CDZ Is OSAMA BIN LADEN Really Dead... Really?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Can anyone really PROVE OBL is dead? Other than what someone says, where is the tangible proof? Where is the body? Why did no one on the ship see his supposed body? Why does it all appear to be nothing more than one more huge Obama lie? Well... more than likely because that's exactly what it is... ONE MORE HUGE OBAMA LIE.

Long, but excellent read... Seymour M. Hersh The Killing of Osama bin Laden LRB 21 May 2015

The Killing of Osama bin Laden
Seymour M. Hersh
Al Qaeda seems to think he is dead

So does Seal Team Six but their silence could have been bought.

bin Laden is probably holed up in the White House with the dozens of other Muslims that the prez is doing every night.

Or, since President Obama is such a nice guy, maybe he flew him down to Dallasss to live with his good buddy, W.

If bin Laden is still alive, he's been damn quiet but I guess we'll never know for sure.

Great idea for a thread 007 and very original idea.
Bin Laden was seen with Elvis last weekend at a Waffle House in Augusta Georgia

Can anyone really PROVE OBL is dead? Other than what someone says, where is the tangible proof? Where is the body? Why did no one on the ship see his supposed body? Why does it all appear to be nothing more than one more huge Obama lie? Well... more than likely because that's exactly what it is... ONE MORE HUGE OBAMA LIE.

Long, but excellent read... Seymour M. Hersh The Killing of Osama bin Laden LRB 21 May 2015

The Killing of Osama bin Laden
Seymour M. Hersh

No, I'm sure he and Elvis Presley are hanging out somewhere...........geez, are you really even suggesting such a thing?
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Can anyone really PROVE OBL is dead? Other than what someone says, where is the tangible proof? Where is the body? Why did no one on the ship see his supposed body? Why does it all appear to be nothing more than one more huge Obama lie? Well... more than likely because that's exactly what it is... ONE MORE HUGE OBAMA LIE.

Long, but excellent read... Seymour M. Hersh The Killing of Osama bin Laden LRB 21 May 2015

The Killing of Osama bin Laden
Seymour M. Hersh

conspiracy loons are funny.


this does not belong in the CDZ. it belongs in conspiracy theories.

careful, too much infowars will rot your brain.

oh wait....
So, USMBers:

Former top CIA official on bin Laden raid account It s all wrong - Adam B. Lerner - POLITICO

"Former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell dismissed a recent report from veteran journalist Seymour Hersh that claims that Pakistani officials were harboring Osama bin Laden before his death at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs.

“It’s all wrong,” Morell told CBS on Monday morning. “I started reading the article last night. I got a third of the way through and I stopped because every sentence I was reading was wrong. The source that Hersh talked to has no idea what he’s talking about.”"

alive with elvis in graceland------eating banana pudding-----
I hope Michael Jackson is there too-----but Michael should stay away from Osama-------not a nice guy
Nothing in Seymore Hersh's story says anything about bin Laden not being dead

Does the OP just make shit up?
Why do we still talk about this phantom? He was a good actor who had played his role perfectly. Now our Government is hiring more and more new bearded persons instead of him. Don't you like Bukhari or Shekau? They are good, just believe.
conspiracy loons are funny.


this does not belong in the CDZ. it belongs in conspiracy theories.

careful, too much infowars will rot your brain.

oh wait....

Wrong. Conspiracy Theories should all be in the CDZ so people who want to have a serious debate can do so without the usual posers disrupting the thread with snide remarks like you just did.
Hersh claims "unnamed" sources.

Until I know the names and see the evidence, his book is nothing but conjecture.

That is how it works in the adult world.

in the land of the mob people wind up dead when they expose the gubmint. Look at the 911 photographer who fled from the land of the MOBgumint because of the damning photos he has of the wtc site, how about Snowden, painted as a traitor? Yeh to the mobgumint but hero to the american people.
conspiracy loons are funny.


this does not belong in the CDZ. it belongs in conspiracy theories.

careful, too much infowars will rot your brain.

oh wait....

Wrong. Conspiracy Theories should all be in the CDZ so people who want to have a serious debate can do so without the usual posers disrupting the thread with snide remarks like you just did.

no. insane musings should not be validated.

snide is the nicest loons deserve
A lot of factors speak against this stuff.

First, I doubt that the Seals could have kept this a secret so long.

Second, the White House watched this on video, in real time.

Third, claiming unnamed sources is an excellent way to try to fabricate something. Hersh also wrote very weird, over the top stuff about Bush 43 and I remember that that that time, the Right didn't like him very much.

Fourth, the fact that El Quaeda itself has confirmed his death pretty much closes this.

Fifth, a journalist can find someone who, for $$$, will say almost anything.

Take a look at the crazy people who claim that the moon landings were faked.

The strongest piece of evidence that this is not true and that indeed the moon landings happened exactly as recorded in our history books?


Yes, Russia, for at that time, at the height of the Cold War and in the middle of a space race that they, the Russians, were going to lose, they had exactly the same type of satellites in orbit as we, their technology was right on par with our own. Had we not really sent a spacecraft to the Moon not just once, but many times, the Russians would have screamed bloody murder and brought forth sensor evidence to prove that we were never there.

Yepp, the Russians themselves prove that the Moon landings were quite real.

Rational, intelligent people understand this.
Can anyone really PROVE OBL is dead? Other than what someone says, where is the tangible proof? Where is the body? Why did no one on the ship see his supposed body? Why does it all appear to be nothing more than one more huge Obama lie? Well... more than likely because that's exactly what it is... ONE MORE HUGE OBAMA LIE.

Long, but excellent read... Seymour M. Hersh The Killing of Osama bin Laden LRB 21 May 2015

The Killing of Osama bin Laden
Seymour M. Hersh

As I'd said in threads the day the news broke, there's no reason to have killed him when alive he's an intelligence gold mine. Dead, he's a martyr.

The burial at sea makes even less sense. So for the first time in modern military history we buried an enemy with full honors?

I stick by my original hypothesis: ObL is alive and in some black site somewhere with electrodes attached to his testicles in desperate need of a shave and haircut.
No, he's dead because he was reaching for his AK-47 which was behind his bed when the Seal busted into his room.

He's very much dead. And it was not burying him at sea with honors, it was disposing of the body in a way that Al-Queda could not recover it and make him a martyr. Fish bait isn't a good martyr.

Now what IS crap is "Obama got Bin Laden." That's as much a pile of crap as "Bush got Saddam." No, SOLDIERS got them BOTH.
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