Is there a time when the media should STFU?


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, OH
Bomb Parts Get Past Federal Security By WILL LESTER, AP
posted: 1 HOUR 32 MINUTES AGOcomments: 180filed under: National NewsPrintShareText SizeAAAWASHINGTON (July 7) --

Investigators were able to smuggle bomb-making materials past security at 10 federal buildings, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office.
Once GAO investigators got the materials in the buildings, the report said, they constructed explosive devices and carried them around inside. For security reasons, the GAO report did not give the location of the buildings.

Bomb Parts Federal Security

I realize that the media has the right, and they will say the duty, to report on just about anything. But are there times when doing so becomes a liability to the public in general? When it comes to national security, the task is a burdensome one, and yes, we are likely to see some failures, and yes again, they need to be addressed. However, should they be addressed in an open forum?

I know personally, there is nothing I can do other than become upset and write my elected representatives when I read a story like this. What worries me more is the fact that we are telling our enemies exactly where we are most vulnerable. I would prefer if the media would just STFU when it comes to stories like this. Yes, there can be all kinds of questioning behind closed doors. But bringing this into public view for everyone to see scares me more than the fact that we actually have problems to begin with.
The media is a huge liability. But that's the problem with a free press.
But if Obama doesn't take heed and beef up security, the dolt might end up having to deal with a big fucking deal. That might be unpleasant for him, and heaven knows, we don't want him to have to suffer an unpleasant moment.
Clearly the GAO intended for this report to become a matter of public record. If you're upset with anyone, it should be with them, not the press.
The media should never STFU. They are supposed to be the government watchdog although it's obvious to which parties they are beholden to.

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