Is this guy the biggest ass in congress?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
"it's not you're money you're dead" :roll: I feel like snapping his little pencil neck "

"it's not you're money you're dead" :roll: I feel like snapping his little pencil neck "

Oh please, Congress is full of asses jockeying for that position. The $30 billion Bush and Company up and gave the Banks and Wall Street shysters wasn't his money either. Did you squawk about that?

The way I see it, Congress is on one side and the American people on the other. Siding with any of these jokers is fraternizing with the enemy.
The $30 billion Bush and Company up and gave the Banks and Wall Street shysters wasn't his money either. Did you squawk about that?

I did.

Then by all means squawk away. The handing over of American's tax dollars constituted the largest transfer of public monies to the private sector ever in the history of the world. That's something to get mad about and stay that way if you ask me.

And now some very foolish citizens are splitting hairs with one-side or the other in Congress. My suggestion is that it would be better if they took a gun and shot themselves in the foot. At least in the long run it won't hurt as much and there is a guaranteed 99% full recovery rate. I do not hold the same options for these United States.
The $30 billion Bush and Company up and gave the Banks and Wall Street shysters wasn't his money either. Did you squawk about that?

I did.

Then by all means squawk away. The handing over of American's tax dollars constituted the largest transfer of public monies to the private sector ever in the history of the world. That's something to get mad about and stay that way if you ask me.

And now some very foolish citizens are splitting hairs with one-side or the other in Congress. My suggestion is that it would be better if they took a gun and shot themselves in the foot. At least in the long run it won't hurt as much and there is a guaranteed 99% full recovery rate. I do not hold the same options for these United States.
He's certainly a smug and adolescent little douchebag.

With Alan Grayson out come January, he's definitely in the running....He has an apropos name.

He comes across as a cocky little banty rooster, "I know everything there is to know about everthing there ever was anything to know about" perfect people from New Yawk.
Anthony Wiener is one of the few Democrats with a spine.

Happily, anarchists and commies seem to hate his "simple" notion that...yes Virginia..taxes are what citizens pay to have a civil society.
Anthony Wiener is one of the few Democrats with a spine.

Happily, anarchists and commies seem to hate his "simple" notion that...yes Virginia..taxes are what citizens pay to have a civil society.

He's just like that guy from Florida that mouthed off just to get votes.....but for some reason it didn't work for him this year. Alan Grayson

Wonder why?
Biggest ass in Congress:

Anthony Wiener is one of the few Democrats with a spine.

Happily, anarchists and commies seem to hate his "simple" notion that...yes Virginia..taxes are what citizens pay to have a civil society.

He's just like that guy from Florida that mouthed off just to get votes.....but for some reason it didn't work for him this year. Alan Grayson

Wonder why?
Because he is a Liberal in a very Conservative district of Orlando, who won on Obama's coattails in 2008.

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