Is Obama PussyWhipped?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Bill's Back: Clinton commands stage at White House - Yahoo! News


I can't keep the First Lady waiting, she's got my balls in the Social Security Lock Box
Oh yeah. Obama is pussy whipped, No Frelling Doubt About It.
I think it was more of a situation of............

"HOLY SH**!!!! I'M IN SO FAR OVER MY HEAD WHAT DO I DO????????" (Obama)

"Dont worry fella.....I've been here before, step aside." (Bill)
Everybody knows the black female in the family is in charge so my guess is Michelle is not only running her family but the whole country as well.
Don't know about Pussy Whipped but he sure did pussy out on the Press Conference. He left ole Slick Willie Stainmaker standing there looking like a shocked buffoon. It was actually pretty funny.

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