Is Roxana Mayer an Op Chaos false flag operative?


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
Limbaugh Operatives Could Decide the Democrat Nominee in Denver
March 27, 2008
RUSH: Both yesterday and today, we have had callers from Texas who are foot soldiers, enlisted officers, in Operation Chaos. Both of these gentlemen, one in Austin, the most recent from Galveston that you just heard, not only voted for Hillary Clinton in the Texas primary, but they went a step further. They went back and caucused. Operation Chaos operatives went back and caucused. These two are just two of many. These two are now delegates to the Texas state convention. They are delegates for Hillary Clinton to the Texas state Democrat convention. They will be there undercover. They will be there as Operation Chaos operatives, but they are not the only two.

There are many phases to Operation Chaos. We are simply here in phase one. Phase one consists of operatives changing party registration, voting in the Democrat primary in upcoming states, as happened in Ohio and Texas in record numbers, looks like it will happen in Pennsylvania in record numbers, in this case voting for Hillary or voting for Obama to continue the bloodletting in the Democrat Party all the way through their convention, for this chaos to continue. However, the second and third phases of Operation Chaos consist of exactly what you have heard happening in Texas. Our operatives actually are being named delegates to state party conventions. The third phase of Operation Chaos leads to some of these delegates actually being named delegates to the Democrat National Convention in Denver. So you Democrats and you members of the Drive-By Media, you who think that Operation Chaos is ineffective and isn't working, remember this. When we get to Denver and the Democrat National Convention, and you look around, and you're a delegate, the person next to you could be mine. The person sitting next to you in your delegation could be an Operation Chaos operative.
How suspicious it is to the Cynical mind that the CON$ knew she was a delegate sooooooo quickly????
A little tooooooooo convenient if you ask me!!!
Hay DiveCon, what Lib site do you think I got this from!!!! :rofl:
So what are you saying? This woman is a Limbaugh supporter trying to make the Democrats look bad?

Dirty politics is a redundant phrase, folks.

In order for these false flag reps to be send to state party conventions, they must be nominated and elected by their fellow Dems Party caucuses.

If that happens, then the Dems in that caucas have failed as Dems to know into whom they put their trust. That or the false flag dems so outnumbered the real dems at the party caucus that there was virtually no real dems there to begin with.

Of course the party loyals, those people who show up month after month at regular party meetings, would have to be brain dead not to know that their party has suddenly gotten new faces, faces who have no history of working with their party, wouldn't they?

Let's just say, if they're doing their jobs, they should be able to prevent such fifth columnists from gaining those roles at the conventions.

And if they cannot prevent that from happening, then that local Democratic party had no REAL players to begin with.

It is up to the leaders of the local party organizations to see to it that they are not overwhelmed by these false flag republicans.

Politics all comes down to the issue of who can field more people, folks.

If the Rs can afford to send operatives to pretend to be Dems and the Dems are so lame that they don't notice, then the Rs deserve to win elections that way.

And vice versa, I note.

Nobody owns the franchise on dirty politics.
If the Rs can afford to send operatives to pretend to be Dems and the Dems are so lame that they don't notice, then the Rs deserve to win elections that way.

ok then........but the Rs lost.:eusa_eh:
If the Rs can afford to send operatives to pretend to be Dems and the Dems are so lame that they don't notice, then the Rs deserve to win elections that way.

ok then........but the Rs lost.:eusa_eh:

Did they?

If they can influence the outcome of BOTH Parties, have they really lost?

ACtually, since I believe that the difference between the parties is basically meaningless, the whole exercise is pointless, anyway.

But assuming you believe that there's a difference between them, then if the Rs can control the caucuses of both parties then they DESERVE to dominate American politics.
I know I'm new here, but why is Rush considered a valid topic for discussion? He's not operating in good faith. He's only trying to increase is ratings. He doesn't have a real effect on American politics, despite what the conservative media tells you.
So what are you saying? This woman is a Limbaugh supporter trying to make the Democrats look bad?


It can't be ruled out!!!
The only thing that links her to Obama is she's a Texas delegate, but according to LimpBoy himself being a Texas delegate links her just as much to him.
So what are you saying? This woman is a Limbaugh supporter trying to make the Democrats look bad?


It can't be ruled out!!!
The only thing that links her to Obama is she's a Texas delegate, but according to LimpBoy himself being a Texas delegate links her just as much to him.

It's the only scenario that meets your original definition of a "false flag" operation. A false flag operation is dressing up like the enemy in order to gain some advantage or do something you can later blame the enemy for.
So what are you saying? This woman is a Limbaugh supporter trying to make the Democrats look bad?


It can't be ruled out!!!
The only thing that links her to Obama is she's a Texas delegate, but according to LimpBoy himself being a Texas delegate links her just as much to him.

It's the only scenario that meets your original definition of a "false flag" operation. A false flag operation is dressing up like the enemy in order to gain some advantage or do something you can later blame the enemy for.

And the shoe still fits.

Stalinist Indiana Democrats Plot to Intimidate Operation Chaos Voters
April 3, 2008
RUSH: Now, those of you members of Operation Chaos in Indiana who have registered -- you're a Republican, and you have registered to vote in the Democrat primary on May 6 -- you probably knew it before I announced it today that the Democrat Party is going to be on the prowl looking for you, intimidating you into not showing up and not pulling off your attempted crossover. Now, this is very simple to combat. It's all you have to do on Election Day, as an Operation Chaos operative. When you vote that day, don't bathe! Don't take a shower the night before, and don't take a shower the day of the election. Don't shave.

In other words: no grooming. Go out and get a pair of beat-up jeans, maybe some Birkenstock sandals or whatever. Tell 'em you don't really know what Obama thinks about immigration but you love it when he talks.
You just love it. You love "the future." You love "change," and you are sick of Bush. Get some anti-Bush bumper stickers and put 'em on your car. Get a "Bush Lied, People Died" button. Get a "Bush lied, people died" bumper sticker. Some wacko lib website is sure to have this type of merchandise available. If you have an SUV, that's okay. Show up in it. Make sure to get a bumper sticker that says "W is Still the President," and you're mad about that and you've had it with the Republicans any number of ways. Don't wear a wedding ring. There are any number of things that you can do, ladies and gentlemen. All you have to do is fool their template. You know, they're going to be trying to find you. You know who the Democrats and the liberals are; they judge people by the way they look. So if you show up and look like a liberal. You're not even going to arouse suspicion.

But if you show up looking clean-cut, buttoned-down conservative type, that's going to attract attention. Don't smile! You are not happy, unless you start talking about Obama. Other than that, you're not happy. You walk in there with a frown, your head's kind of hung over. Especially because you're a Hillary voter. You don't think she's got a prayer, but you believe in the electoral process and the Democrat process. We will have further advice and tips for those of you in Indiana as Operation Chaos continues and as the date of your primary, May 6th, approaches.

Tips for Fooling Indiana Votestopo
April 3, 2008
RUSH: Just to repeat, don't bathe, don't shave. Wear a tie-dyed T-shirt or some raggedy button-down shirt, blue jeans, sandals, get a button out there, says "Bush Lied, People Died," put that on the shirt and so forth, be unhappy, sulk, don't wash your hair, any of that, gotta look the part here because Democrats judge people the way they look, they do, and then they categorize based on the way they look.
It is an interesting premise, to be sure. ;)

Well, he does have a loooooong history going back before he was syndicated of having his operatives make it look like Libs had done something wrong.

El Rushbo In Need of Secret Service Protection
El Rushbo In Need of Secret Service Protection
May 10, 2007

RUSH: I do. I think I'm the one that needs Secret Service protection. All this talk about Obama and presidential candidates, for crying out loud, I'm the one that needs it.

RUSH: Speaking of this defaced billboard of me in Baltimore, it reminds me when I was in Sacramento at KFBK (and back when the television news operations out there were really solid, just as an aside). The station put a series of billboards up on me because, believe it or not, I was controversial then, too --
and this billboard that I'm going to describe for you won a local ad club award. There were two or three of them around town, and it was a picture of a car radio dial back in the '80s. Nothing was digital. Digital was just starting. So you had the AM dial and you had the five or six push buttons under it that you could push to change stations, and there was a hand with one finger ready to push a button, and it had our station -- KFBK 1530 -- denoted on the radio dial.

The line was: "Wouldn't you just love to punch Rush Limbaugh?" Then the next billboard had tomatoes and it looked like eggs and stuff thrown at it, and the next billboard had even more of that kind of stuff. So we defaced our own billboards, just as a humorous marketing campaign.

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