Is there ANYthing to religion or faith that is something OTHER than opinion?

Really? I suppose rationalizing killing the unbelievers "over there" is some kind of organizing principle, but not one I'd consider particularly constructive ... or cool. :cool:

I think common language "caused humans to organize with common goals." At least a common language is far more effective. According to the Bible at least, I'm right about that--scared the self-satisfied omnipotence right out of Yahweh; those common-language-speaking-tower-building nut-cases for whom nothing would be impossible.

Yet religion's role in organizing humans shouldn't dismissed--it is historically an effective tool used by those with over-developed senses of entitlement, to subjugate their fellows to the will of some farcical "Supreme" Smurf (whose will coincidentally, is consistent with and the source of the authority to subjugate others).

So it does have that going for it.

And faith? Well, faith is far more than I gave it credit for earlier in this thread, and it is certainly much more that mere opinion.

Faith is really just an exercise in denials of reality. Faith is the conviction of certainty in the of the reality of some thing for which support in evidence and/or valid logic of the contrary has been denied; the persistently obtuse strength of that denial is the "validating" quality of faith.

It is the necessary ingredient of any religion used by authoritarian chuckle-heads to subjugate the wills of superstitious chuckle-heads to their chuckle-headed ends.

Oh yeah. Hi! :popcorn:

I'll bet you $1 that the first group construction project was some sort of alter.

And the 'death by religion' factor is what I meant when I said religion was a warped tool.

But hey... so far we're surviving, eh?

So far the oldest structure is about 75,000 years old and was not an altar.

Adam's Calender - A Rich and Diverse History of Humanity

Imagine that, it was actually an engineering/science project.


But I was thinking more along the lines of Og, Zook and their good buddy Douger all agreeing that one god or another needed to be appeased or worshiped and discovering that the stack of rocks and branches looked better and therefore more pleasing to God when they teamed up.

They called the first preacher "Coach".

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