CDZ Is the US of A out of step with the world?

But, until you started the wars, you didn't have enemies.
Do you understand?

Dear, Hitler Stalin Mao Tojo were our enemies long before war started.

Did Hitler attack America?
Did Stalin attack America, or did America attack the Russian revolutionaries first?
Mao did attack Americans, because they were attacking his allies. The same excuse America uses to put military forces into Japan.

Japan and their attack on US occupied Pearl Harbour is interesting.
Japan was rather aggressive at the time, working towards an empire in Asia, something the US government of the time disliked, mostly because it threatened US interests, notably in the US occupied Philippines.
The US imposed an oil embargo on its rival for total control of Asia, leaving Japan two options, retreat or war.
That was all about two colonial powers, playing a very dangerous game.

yes it was-----what is your point? Did Spain attack the meccaist imperialists in the eighth century?

the true believer libertarian figures the world would be a better, safer pace if we had not removed HItler Stalin Mao and Tojo. Chances of that are 1% but that never stops a libertarian.
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good question 'irosie' ------ so whats your answer to 'irosie' question 'Indofred' ??
[of course thats really really mistaken. Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are Republicans because its the only game in town. Do you understand?

Why do you believe that to be mistaken?

I believe it's Mr. Paul and Mr. Cruz who are mistaken in picking the "lesser of two evils"; which is still an evil.
WHo cares if you think its legitimate. THe govt has been doing it forever. Why not try to make an important point?

My opinion means nothing. The TEXT OF THE US CONSTITUTION means EVERYTHING. The fact that we haven't had a legitimately Constitutional Government in 150+ years means everything as well.

dear, we get it, you're a libertarian. So am I and I realize that Republicans are the best hope for libertarians which is why Rand Paul is a Republican. Do you understand.

No, he is a psychotic kook who has more in common with Stalin than Jefferson.
I've put this in here in order to get clean debate on this issue.
Most of the world sees Palestine as a nation, a few countries do not, but that number is falling every week.
So, that in mind, is the US out of step with the world, and should the US recognise Palestine?

When killing innocents and then hiding behind children and skirts becomes acceptable, then the world is wrong, not those who oppose it.
Many of us here in our civilized country have heard our mothers tell us "If all your friends walked off a cliff, would you do it, too?". Even at an early age, we are encouraged to think for ourselves rather than just do something on the basis of everybody else doing it.

In terms of debate, this line of sophistry as represented by the op is called an argumentum ad populum -- an appeal to popularity. In this case, we are being asked the question "If all your friends hate Jews, would you hate them, too?" .

My answer is "NO". Just because huge numbers of backwards troglodytes living in primitive societies hate Jews, and support these made up people called "Palestinians" as a result, that is no reason to support the carving out of a state so as to reward many decades of relentless terrorism. Now, I'm sure where the jackboot of Islam prevails it is a given that terrorism should be rewarded since all that counts to all the mindless drones who follow it is following the directives given in the q'ran to wage eternal war so as to subjugate all in their path who might otherwise think for themselves. I see no particular reason to submit to the backwardness and the totalitarian nature of this hateful ideology, however, and so I do not wish to see the world reward the terrorism it spawns.
That was all about two colonial powers, playing a very dangerous game.

except America is about freedom and democracy and capitalism while they were a bloody dictatorship enslaving entire nations and using and killing the women as sex slaves.

Its just like a liberal to see America the same as imperial Japan or Stalinist russia

If America is about freedom, why does America remove elected governments?
If America is about freedom, why does America remove elected governments?
If America is about capitalism, why is China ahead of you?
As for invasions, America has invaded far more places, and the sex slave thing was Japan, America's ally.

I'm not a liberal, I'm a Thatcherite.
If America is about freedom, why does America remove elected governments?

if they elect Nazis we don't like them because Nazis oppose freedom

He was supported by the communist party, even though he wasn't a communist.
He was the elected leader of government, until the CIA removed him.
The US supports democracy, unless they dislike the results.

PS - The CIA trained SAVAK were the monsters of the scene, acting very much as seret police often do, murdering at will.
Of course, they were American trained.
America detached itself from the trappings of Europe back in 1776, unfortunately the cancer of European socialist progressive thought invaded the US back in the late 1800's and now we experience what some consider the decline of this country from within. Rugged individualism coupled with the can do spirit built this country, not the follow the leader and compromise at the expense of moral character syndrome we see today.
another thing that I have recognized is that lots of new immigrants both legal and illegal want 'euro' [foreign] type laws here in the USA Staidup . One example being that these new people are , some of them are anti gun . Also , I think that some of these recently arrived teach American children in public schools and many teach with the attitudes that they grew up with .
A very dangerous precedent Pismoe. When one immigrates to the US they need to learn, adopt, and understand the history of this country. But that again is what the naturalization process is supposed to teach. The beauty and unique concept of the American experience is the ability to start afresh and shed the trappings of ones former existence. The entire American experience needs to be adopted and embraced to fully benefit from the opportunities available. I found it interesting in that those individuals that have completed to citizen course have a better understanding of this country then most high school students.
America detached itself from the trappings of Europe back in 1776, unfortunately the cancer of European socialist progressive thought invaded the US back in the late 1800's and now we experience what some consider the decline of this country from within. Rugged individualism coupled with the can do spirit built this country, not the follow the leader and compromise at the expense of moral character syndrome we see today.

You've got the history all mixed up.
Much of the world is inhabited by fools and idiots. Wouldn't want to be in step with them.
shouldn't that be that --- MOST --- of the world is inhabited by fools and idiots .
I see this discussion/debate is over a month old, but I am going to answer anyway.

Yes, the USA is out of step with the world. Actually, I think this has a lot to do with how the world respects us. That respect is not good today.

And why is this? Along with the British, we had a great deal to do with the establishment of Israel in the Palestinian territory and at the UN. Large numbers of Palestinians were routed out of their homes and properties by the civil war that resulted. And this has continued over the years as Israel tries to expand in spite of UN resolutions demanding that they stop. We have continued to support Israel's and England's position on this in spite of Palestinian suffering, and multitudes of UN resolutions.
long live Israel and watch the fear and respect the USA would get if we put Iran in its place by really slapping it around .

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