Is This Really Smoking Gun of obama's Kenyan Birth?

Why would THAT matter, if the State of Hawaii verified that the certified colb had an original birth certificate on file of which it was computer generated from and since they verified once again, that Obama was born in Honolulu as the colb stated?

Did you ask for all of this from President Bush or Reagan or bush 1...were their colb's not good enough?

Neither Reagan nor Bushs granny said they were born in Kenya.

And, as usual, Liability make a point that no one cares to address


Obama's STEP Grandmother DID NOT say he was born in Kenya, she said over and over again that he was born in the united States...your radio slime ball host, twisted her words from the very beginning and just could stand it when he was corrected...

NO ONE in the right mind would ever take that tape as anything other than a sham....honestly.

And to act as if it is something with any kind of validity is absolute nonsense....

In fact, the grandmother corrected the host who kept saying he wanted to visit where President Obama was born (in Kenya). She stated in no uncertain terms he was born in Hawaii.

And again, we have someone who resorted to rather underhanded tactics to get an "admission", instead of simply asking a straight-forward question, "Was President Obama born in Kenya?"

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