Is This Forum Being Monitored?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey
I'm a computer dummy so I have no technical knowledge to base this suspicion on, but some time ago I read that when the responsiveness of a website or message board slows down the cause could be its interactive content is being monitored and logged.

I'm bringing this up because USMB has significantly slowed down since last night (Sunday night, 11/28) and it continues today.

Is this true? Or was I misinformed?
The site owner has to slow it down to do periodic maintenance, MikeK. This causes a lag which usually happens on a Sunday night, but I have not noticed one today. Are you sure this is happening only to the USMB page? Mebbe your ISP is on the fritz.

I suppose someone with the government could be watching this board. (What a boring fucking job that would be.) What you write here is public and they'd be as entitled as anyone else to read it.

Is this true? (...)

There are 2 possibilities:
1. similar to Googlebot. Gaining informations from the servers of (there won't come 1.000 bush-bots, probably 1)
2. directly through the signal (data-stream). Keyword-based text-extraction.

Both don't slow down the site.
And I don't know the laws in the USA, but in some countries, Internet providers are forced by law to backup data-traffic for some time.
Yes it's true, but they're only keeping tabs on you.

The site owner has to slow it down to do periodic maintenance, MikeK. This causes a lag which usually happens on a Sunday night, but I have not noticed one today. Are you sure this is happening only to the USMB page? Mebbe your ISP is on the fritz.

Everything else at my end is up to speed, so I don't think it's my ISP. It's just this forum.

Your response suggests that you're not experiencing the same problem. Is that true?

I suppose someone with the government could be watching this board. (What a boring fucking job that would be.) What you write here is public and they'd be as entitled as anyone else to read it.
I agree. But watching it is one thing, logging it for close study is cause for concern in an emerging security state. Especially if you're not on the side of the devil.

Is this true? (...)

There are 2 possibilities:
1. similar to Googlebot. Gaining informations from the servers of (there won't come 1.000 bush-bots, probably 1)
2. directly through the signal (data-stream). Keyword-based text-extraction.

Both don't slow down the site.
And I don't know the laws in the USA, but in some countries, Internet providers are forced by law to backup data-traffic for some time.
The site owner has to slow it down to do periodic maintenance, MikeK. This causes a lag which usually happens on a Sunday night, but I have not noticed one today. Are you sure this is happening only to the USMB page? Mebbe your ISP is on the fritz.

Everything else at my end is up to speed, so I don't think it's my ISP. It's just this forum.

Your response suggests that you're not experiencing the same problem. Is that true?

I suppose someone with the government could be watching this board. (What a boring fucking job that would be.) What you write here is public and they'd be as entitled as anyone else to read it.
I agree. But watching it is one thing, logging it for close study is cause for concern in an emerging security state. Especially if you're not on the side of the devil.

Why would someone from a government agency logging onto USMB cause it to slow down?
And yes this site is being monitored both for profit and security.

Google a thread topic on here and see if google does not have it pop up.
There has been a few times I've hesitated to post something because the powers that be might use it against me. I said screw it to myself though, because if the feds want to take something from me then they can go for it...because I have nothing to take :)
Everything on the internets is being monitored, at a minimum by Google.

Given Google's cronyism with the government, it doesn't take much imagination to realize that anything one posts can be accessed and used by the government as well.
Anything posted here is public and readily available to anyone silly enough to google it up and read it.

As for "Them" monitoring it....THEY'RE EVERYWHERE. :eusa_shifty:
The site owner has to slow it down to do periodic maintenance, MikeK. This causes a lag which usually happens on a Sunday night, but I have not noticed one today. Are you sure this is happening only to the USMB page? Mebbe your ISP is on the fritz.

Everything else at my end is up to speed, so I don't think it's my ISP. It's just this forum.

Your response suggests that you're not experiencing the same problem. Is that true?

I suppose someone with the government could be watching this board. (What a boring fucking job that would be.) What you write here is public and they'd be as entitled as anyone else to read it.
I agree. But watching it is one thing, logging it for close study is cause for concern in an emerging security state. Especially if you're not on the side of the devil.

Why would someone from a government agency logging onto USMB cause it to slow down?

Because that's what government agencies do. They slow down everything they get involved in.
WikiLeakers are trying to hack the site. There are all kinds of secrets here. :eusa_shhh:
it may sound crazy, but if you make the assumption that anything you say on the net is not cataloged somewhere, you are crazy, the key is, competence, ( the gov's) why even bother reading what you're saying...that's where the tin foil comes in....

and I am Sure there were forums and boards that were started I bet after 911 just for the purpose of luring dimwits who think they can do a Zoosk or eHarmony search for jihadist lovers...


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