Is REVENGE or SMOKESCREEN the motive for Benghazi-Coward Obama's Fiscal "Cliff"?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Is REVENGE or SMOKESCREEN the motive for Benghazi-Coward Obama's Fiscal "Cliff"?

December 13, 2012 | Graewoulf

The financial disaster of the loss of over one Trillion Taxpayer Dollars per year by the incompetent financial stewardship of Benghazi-Coward B. Hussein Obama continues without significant opposition by the cowardly US House of Representatives.

Sobber of the House Boehner is so fearful of the negative opinions that will always come from the Commie Liberal Agenda Media, (CLAM), that Boehner is willing to tearfully impale himself on Obama's threat of a veto just to "save" America from not getting a "Deal" by the end of 2012.

Conservatives do not want a "Deal." What we want is for the US House to FINALLY control spendaholic Obama! DO YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The way to do that is to CONFRONT Obama with his past record of financial irresponsibility, and then reduce by 10 % per year the funding of the entire Entitlement expenditures that comprise 40 % of the total US Federal Spending, and ALL of the Annual Federal Deficit.

The ensuing Federal Government shutdown, and loss of 'in-the-wagon' Entitlement payments will probably duplicate the recent public reflex action of Greece.

This single action will assure the Worldwide financial rating establishment that America is going to do whatever it takes to preserve the high ranking of US Treasury Bonds.

This high ranking of US Treasury bonds is currently the main difference between the US and Greece, as both Countries have a National Debt that exceeds their respective Annual Gross Domestic Product.

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