chance to hear Christ during their mortal lives can still accept the Gospel and use the Atonement before the day of Judgment. The people who rejected Christ during their lives also have a chance to repent or else why would Christ preach to those who perished in the flood?

He preached Deliverance, Redemption, and Liberty to the living and the dead. And it's the work occuring on the other side of the Veil for the Redemption of man that is the most amazing blessing of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
What happens to the body and soul between death and resurrection?

The body dies, decays and becomes the food for the plants and insects.

The soul, which is a ball of energy, dissipates into its environment. Seperating and becoming parts of other dynamical systems.

You disintegrate into your surroundings. Until some Being of magnificent powers and foresight calls you back atom by atom! But by then, some of the atoms that made you up are shared by others and we are all recalled linked by our flesh and soul!! That is when this god turn to us and call us a hideous monstrousity and toss all of us into the flaming pits of hell, never to return again.

The end!:tongue:

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