Is The U.S. Incapable Of Standing Up To Israel?

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - Is The U.S. Incapable Of Standing Up To Israel? pt.1[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Is The U.S. Incapable Of Standing Up To Israel? pt.2[/ame]
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No, just unwilling.

Anything but saying "Israeli interests and American interests are one and the same, we will support them unconditionally no matter what they do or how detrimental they are to our security" and you get labeled an anti-Semite and denounced by three-quarters of the Senate.
I would actually prefer to stay out of that region since the conflict doesn't involve us but if I had to choose sides I woud pick Israel. I did not see to many jews dancing in the streets over 911.
Is The U.S. Incapable Of Standing Up To Israel?


I don't think we are being bullied. Its just that we like them more than other people in the countries of that part of the world. Why should we help people that routinely chant for our deaths?

This whole idea of standing up to Israel reminds me of some Jewish superiority complex that a lot of NAZIs preached. They even said the whole reason they are fighting WWII is to fight international jewery. The rhetoric that comes out of the middle east and the left seems to emody that mode of thinking.
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In other words...RWnuts, the ilk of ihopeAmericafails care NOTHING about right, wrong or morality...just party and ideology.

Cons....nothing to be surprised about.
This whole idea of standing up to Israel reminds me of some Jewish superiority complex that a lot of NAZIs preached. They even said the whole reason they are fighting WWII is to fight international jewery. The rhetoric that comes out of the middle east and the left seems to emody that mode of thinking.

The whole idea of opposing actions by the Israeli government equating to anti-Semitism reminds me of gross exploitation of the Holocaust and genuine suffering for sleazy political gain and deflection.

No other country in the world enjoys the privilege of being able to label all political opposition and policy disputes racist and then dismiss them outright.

Richard Goldstone, a Jewish judge who presided over the South African Constitutional Court, the International Criminal Tribunals in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, after a 5-month comprehensive investigation of the Gaza War found Israel responsible for war crimes and rather than responding to the findings of the UN, the official line was that Goldstone was just a self-hating Jew.

They lob the same allegation at the thousands of Jews, Israeli, American, European, and otherwise who oppose illegal settlement expansion, indiscriminate raids, excessive force, and apartheid. I too have been accused of being a self-hating Jew for simply being consistent in my views on the crimes perpetrated by both sides of the conflict.

If you oppose the leadership in the Congo killing civilians, you're not labeled a racist who hates blacks. If you oppose the leadership in North Korea killing civilians, you're not labeled a racist who hates Asians. But if you oppose the leadership in Israel killing civilians, you must just be an anti-Semite.

It's hollow bullshit.

The government of Israel has committed numerous crimes, as has Hamas, and they weaken American security so long as they refuse to obey international law. We have no right taking sides in a conflict in which both sides intentionally kill civilians and we do so at our own detriment.

They don't. For one thing, it's kinda gross that you'd "blah blah blah" war crimes that killed several hundred Palestinian civilians and 3 Israeli civilians. The slaughter of innocent people means nothing to you?

And for another, as long as America financially, militarily, and diplomatically supports Israel the rest of the world (rightly, understandably) views Israeli actions as sanctioned by the U.S. Israeli war crimes, illegal settlement expansion, and apartheid in the Gaza strip and West Bank are one of the primary motivators for otherwise non-violent, non-radical Muslims the world over to take up arms against America. The State Department recognizes this, Gens McChrystal and Petraeus recognize this, Israel recognizes this. Continuing to take our money and demand our unconditional support while refusing to cease the illegal activity that makes us a direct and growing target of terrorism is not being our friend, politically and personally.

Settlement expansion and aggressive, disproportionate attacks on the population harm Israeli and American interests and directly decrease our safety and security. If they were true allies, they'd compromise with us.

Palestine doesn't either. We have no reason to take sides in the conflict since both sides commit war crimes and both sides are uninterested in American security.
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