Is the Propagand Machine Beginning to Fail?


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
It appears it may be so. The GWPF is asking Parliament to hold hearings about why the Met Office appears to have withheld information about the upcomming severe winter weather.

"Not only is the lack of Government preparedness a cause for concern, but we wonder whether there may be another reason for keeping the cold warning under wraps, a motive that the Met Office and the Cabinet Office may have shared: Not to undermine the then forthcoming UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun," said Dr Benny Peiser, the GWPF director.

Did UK Government Keep Cold Winter Warning Secret In Run-Up To UN Climate Conference?
What fucking absolute idiots you two are. All the governments in the world are hiding the 'raw' data? In other words there is an international conspiracy involveing every industrial nation in the world, and many of the third world nations also. And the purpose of this conspriracy is?
What fucking absolute idiots you two are. All the governments in the world are hiding the 'raw' data? In other words there is an international conspiracy involveing every industrial nation in the world, and many of the third world nations also. And the purpose of this conspriracy is?

When one brings undenible facts to the argument....

No, wait, never mind.

I realize that to faith based thinkers no facts --however hard -- are deniable.
What fucking absolute idiots you two are. All the governments in the world are hiding the 'raw' data? In other words there is an international conspiracy involveing every industrial nation in the world, and many of the third world nations also. And the purpose of this conspriracy is?

No, not the governments nimrod. The scientists driving the bus. Or did you eliminate the NIWA debacle from your tiny little brain? Or have you forgotten Jones' assertion that the CRU lost all the raw data? Really olfraud, you have to try harder.
What fucking absolute idiots you two are. All the governments in the world are hiding the 'raw' data? In other words there is an international conspiracy involveing every industrial nation in the world, and many of the third world nations also. And the purpose of this conspriracy is?

are you not following the Met Office case in England? they said they told the govt that there would be a harsh winter but put the prediction for a mild one on their website. who is telling the truth? I dont know why anyone would be lying but someone has to be lying. is it a conspiracy or just a screw up? we shall find out. unless there is an investigation like Muir Russell or Oxburgh, of course.

on another note


another laptop with public domain data beats the Met Office's super computer and 1500 staff members.
Laptop beats Met Supercomputer: SOI index (at record high) scores a win. « JoNova
What fucking absolute idiots you two are. All the governments in the world are hiding the 'raw' data? In other words there is an international conspiracy involveing every industrial nation in the world, and many of the third world nations also. And the purpose of this conspriracy is?

Stand by, DTMB will be here shortly to explain that the motivation IS....

What fucking absolute idiots you two are. All the governments in the world are hiding the 'raw' data? In other words there is an international conspiracy involveing every industrial nation in the world, and many of the third world nations also. And the purpose of this conspriracy is?

They're idiots????:lol::lmao::D

Im are so fcukking naive its not real. You and all the faithers think this global warming BS is about science.

How do people manage to make it out of their 30's and still be hopelessly duped? Its fcukking fascinating.

Asshole.........with weather, you can always roll the dice and just wait for some fcukking heat anomoly to come along. THATS the brilliance of this scheme.........its 100% foolproof..........always has been AND THEY KNOW IT. There are always convenient excuses to explain away their prediction fcukk ups on the weather. Fcukking brilliant stuff!!!!!!!!

Hey Rocks..........I hear they have a new and improved SHAMW0W coming out. Some new fad tummy exerciser things too and miracle weight loss powder I hear.

Be on the lookout..................

If I ever get into network sales, guess who Im calling first???
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Irratic weather is one of the effects of GW

irratic weather was also the harbinger of global cooling in the 70's. and will be the evidence of doom for the next hoax coming in 30 or 40 years.

weather has always been erratic in case you havent noticed
What fucking absolute idiots you two are. All the governments in the world are hiding the 'raw' data? In other words there is an international conspiracy involveing every industrial nation in the world, and many of the third world nations also. And the purpose of this conspriracy is?

are you not following the Met Office case in England? they said they told the govt that there would be a harsh winter but put the prediction for a mild one on their website. who is telling the truth? I dont know why anyone would be lying but someone has to be lying. is it a conspiracy or just a screw up? we shall find out. unless there is an investigation like Muir Russell or Oxburgh, of course.

on another note


another laptop with public domain data beats the Met Office's super computer and 1500 staff members.
Laptop beats Met Supercomputer: SOI index (at record high) scores a win. « JoNova

Hmmm...... a +0.18 is a cooling? A cooling from the previous months anomolys, but not a cooling compared to the 30 year mean.

Dec. 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.18 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
What fucking absolute idiots you two are. All the governments in the world are hiding the 'raw' data? In other words there is an international conspiracy involveing every industrial nation in the world, and many of the third world nations also. And the purpose of this conspriracy is?

are you not following the Met Office case in England? they said they told the govt that there would be a harsh winter but put the prediction for a mild one on their website. who is telling the truth? I dont know why anyone would be lying but someone has to be lying. is it a conspiracy or just a screw up? we shall find out. unless there is an investigation like Muir Russell or Oxburgh, of course.

on another note


another laptop with public domain data beats the Met Office's super computer and 1500 staff members.
Laptop beats Met Supercomputer: SOI index (at record high) scores a win. « JoNova

Five days is proof? :lol::lol::eusa_whistle:
A point here. If we get another year that places in the ten warmest, in spite of a record La Nina, what then do you fellows say? For the solar activity is still low.
A point here. If we get another year that places in the ten warmest, in spite of a record La Nina, what then do you fellows say? For the solar activity is still low.

top ten or compared to the last decade?

what ever happened to 1934 as the warmest year and 1921 as the third warmest year in the US after the 2007 Y2K discovery? oh yah, more corrections.

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