Is this a plot to dumb us down?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
The History Channel used to show history. Now its all conspiracy and redneck shit! Who is responsible for this? Did Americans get lobotomies and now they prefer trash? Do the powers that be want to keep us dumb by promoting trashy television? I will never give up! I will push for laws that mandate quality television. All the money they spend on this dreck should be spent on making a few high quality well written dramas. I would also force networks to make high quality dramas for each genre to keep genres from dying. Our generation is the only generation that hasn't produced a high quality space opera yet.
SyFy is another example of network decline.

Ghost Hunters has 1.7 million viewers.
Syfy will never stop airing Ghost Hunters Inside TV

However more than 3 million people have played Mass Effect.
Mass Effect 2 Xbox 360 - Sales Wiki Cheats Walkthrough Release Date Gameplay ROM on VGChartz

And millions more for Halo.
Halo 4 Xbox 360 - Sales Wiki Cheats Walkthrough Release Date Gameplay ROM on VGChartz

Rather than airing that crappy reality show SyFy should go after the Mass Effect and Halo demographics!
The 841,000 viewers in adults 18-49 that watch Ghost Hunters should go play Mass Effect or Halo instead.
The 841,000 viewers in adults 18-49 that watch Ghost Hunters should go play Mass Effect or Halo instead.

About four years ago I read Chris Hedges's "Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph ofSpectacle". Explains it all very well.
That's an interesting observation, Jake, and one the BBC decided to jump on last year when the board of governors determined that the decline into seriously stupid TV had to stop, especially as regards science, which for the majority of English-speaking whites on this planet is too difficult to spell, much less grasp. Alien abduction "experts" are supplanting astronomers in space-related television specials, and exorcists are pushing their way past psychiatrists in mental health expositions. The Beeb decided that such "alternative viewpoints" and "experts" needed a lot less airtime in future programming. We'll see.
Just about all the "reality" shows are scripted frauds. It's hardly all "redneck" stuff either. It's about E.T. encounters and ancient E.T. encounters and fake mermaids and fake everything else. The History Channel ain't about history.
The History Channel used to show history. Now its all conspiracy and redneck shit! Who is responsible for this? Did Americans get lobotomies and now they prefer trash? Do the powers that be want to keep us dumb by promoting trashy television? I will never give up! I will push for laws that mandate quality television. All the money they spend on this dreck should be spent on making a few high quality well written dramas. I would also force networks to make high quality dramas for each genre to keep genres from dying. Our generation is the only generation that hasn't produced a high quality space opera yet.

Wouldn't air crappy programs if they didn't work to sell commercials. What's on is what works.
The History Channel used to show history. Now its all conspiracy and redneck shit! Who is responsible for this? Did Americans get lobotomies and now they prefer trash? Do the powers that be want to keep us dumb by promoting trashy television? I will never give up! I will push for laws that mandate quality television. All the money they spend on this dreck should be spent on making a few high quality well written dramas. I would also force networks to make high quality dramas for each genre to keep genres from dying. Our generation is the only generation that hasn't produced a high quality space opera yet.

CT crapola is cheap to produce. Doing a good historical documentary is expensive.
The History Channel used to show history. Now its all conspiracy and redneck shit! Who is responsible for this? Did Americans get lobotomies and now they prefer trash? Do the powers that be want to keep us dumb by promoting trashy television? I will never give up! I will push for laws that mandate quality television. All the money they spend on this dreck should be spent on making a few high quality well written dramas. I would also force networks to make high quality dramas for each genre to keep genres from dying. Our generation is the only generation that hasn't produced a high quality space opera yet.

The 841,000 viewers in adults 18-49 that watch Ghost Hunters should go play Mass Effect or Halo instead.

No it's not about dumbing down it's about money. They put all the history programming on H2. The military stuff on the Military channel or whatever they are calling it now. You have to pay to get that. SYFY I can't speak for. Shows like Eureka got way higher ratings but was cancelled. Yet Z Nation and Helix get half as much and are renewed.

the alphabet networks, lib newspapers and the public school system has been dumbing down Americans for decades.,

No Americans have been dumbing themselves down.
They really got me on the "mermaid" stuff. They set it up so real and didn't post a disclaimer and it was all fake. What a letdown. Half the reality shows are about "bigfoot". Put a thousand freaking game cameras in trees for a year and get a freaking photo. They even have a show featuring half a dozen good ole boys with guns running around in the woods usually in the middle of the night trying to capture some kind of monster including wolfman, mothman and sasquatch. It beats buying old houses and smashing the interior with sledgehammers or PBS gardening/cooking shows I guess. Maybe they are cheap to produce.
The elements of logic and deductive reasoning are almost entirely absent in most families and public school education. Even at the university level, students are not taught to think for themselves, but to regurgitate politically correct responses. This has been going on for about 50 years, so it is no wonder that television has been so thoroughly dumbed down.

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