Is Obama to blame DOW Meltdown?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Remember when the Dow was up because there was some announcement about Greece and all the libs were hooting and hollering that Obama saved the world?

Guess what?

DOW JONES 30 INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE (.DJI) As of: 11/01/2011, 12:22pm
Last Trade [tick] 11,650.58[-] Prev Close Price 11,955.01
Net Change -304.43 Prev Close Date 10/31/2011
Net Change % -2.55% Open 11,951.53
Day High 11,951.76 Chart | Option Chain
Day Low 11,634.23

Is Obama to blame?

Is it because of Corzine?

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The Dow Futures brought the market down before the cash market opened because of worries over the collapse of MF Global and the fact Europe's plan to contain the Greek debt crisis lacks details. Stop Trolling!
Remember when the Dow was up because there was some announcement about Greece and all the libs were hooting and hollering that Obama saved the world?

Guess what?

DOW JONES 30 INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE (.DJI) As of: 11/01/2011, 12:22pm
Last Trade [tick] 11,650.58[-] Prev Close Price 11,955.01
Net Change -304.43 Prev Close Date 10/31/2011
Net Change % -2.55% Open 11,951.53
Day High 11,951.76 Chart | Option Chain
Day Low 11,634.23

Is Obama to blame?

Is it because of Corzine?


I don't think the president has a huge impact on the dow.

HOWEVER, I will say this....for every forum goer who credited the president when the dow went over 12,000 for you guys this is his fault since he made it go up he made it go down. Same for those who are blaming this downturn on the pres, if it goes back up its his fault for you too.

I think its a correction, the dow shouldn't have ben over 12,000

Also for everyone, don't forget the impact of QE1 and QE2 on the stock market, it basically causes controlled inflation and the devaluing of the dollar, making stocks all cost more and the dow go up without any real wealth having been created.
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The Dow Futures brought the market down before the cash market opened because of worries over the collapse of MF Global and the fact Europe's plan to contain the Greek debt crisis lacks details. Stop Trolling!

It doesn't lack anything.
It is a cover up and looked like one from the start.

The DOW for the last 7 weeks has been nothing more than a simple tug of war between the bubble builders and the realistic.
The Dow Futures brought the market down before the cash market opened because of worries over the collapse of MF Global and the fact Europe's plan to contain the Greek debt crisis lacks details. Stop Trolling!

Were you here for the Lib high-fiving each other last week on the "record day for the dow"?
The Dow Futures brought the market down before the cash market opened because of worries over the collapse of MF Global and the fact Europe's plan to contain the Greek debt crisis lacks details. Stop Trolling!

Were you here for the Lib high-fiving each other last week on the "record day for the dow"?

I was and those same people must be sad since, for them, this downturn is obama's fault too.....well unless they are hypocritical then this can be boehner's fault :lol:
No trolling happening here except for those who show up for no apparent reason than to accuse others of trolling because they don't like the subject offered for discussion.

This is a reasonable topic to discuss.

My answer: Obama isn't responsible for yesterday and today's severe decline in the stock market EXCEPT in the part of it that has resulted from his refusal to make necessary corrections that would allow the U.S. economy to take off.

Yesterday and today, the market is reacting to Greece's stubborn refusal to implement austerity measures demanded by the EU in return for pulling Greece back from the brink of bankruptcy. Even a tiny country like Greece send ripple effects through the world economy when it is in danger of defaulting on its internatonal debts.

Obama's part in that is in his stubborn insistance on continuing with failed leftist policies and his all out economic war on American commerce and industry that has up to six trillion dollars in American assets sidelined and the economy stalled. If the USA was economically healthy, and it could have been after three years since the housing bubble crash, an economic stumble in Greece would not be of such importance.
You guys want some trolling? Here i'll troll obama with a video

[ame=]President Barack Hussein Obama Parody: I'll Bring It Down | Shanklin DowJones Nasdaq - YouTube[/ame]
The Dow Futures brought the market down before the cash market opened because of worries over the collapse of MF Global and the fact Europe's plan to contain the Greek debt crisis lacks details. Stop Trolling!

Were you here for the Lib high-fiving each other last week on the "record day for the dow"?

I was and those same people must be sad since, for them, this downturn is obama's fault too.....well unless they are hypocritical then this can be boehner's fault :lol:

Tea party! Bank ATM! Airport kiosk! Tsunami Earthquake Flood Locustssssssss
The Dow Futures brought the market down before the cash market opened because of worries over the collapse of MF Global and the fact Europe's plan to contain the Greek debt crisis lacks details. Stop Trolling!

Do you support the claim that Obama had anything to do with its recent rise? that he had anything to do with a EUROPEAN political action? Most of the left has made EXACTLY that claim here, in the press and around the Country.

IF you made ANY of those claims then he would be responsible for the drop as well.

So which is it?Not responsible on either count or?
Obama has little to do with it.

The Market is a rigged system. Bernie Madoff said so (and he should know)
Haven't you guys noticed that it goes up one day 100-300 points, then it goes down the next day 100-300 points. Why? Buy and Sell orders are increased, so broker fees are increased. In fact, just manufactured. They're just pushing money around and getting fees. You know it's true because the Economy (real wealth creation) hasn't improved.

Increased "volatility" in the market also stems from our credit downgrade so we see swings of 100-300 points. When it gets downgraded again (and it will, for whatever reason you want to believe) we'll see wider swings, maybe 200-500 points in a day, every day.

The Euro Market goes down so everyone jumps into the American Market causing it to rise. The next day everyone jumps to the Euro Market for the buying opportunities so the American Market goes down. Meanwhile brokers get fees for shifting money around.

My advice? Buy Gold and Silver. That's what I'm doing.
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Obama has little to do with it.

The Market is a rigged system. Bernie Madoff said so (and he should know)
Haven't you guys noticed that it goes up one day 100-300 points, then it goes down the next day 100-300 points. Why? Buy and Sell orders are increased, so broker fees are increased. In fact, just manufactured. They're just pushing money around and getting fees. You know it's true because the Economy (real wealth creation) hasn't improved.

Increased "volatility" in the market also stems from our credit downgrade so we see swings of 100-300 points. When it gets downgraded again (and it will, for whatever reason you want to believe) we'll see wider swings, maybe 200-500 points in a day, every day.

The Euro Market goes down so everyone jumps into the American Market causing it to rise. The next day everyone jumps to the Euro Market for the buying opportunities so the American Market goes down. Meanwhile brokers get fees for shifting money around.

My advice? Buy Gold and Silver. That's what I'm doing.

My advice? Don't get your economic education from Bernie Madoff, elect economic conservatives to Congress, and vote anything other than Obama.
The Dow Futures brought the market down before the cash market opened because of worries over the collapse of MF Global and the fact Europe's plan to contain the Greek debt crisis lacks details. Stop Trolling!

But on Thursday and Friday when Merkel and Skorzy made that deal with the chinese, it was proof that Obama truly was magic, that were to get our rainbows and unicorns would replace the lexis as the preferred mode of travel. Two days later some other unrelated thing happens and it is nothing to do with him.

I am willing to agree that on thursday it had nothing to do with him, even less on friday, if it nothing to do with him today and yesterday.

What he does is he sets up an environment with regulations and a tax regime and a spending policy. From day to day, from week to week, to his great regret it has nothing to do with him. However a long term unemployment rate that lasts this high this long and this painful does bear his fingerprints.

It is interesting that Sallow is not in these threads.

I don't like it when markets shrink and fail like this. My kids' college funds are suffering hysterics. What had been a years tuition covered now isn't even a single term. I do wish he would turn away from the mirror for a moment and actually do something constructive for once, but I have lots of daydreams that have even less of a chance for success.
If a 4% drop in the Dow is a meltdown, then what do you call the 53% drop that started under Bush in 2008?
If a 4% drop in the Dow is a meltdown, then what do you call the 53% drop that started under Bush in 2008?

Bush's meltdown doesn't change the fact that if you attribute the stock market to obama when it goes up you have to attribute it to him when it goes down if you want to be consistant and not a hypocrite....and vise-versa.
The Dow Futures brought the market down before the cash market opened because of worries over the collapse of MF Global and the fact Europe's plan to contain the Greek debt crisis lacks details. Stop Trolling!

But on Thursday and Friday when Merkel and Skorzy made that deal with the chinese, it was proof that Obama truly was magic, that were to get our rainbows and unicorns would replace the lexis as the preferred mode of travel. Two days later some other unrelated thing happens and it is nothing to do with him.

I am willing to agree that on thursday it had nothing to do with him, even less on friday, if it nothing to do with him today and yesterday.

What he does is he sets up an environment with regulations and a tax regime and a spending policy. From day to day, from week to week, to his great regret it has nothing to do with him. However a long term unemployment rate that lasts this high this long and this painful does bear his fingerprints.

It is interesting that Sallow is not in these threads.

I don't like it when markets shrink and fail like this. My kids' college funds are suffering hysterics. What had been a years tuition covered now isn't even a single term. I do wish he would turn away from the mirror for a moment and actually do something constructive for once, but I have lots of daydreams that have even less of a chance for success.

We had a very good week two weeks ago and then last week the market started taking it all back continuing that process today. Such is life on the stock market, but if you don't need the money immediately AND we have the good sense to elect more fiscal conservatives to Congress and vote Obama OUT next November, the market will soon show the effects of an improving economy.

I don't expect much in the way of economic recovery when Obama seems hellbent determined to prevent a recovery.

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