Is the death penalty wrong?

Is the death penalty wrong?

  • I don't support any type of punishment for criminals

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The criminal justice system is so lax. They need to fry a whole lot more to send a clear message that shitting on others either by murdering or raping will not be tolerated. Lesser crimes like identity theft deserve life sentences.
I see it differently. Why not ship all the death row criminals up to Alaska or some other wasteland to populate work camps. They won't get paid. They will live in spartan conditions. No cable TV here. No need to kill 'em and waste a source of cheap labor.
I havealways supported the death penalty overall,but the older I have gotten,I have heard some different opinions on it that made me think on it.

First,when I was in college, I did a paper on it and at that time,7 people had been proven to be innocent after being put to death(I know there are more now). What a nightmare!!!!

Another point I heard was from Glenn Beck the radio talk show host. He doesn't bleive in it because he doesn't feel that God would appreciate us deciding when people leave this world...that's his job. Bill O'Reilly thinks it's far worse punishment too leave a person rot in jail and be miserable...that is if they aren't able to get college educations and watch cable.

I still however believe it is right in a lot of cases,mainly for murder. O.J.,Scott Peterson,anyone that has killed someone.(Of course O.J. will never get it). And a child killer....torture ,than death. I have never understood how Libs can believe in abortion,or even worse,partial birth abortion,but not beleive in the death penalty for hardened criminal murderers.
I see it differently. Why not ship all the death row criminals up to Alaska or some other wasteland to populate work camps.

Who determines what makes a "wasteland"? I'm sure the people that choose to reside in Alaska don't see it as such..

These people had a chance when they were out in society to get jobs, and earn a little money like normal people. They chose a different path. You think giving them jobs is going to change anything? You think they're going to come out "reformed"? Nono...I'm personally tired of footing the bill for them to live, dress, eat, read, smoke, watch TV, etc.

If someone gets life in prison, without chance for parol, nuke'm. Death row sentence? Don't sit on them for 15 years..nuke them within 30 days.
The problem with leaving them in jail for life is then we have to feed them and take care of their medical expenses and put up with all of their bullshit lawsuits about how not having cable tv is cruel and unusual punishment. Then there is the discipline problem. Since they're in for life, what stops them from trying to kill the guards and escape?
I say there should be a Death Penalty Review Court that reviews the case and ensures that justice was upheld, without any social commentary about the death penalty. If that Court upholds the case, put them to death. No more sitting on death row for 20 years while thirty thousand appeals are made by groups that think the death penalty is wrong.
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I'm for the death penalty as long as it's known without a shadow of a doubt that the person is guilty. There's people that have murdered someone and admitted it, they should get the death penalty, in my opinion. Other than them admitting it, I'd be worried there would still be a chance that they're innocent.
I believe that there are some crimes which are so heinous that the only appropriate punishment is to kill the perpetrator.

However, the administration of the death penalty often has as much to do with economic status as with crime and evidence. People with enough money to hire high-priced shysters do not get death sentences.

The other consideration of a death penalty is the margin of error. Some say that the tiny margin is a justified cost. Well, if you were someone who was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to die, I doubt that you would support that view. If we wrongfully imprison an innocent person, then that person can be compensated - at least monetarily - for the injustice. Once you kill someone, then it's too late to fix that.

I still support the death penalty. But I believe that in order to impose it the guilty verdict must have been based on solid scientific evidence, not circumstantial or eyewitness only.

The Scott Peterson case is an excellent example. His crime certainly warrants the death penalty. Yet if I were on the jury, I would not vote for imposing a death sentence simply because the evidence is all circumstantial.

To convict, a jury needs to be certain beyond a reasonable doubt. To impose a sentence of death, a jury should have sufficient hard evidence to be certain beyond any doubt whatever.

Another thing that bothers me is the inequity and inconsistency which has been evident in the awarding of a death penalty. I have long wondered why Susan Smith did not get a sentence of death. She drowned her two young sons in a most cold-blooded and premeditated way. She did this for the worst of all possible reasons - selfish lust. Yet she was not sentenced to die. She continues to breathe my air. Frankly, that pisses me off rather badly.
I think the death penalty is good for seriel killers and child molesters even if they haven't used it on them. Here is what is turning me against it unless it's a absolute case with a confessed killer. AGAIN last night I saw on the news a innocent man being released from prison and death row after spending 18 years there. Did all of you who are for the death penalty as a blanket stand notice when it took the Federal Courts over 12 years to agree to allow the new technology (then) of DNA proof of innocence tobe submitted into the new trial or to give a new trial based on proof of innocence? It took 12 years for them to say it was fine to NOT KILL innocent men that had proof they were innocent!! I think it was like 22 men on death row who were released when it was proved they didn't do the crime. How many died in those 12 years? Who knows. But one would be one to many. Once the death penalty is used no one can take it back for the inmate. That's my objection to it.

In cases where it is a confessed killer or there is real proof then yes.
I agree with your whole post, Merlin. Exspecially this...
Merlin1047 said:
I have long wondered why Susan Smith did not get a sentence of death. She drowned her two young sons in a most cold-blooded and premeditated way. She did this for the worst of all possible reasons - selfish lust. Yet she was not sentenced to die. She continues to breathe my air. Frankly, that pisses me off rather badly.
She did it, we know she did it, she admitted she did it, I feel she deserves the death penalty!! In her case though, I don't feel that quick and painless should go. I think they should strap her ass in a car and push it into the freakin' lake!!!!
TheEnemyWithin said:
Is the death penalty wrong?

I believe in the death penalty for the most horrible of crimes, first degree pre-meditated murder of innocents.
The only problem I have with it is we better make sure we are not executing innocent people.

True some deathrow facilities actually allow inmates to have websites, and do things like oragamy.....Thats nuts!!
Charles Ng for example, who tortured children, women, and men, then killed them after repeatedly raping them and keeping them as sex slaves, is doing Oragamy in prison and has a website that he posts his insane writings on :wtf:

Life in prison should be just that- life in prison, no parole, and no country clubs.
Pale Rider said:
Think about this, if *EVERY* crime carried the death penalty, there would virtually be NO CRIME.
People have thought about 6th century BC.....

You don't believe in an eye for an eye?
theim said:
I see it differently. Why not ship all the death row criminals up to Alaska or some other wasteland to populate work camps. They won't get paid. They will live in spartan conditions. No cable TV here. No need to kill 'em and waste a source of cheap labor.

That would be like the old chain gangs and would send us back to a time when being in prison was actually punichment for the prisoner. We couldn't have that now....

Sarcasm aside, I do support the death penalty, but I also think it should only be used in certain cases. A serial killer like Ted Bundy, put him to death and feel no guilt. A guy like Scott Peterson, who thankfully isn't walking free, put him in the work camps.
I always thought tent city in Arizona, I think that's where it is, was a good idea. No TV, No airconditioning, Pink jump suits to wear, and bologna sandwiches. People do not want to go back there. They need to make prison a punishment without all of the perks that are coming from my tax dollars.

As far as the death penalty, some people just need killing!!

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