Is Reality Beginning To Seep In Yet?

Except video games have been around almost 40 years. No you cant blame a game for bad parenting and punishing boys for being boys. Hell I use to play war as a kid where me and some buddies would act like we were shooting each other and NONE of us went out and slaughtered innocents people with a firearm. Christ we use to have these BB guns with rubber pellets we did shoot each other with them.... Little yellow fuckers hurt to LOL still point is we didn't turn out into mass murders. So placing blame on a game is just stupid cause MILLIONS of kids play them. A fucked up person is a fucked up person they dont need a game to make them flip out. What I want to know is why we have so many fucked up young men now.

Maybe not the game itself so much, as an abandonment of parental influence thanatos. Video and video games babysitting. Work (chores) create responsibility. Parents making actions support words regarding an education. I dare say the hours spent watching high school sports far outweighs the time spent reviewing homework and discussing the child's progress with teachers.
I spend quite a bit of time having to re teach my kids.....If it wasn't for the fact that I cant afford it I would homeschool.
I can't remember young people being addicted to violent video games until recently. We're not talking about "violent images". We're talking about brain washing young immature minds or mentally ill minds hour after hour with violent murders. We have at least two slaughters that we can attribute to violent video game addiction, Columbine and this recent one. I'm sure there are many others. What do you think?

Except video games have been around almost 40 years. No you cant blame a game for bad parenting and punishing boys for being boys. Hell I use to play war as a kid where me and some buddies would act like we were shooting each other and NONE of us went out and slaughtered innocents people with a firearm. Christ we use to have these BB guns with rubber pellets we did shoot each other with them.... Little yellow fuckers hurt to LOL still point is we didn't turn out into mass murders. So placing blame on a game is just stupid cause MILLIONS of kids play them. A fucked up person is a fucked up person they dont need a game to make them flip out. What I want to know is why we have so many fucked up young men now.

Yes, I also played war and cowboys and indians, etc. However, I don't remember any of my friends or myself wanting to get a real weapon and murder innocent people. I remember 40 years ago and there were no video games like we have now. I think it's a combination of violent video games, mental illness, drugs, bad parenting, and culture. The USA has gone dark and stupid.
Pong has been around since the early 70's :)......What i was saying is Video games might not help they are not the cause......We have traded being parents with a pill. Kid a buit much to handle? Prozac. Kid being a pain in the ass at school? Ritalin. Kid yells I HATE YOU to mom ? Therapy with several mood stabilizing drugs. Kid not learning a fast as sally? He must be Autistic more drugs must be administered. At what point did being a kid become a mental illness? This cant be good for them. Shit we have kids that are ether to fat from too much junk food or malnourished from eating nothing but weeds and sticks cause mommy and daddy went health insane. ....We have become a country of extremes and our kids are the ones taking the brunt of it.

It is many things but in essence somewhere we forgot to actually parent and just fed kids drugs to make up for it.
Homo sapiens.

And no, we aren't getting anywhere. You not remembering shit is a lame fucking dodge of "going postal," not to mention other workplace shootings, fast food joint shootings, and so on.

Your indoctrinated mind put up the "STOP" sign when you tried to think. Why is it so difficult for you to say "Addicted to violent video games"? Now that is not the reason for every mass shooting, but it is what Columbine and the recent one have in common. Would you agree or not?

I dont agree. Violent images have always been around. You know what hasn't been? Mood stabilizing drugs.....You know the ones we are feeding our kids so teachers wont have to deal with kids.

Is that along with street drugs?

The real difference is we have a generation of children who expect never to be disappointed as a matter of right. They alone are special, they win all the time. The expectation is the world owes them just about everything. Then they run into reality. Their perceptions are already skewed by prescribed and non-prescribed drugs. The disturbed can never come back, the marginal become disturbed. They kill others or themselves.
American society and culture is in a dark alley. Bad behavior is glorified and forced on us; otherwise, we are called bigots unless we bend to the will of the Godless heathen in our media and pop entertainment corporations. Piss on 'em.
We're not talking about you. I gave you a second chance, but it appears you're an idiot.

He's a tip, dishit: all manner of similarities can be drawn. Noodle on that; you might grow a braincell.

Here's a tip, pissant. Get a clue. You really need to find a forum with a lower level of discussion.

Fuck me! Hahahahahahahahahaha. Where in the fuck might I go find morons dumber than you?????

You cannot be serious. Jesus, pal. I about fell out of my chair. No shit.
But its not a tax increase, only a return to the Proper righteous previous rate. The rate patriotic Americans want to and should be

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