'Is The Right Of The People To Alter Or Abolish It'


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004
USS Abraham Lincoln
wow. this makes you think the state of affairs we're in here as of oct 2005, and what kind of challenges we face, both domestically and abroad. i don't agree totally with the guy, (maybe 50%), but he puts it out there in a way that would make people nod their heads and put their thinking caps on.


Assertions Explained

Assertions made are not assertions proved. Jefferson recognized this and so enumerated in his declaration the British transgressions that compromised the "unalienable rights" of Americans. He and the Founders submitted their list for review by "a candid world." In this bill of particulars, Jefferson used the pronoun "He" to refer to George III and his ministers, whom the Founders identified as the agent and symbol of America’s oppression. Hereafter in this essay, the pronouns "He" and "His" will refer to the elected officials and their senior political appointees – of both parties – who run and administer the Federal government. Let the "candid world" of the American citizenry consider the following:

He has taxed citizens at usurious rates and yet has failed to avoid budget deficits astonishing in size and crippling to future generations. He has spent massive amounts of these taxes on building the strongest military on earth, and yet refuses to use that military to remorselessly destroy America’s enemies, instead allowing America to be attacked with impunity. Preferring not to offend the opinion of foreign nations, He refused to exploit numerous opportunities to kill Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi before they became strategic threats, and then hid those failures through the work of three intelligence investigations staffed by safe and trusted former members of the Federal aristocracy. More recently, He wantonly wasted the lives of U.S. Marines by aborting, on victory’s threshold, the first attempt to take Fallujah in Iraq. And today, as Americans wait for their foes to detonate a nuclear weapon in their country, He shamelessly begs and bribes a South Asian military dictator to use a Third-World army to find and kill the terrorist most likely to inflict nuclear devastation on America.

He has routinely ignored constitutional sanctions by allowing the president to oppress the American people by initiating wars without an official, public, and recorded vote by the legislative branch declaring war. Nothing in our Constitution is clearer than the requirement for Congress to declare war. In Federalist 41, Alexander Hamilton stressed that the Constitution made sure the president’s ability to make war would not equal that of the British king. To this end, the powers to declare war and raise and regulate military forces were given to the legislative branch. Our first and greatest president respected this limit on his power. "The constitution vests the power of declaring war in the Congress," George Washington wrote, "[and] therefore no offensive expedition of importance can be undertaken until after they shall have deliberated upon the subject and authorized such a measure." Notwithstanding the Constitution’s clear intent, He has, for half a century, acted in the arbitrary manner of the British king and rendered the Founders’ absolute requirement an irrelevant anachronism.

He has passed laws with unbecoming fanfare and bravado and then refused to enforce them. Thus today, in time of war, the nation is under a continuous and growing domestic threat because of His deliberate failure to control borders and check illegal immigration, as well as His cowardly refusal to identify the millions of aliens in our midst because He fears political retribution. He has thereby created and nurtured a situation that vastly increases the chance of more terrorist attacks in the United States. Worse, this situation all but ensures American-against-American violence – targeting immigrant Americans – after the next attack.

He has failed to make laws that would curb the undue and destructive influence of foreign powers in America. He instead holds hands with tyrannical Arab princes who sponsor religious war against America and extort billions by manipulating oil supplies. He lines up to genuflect before and pander to the agent of a minor, arrogant, and larcenous foreign power in the guise of the America-Israel Public Affairs Committee. He recoils in terror before the war-through-inundation-of-immigrants threats issued by yet another venal mountebank who is ensconced as Mexico’s president.

He has dictated that a cruel bureaucratic war be waged against all religions in our own country, consistently passing laws and issuing decisions from the bench that denigrate and humiliate the faiths of American believers. In so doing, He has set American against American as each religious group strives to protect its identity. He has, for the first time, and by deliberate policy, created an environment conducive to the spread of religious acrimony – and perhaps violence – among believing Americans in America. He has done the same through His dictations on issues ranging from education to road construction to law enforcement. He has made Federal domestic polices the single greatest instigator of disunity and divisiveness in America, almost as if pitting American against American is His goal. He has, moreover, negated the ability of Americans to talk, debate, and, if necessary, argue out their differences by imposing Federal censorship laws cynically and deliberately mislabeled as prohibitions on hate speech.

He has recklessly squandered hundreds of billions of dollars in payments to foreign powers whose policies and ambitions are antithetical to U.S. interests. He has, moreover, spent like amounts in monetary and/or military aid to support religious theocracies in places like Saudi Arabia and Israel, thus supporting religious persecution abroad and unilaterally abrogating the Constitution’s prohibition against official U.S. support for religion. It is patently absurd to fund and promote established, discriminatory, state-dominating religions overseas, while waging war against the faiths of the American people at home.

He has negated the ability of the nation’s military to protect Americans and their territory by continuing to purchase weapons systems irrelevant to defeating the enemies now threatening America. He has done so because the makers of these unusable weapons systems contribute massively to the funds that allow His continued manipulation of the electoral system and thereby maintain both His power and His ability to ignore citizens’ safety. He then involves the nation’s military in wars it is not equipped to fight and binds it with rules of engagement that make our military personnel more targets than soldiers.

He has for more than thirty years knowingly failed to create an energy policy that lessens America’s dependence on foreign energy resources. He has willingly put the country under the thumb of Arab tyrants and Latin American dictators, leaving it liable to unexpected and savage increases in energy prices. He has deliberately left Americans in a situation where they will pay extortionate energy prices which will, in turn, fund the terrorists who are killing their children serving in the military.

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