CDZ Is the NAACP a racist organization?

Is the NAACP a racist organization?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • No

    Votes: 9 42.9%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
On another thread, I was called a racist because I said that the NAACP is a racist organization. I just thought I would do a little poll to see what other people think. I'm putting this in CDZ with the hopes of keeping the discussion civil.
The name of the organization tells us all we need to know. They raise money to lobby politicians to pass laws that benefit only one race of people. Here's the test: Would this be considered a racist organization? NAAWP
They represent a minority. They represent people who need to fight for equality. The NAACP is no different than NOW (National Organization for Women). These organizations allow anyone to join, and they are no different than a Christian organization that looks after the rights of and position of Christians in our society.
The name of the organization tells us all we need to know. They raise money to lobby politicians to pass laws that benefit only one race of people. Here's the test: Would this be considered a racist organization? NAAWP
You do know it was started and ran by Jews?
NAACP = National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Is it racist to call somebody "colored"?
Maybe not racist but offensive. Why would you want to go out of your way to offend someone? The organization was started a long time ago when the term colored was accepted. Nowadays it isn't, but, rather, offensive. Again, why do you, why would anyone want to make an issue of and/or go out of their way to offend someone?

We'd have to have a baseline, specific definition of the word "racist".

The PC Police have so diluted the word that it really has no meaning at this point.


Actually, it has a great deal of meaning. However, it seems racists are annoyed when it is used appropriately and when they are called on the inappropriate use of it. Most of the time,when a racist says PC police or liberals are the ones who are being racist, or when they say it is the blacks who are being 'racist,' the accurate term to be using is 'reverse racism.'

We'd have to have a baseline, specific definition of the word "racist".

The PC Police have so diluted the word that it really has no meaning at this point.


Actually, it has a great deal of meaning. However, it seems racists are annoyed when it is used appropriately and when they are called on the inappropriate use of it. Most of the time,when a racist says PC police or liberals are the ones who are being racist, or when they say it is the blacks who are being 'racist,' the accurate term to be using is 'reverse racism.'

An absolutely perfect example of my point, thanks.


We'd have to have a baseline, specific definition of the word "racist".

The PC Police have so diluted the word that it really has no meaning at this point.


Actually, it has a great deal of meaning. However, it seems racists are annoyed when it is used appropriately and when they are called on the inappropriate use of it. Most of the time,when a racist says PC police or liberals are the ones who are being racist, or when they say it is the blacks who are being 'racist,' the accurate term to be using is 'reverse racism.'

An absolutely perfect example of my point, thanks.

I'm not surprised. Any idea you don't like is, in your opinion, PC or racist or 'liberal,' etc. You are so open to considering anything you have a bias about.
NAACP = National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Is it racist to call somebody "colored"?
Maybe not racist but offensive. Why would you want to go out of your way to offend someone? The organization was started a long time ago when the term colored was accepted. Nowadays it isn't, but, rather, offensive. Again, why do you, why would anyone want to make an issue of and/or go out of their way to offend someone?
I'm not trying to offend anybody, simply pointing out that the name of the organization is either racist or offensive in and of itself. Maybe they should rename their organization to better fit our current culture. You even admit that the term "colored" is offensive (I think it's more racist than offensive).
And yes, I do know that when the organization was formed, the term "colored" was considered acceptable (it no longer is). I also remember when the term "colored" was replaced by "black" as the chosen word for what we now use the term "African-American", also a chosen term by people of African origin.

The NAACP isn't the only organizition that has failed to keep up with modern times and culture. We still have The United Negro College fund and I find very few African-Americans that find "Negro" to be an acceptable term to define themselves (although, not nearly as racist/offensive as "colored"). We also have The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation which was created about the same time the term "colored" was becoming an undesirable term to use. I also know that at some point, the NAACP used the term "colored" to mean anybody other than white people. That would be to include "people of color" such as Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, many middle eastern peoples, etc.
Personally, I don't get concerned about an individuals flesh tone and neither should the NAACP, the UNCF and the CBCF.
Actually, it has a great deal of meaning. However, it seems racists are annoyed when it is used appropriately and when they are called on the inappropriate use of it. Most of the time,when a racist says PC police or liberals are the ones who are being racist, or when they say it is the blacks who are being 'racist,' the accurate term to be using is 'reverse racism.'
There is no such thing as "reverse racism". Behavior is either racist or it is not. It really is that simple.

We'd have to have a baseline, specific definition of the word "racist".

The PC Police have so diluted the word that it really has no meaning at this point.


Actually, it has a great deal of meaning. However, it seems racists are annoyed when it is used appropriately and when they are called on the inappropriate use of it. Most of the time,when a racist says PC police or liberals are the ones who are being racist, or when they say it is the blacks who are being 'racist,' the accurate term to be using is 'reverse racism.'

An absolutely perfect example of my point, thanks.

I'm not surprised. Any idea you don't like is, in your opinion, PC or racist or 'liberal,' etc. You are so open to considering anything you have a bias about.

I made a point, and you proved it, immediately.

Happens quite often here.

Well, what would think if there was a NAFWP?

national association for white people?

the Naacp has become nothing more but an political arm of the Democrat party. They should get no monies from taxpayers to run it. They've become ugly in my eyes and just out to stir up race hustling
They represent a minority. They represent people who need to fight for equality. The NAACP is no different than NOW (National Organization for Women). These organizations allow anyone to join, and they are no different than a Christian organization that looks after the rights of and position of Christians in our society.

they already have equality

prove otherwise

We'd have to have a baseline, specific definition of the word "racist".

The PC Police have so diluted the word that it really has no meaning at this point.


Actually, it has a great deal of meaning. However, it seems racists are annoyed when it is used appropriately and when they are called on the inappropriate use of it. Most of the time,when a racist says PC police or liberals are the ones who are being racist, or when they say it is the blacks who are being 'racist,' the accurate term to be using is 'reverse racism.'

An absolutely perfect example of my point, thanks.

I'm not surprised. Any idea you don't like is, in your opinion, PC or racist or 'liberal,' etc. You are so open to considering anything you have a bias about.

I made a point, and you proved it, immediately.

Happens quite often here.


She proved your point according to you anyway. Pat yourself on the back why don't you. Is the NAACP racist. Why are right wingers always trying to prove that it's the left who are the racists? Anyone reading these forums soon finds out quite the opposite. Not that I'm saying you're racist.
They represent a minority. They represent people who need to fight for equality. The NAACP is no different than NOW (National Organization for Women). These organizations allow anyone to join, and they are no different than a Christian organization that looks after the rights of and position of Christians in our society.

they already have equality

prove otherwise

what they really do is persecute white people

We'd have to have a baseline, specific definition of the word "racist".

The PC Police have so diluted the word that it really has no meaning at this point.


Actually, it has a great deal of meaning. However, it seems racists are annoyed when it is used appropriately and when they are called on the inappropriate use of it. Most of the time,when a racist says PC police or liberals are the ones who are being racist, or when they say it is the blacks who are being 'racist,' the accurate term to be using is 'reverse racism.'

An absolutely perfect example of my point, thanks.

I'm not surprised. Any idea you don't like is, in your opinion, PC or racist or 'liberal,' etc. You are so open to considering anything you have a bias about.

I made a point, and you proved it, immediately.

Happens quite often here.


She proved your point according to you anyway. Pat yourself on the back why don't you. Is the NAACP racist. Why are right wingers always trying to prove that it's the left who are the racists? Anyone reading these forums soon finds out quite the opposite. Not that I'm saying you're racist.

Perhaps you can respond to my original point.

What definition of "racist" are we using?

The Left sets the bar ridiculously low (it appears to be essentially whatever you way it is), so I'm just curious.


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