Is there an ad-blocker wherein websites don't detect that I'm using it?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
Some sites BLOCK me from viewing their site because I'm using ad blocker. Do you know of any ad blockers that are undetectable? Thanks in advance.
I've thought of writing up a standard boilerplate to email to the support address of any site that blocks me for using an ad-blocker. The gist of it would be that the ad blocker that I use is configured to allow ads that conform the to the standards published at <Acceptable Ads>. I consider these standards to be very reasonable, and am willing to allow ads to be displayed on my computer that comply with these standards. I am not willing to allow ads on my computer that violate these standards. My computer, my rules. Any site that is willing to comply with these standards has no legitimate reason to object to my use of an ad blocker. Any site that insists on forcing ads on me that do not comply with these standards, simply loses me as a potential member of their audience; and therefore, as a potential source of any revenue at all to be had from having me see their ads.


This posting is actually the biggest step, so far, that I've taken toward this intent.

Perhaps this is a good time to ask for some help from other members of this community.

First, to polish up what I have written here, to better communicate the intent which I have expressed here.

Second, once such a document is nicely-written up, to encourage other to join me in emailing it to the support address of any web site that we encounter that blocks us or otherwise discriminates against us for using an ad blocker.

What do the rest of you think? I think that if enough of us do this, it may put some real pressure on some of these sites. At least get them to better understand that whatever revenue they get, even if reduced, by getting us to see less obnoxious ads, is better than no revenue at all because they've driven us off, and we're not seeing any of their ads at all.
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I've thought of writing up a standard boilerplate to email to the support address of any site that blocks me for using an ad-blocker. The gist of it would be that the ad blocker that I use is configured to allow ads that conform the to the standards published at <Acceptable Ads>. I consider these standards to be very reasonable, and am willing to allow ads to be displayed on my computer that comply with these standards. I am not willing to allow ads on my computer that violate these standards. My computer, my rules.

Their website, their rules.
My computer, my rules.

Their website, their rules.

So, if they want to install malware on any computer that visits they website, they are within their rights to do so? Many of the ads served up even by “legitimate” websites at least approach that line. I think those of us who use our own computers to visit websites of any kind have much more reason to be concerned with what kind of content those sites may be forcing on to our computers, than the owners of those sits have to be concerned with what we don't want to allow to be forced on our computers.
First, no there isn't any adblocker that isn't detectable. The website identifies your adblocker by seeing that the delivery of an ad was not successful. In other words, not so much by identifying that you have one installed, rather ads aren't working. So therefore it doesn't matter what adblocker you use.
Having said that...something interesting occurred to me. Perhaps a better ad blocker would be one that still blocks unwanted scripting (malware) but actually loads the ads but "grays them out". Maybe that might work. Their software sees the image was not blocked and let's you see everything else unbeknownst to them you can't see it.
Some sites BLOCK me from viewing their site because I'm using ad blocker. Do you know of any ad blockers that are undetectable? Thanks in advance.
If you use ublock origin, the unbreak list will try to work around that issue if enabled. I´d doesn´t always work.
Some sites BLOCK me from viewing their site because I'm using ad blocker. Do you know of any ad blockers that are undetectable? Thanks in advance.

If you use FireFox, try the ADD On called NoScript. Somewhat of a learning curve, but should do what you want. I use it extensively.

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