CDZ Is This Racist?


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
Yes or No?

Yes or No?


No and Yes.

No if a Black wears that it's not racist, if a White wears that it's racist and you will have Mega Bedwetters bursting veins screaming.

The same thing as it's okay for a Black to use the N word but it's only racist if a White uses the N word.

Blacks are never racist, get with the programme Tank :rolleyes-41:
I don't think it was meant to be racist, but it probably wasn't the most well thought out advertisement in the world.
Yes or No?

I don't know whether that ad is racist. I'd need to know about the person(s) who authorized it to say with any conviction whether it is or is not racist. I can right now say only that it is insensitive to the nature and expressions of racism that have persisted in the U.S. Whether the "monkey" epithet is among those in British racism's history is not known to me.
Because blacks look and act like monkeys, it is clearly racist
It’s not racist. It’s short-sighted marketing that resulted in an unfortunate coincidence.

A company such as H&M’s would not be openly racist. They just didn’t think it fully through.
I was astonished when I heard this news a few days ago.

Then I learned that the company is Swedish.

Sweden, of course, is very liberal and has accepted many refugees as proof of its belief in social justice.

So I am guessing that maybe Swedish executives approved this advertisement.

They were clueless as to the nuances of certain English words in our country.


If, in fact, an American approved this advertisement, then I do think that s/he should be disciplined (maybe suspended without pay for a reasonable period).

Those words in the advertisement were, at the very least, very insensitive.
Yes or No?

This is an odd thing to be concerned about.

Is there a deeper point you are worried about? Like how brothers can call each other names but hit you if you do the same to one?

Did you have a bad experience with how black folks can use the "N" word with each other or how our Italian friends can use the "D" word with each other but if a non-"N" or "D" says it the room gets quiet?

It happens. I can't believe the size of foot I can fit in my mouth lol.
This is an odd thing to be concerned about.

Is there a deeper point you are worried about? Like how brothers can call each other names but hit you if you do the same to one?
Are you saying negros are violent?

Blacks should be proud they are monkey like people
This is an odd thing to be concerned about.

Is there a deeper point you are worried about? Like how brothers can call each other names but hit you if you do the same to one?
Are you saying negros are violent?

Not intentionally. Although I did reference a foot in my mouth lol. The whole quote is?

This is an odd thing to be concerned about.

Is there a deeper point you are worried about? Like how brothers can call each other names but hit you if you do the same to one?

Did you have a bad experience with how black folks can use the "N" word with each other or how our Italian friends can use the "D" word with each other but if a non-"N" or "D" says it the room gets quiet?

It happens. I can't believe the size of foot I can fit in my mouth lol."

The brothers in mind were literal brothers. I grew up around some who fought constantly but closed ranks if an outsider had an issue with any one of them.

My black reference was with the "N" word and my white reference with the "D" word.

I was trying to be politically correct and give a multitude of examples. Although "brothers" is often a reference to blacks I do admit!
Is there a deeper point you are worried about? Like how brothers can call each other names but hit you if you do the same to one?

Say what?

I'm grown now, so it's unlikely I'd hit anyone for disparaging my siblings, but they probably won't garner my approbation, or anything else "good" from me. That said, there was a time when we kids that if someone berated one of us within earshot of another of us, that person was very likely to get hit. My sister was the only one of us who didn't as much benefit from the "one for all" mentality among us, and that was because she went to an all-girls school. That said, we siblings had plenty to say to and about each other, though if any one of us carried things too far with another, the two who were involved had to "duke it out," at least until one of our parents intervened.

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