Is Obama completely out of touch?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Senior White House advisor David Plouffe says the unemployment situation doesn't matter to most Americans.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪The Audacity of Indifference‬‏[/ame]

Is Obama one of "most Americans" that don't care?
Senior White House advisor David Plouffe says the unemployment situation doesn't matter to most Americans.

Is Obama one of "most Americans" that don't care?

That would seem to be the Republicans. They keep saying increasing revenues would hurt job creation, but we didn't let the Bush tax cuts expire and they're blocking the closing of loopholes, so where are the jobs they've been promising?
There's no question he's completely out of touch IMO. What I don't get though - from him, staffers, other Dems - is continuing to spout their various solutions in the face of abject failure to date. An $800+ billion stimulus failed to do virtually all they claimed it would, so now it wasn't big enough or time for another?

It was two years ago (thereabouts) that Barry reminded us all from the All Star game broadcast booth how broke the country was. But since then has gone on to spend massive amounts of money we don't have? Hope and change should have been we're broke, but I'll make us broker!

But I'm content to let them continue to sail along preaching b.s. to their choir, and by the time they spot the 2012 waterfall ahead it'll be far too late.
Senior White House advisor David Plouffe says the unemployment situation doesn't matter to most Americans.

Is Obama one of "most Americans" that don't care?

That would seem to be the Republicans. They keep saying increasing revenues would hurt job creation, but we didn't let the Bush tax cuts expire and they're blocking the closing of loopholes, so where are the jobs they've been promising?

Hold your horses there little jimmy, The GOP has not been promising jobs, the Democrats have, for the last 3 years, and have not followed through. How in the hell could the GOP promise jobs bills when the Democrats control the Senate since 2006 and the white house since 2008? It's just not possible. You have either been misinformed "Which would be your own fault for not paying attention and seeing for yourself" or you are intentionally trying to lay blame on the GOP for the Democrats failures, which anyone on here with half a brain can see right now.
As far as I'm concerned, the community organizer in Chief, HAS NEVER been in touch.
When the fuck did Plouffe say that?

Because I am pretty sure that wasn't the quote.

He wasn't the only Obamite to say such things...

They Said It! Another Top Obama Adviser Says High Unemployment Doesn't Matter - NY GOP


He didn't say that.

From your article..the abbreviated quote:

‘For the average person this is a meaningless discussion, what is meaningful is what they experience in their own lives.’”

Which basically means..most politics is local. People care about what's going on with their families.

But here's the full quote:

.“The average American does not view the economy through the prism of GDP or unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers,” Plouffe said. “People won’t vote based on the unemployment rate, they’re going to vote based on: ‘How do I feel about my own situation? Do I believe the president makes decisions based on me and my family?’”
What did David Plouffe really say about unemployment? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

It's impossible to have an honest discussion with conservatives.
What Stephanie said.

The only people with whom Obama is "in touch" are the liberal elite cabal of ivy league academics, career politicians, union heads, and community organizers, and the big moneyed interests that collude with them to transfer taxpayer money to themselves.
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When the fuck did Plouffe say that?

Because I am pretty sure that wasn't the quote.

He wasn't the only Obamite to say such things...

They Said It! Another Top Obama Adviser Says High Unemployment Doesn't Matter - NY GOP


He didn't say that.

From your article..the abbreviated quote:

‘For the average person this is a meaningless discussion, what is meaningful is what they experience in their own lives.’”

Which basically means..most politics is local. People care about what's going on with their families.

But here's the full quote:

.“The average American does not view the economy through the prism of GDP or unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers,” Plouffe said. “People won’t vote based on the unemployment rate, they’re going to vote based on: ‘How do I feel about my own situation? Do I believe the president makes decisions based on me and my family?’”
What did David Plouffe really say about unemployment? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

It's impossible to have an honest discussion with conservatives.

Actually you were right about the quote but the answer to the final question is that Obama doesn't give a rats A about the wage earners of this country and is pandering to the Unions, blacks, illegals and anyone else dumb enough to vote for him. I don't believe that American is that stupid. I can't want to change in 2012.
When the fuck did Plouffe say that?

Because I am pretty sure that wasn't the quote.

He wasn't the only Obamite to say such things...

They Said It! Another Top Obama Adviser Says High Unemployment Doesn't Matter - NY GOP


He didn't say that.

From your article..the abbreviated quote:

‘For the average person this is a meaningless discussion, what is meaningful is what they experience in their own lives.’”

Which basically means..most politics is local. People care about what's going on with their families.

But here's the full quote:

.“The average American does not view the economy through the prism of GDP or unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers,” Plouffe said. “People won’t vote based on the unemployment rate, they’re going to vote based on: ‘How do I feel about my own situation? Do I believe the president makes decisions based on me and my family?’”
What did David Plouffe really say about unemployment? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

It's impossible to have an honest discussion with conservatives.

Your right, it is impossible because you guys play semantics with words.

Meaningless discussion = doesn't matter

Seems pretty clear to me. You can muddle the point with some long diatribe but he said what he said. And you can bet your ass it will be used in adds in the upcomming election.


He didn't say that.

From your article..the abbreviated quote:

Which basically means..most politics is local. People care about what's going on with their families.

But here's the full quote:

.“The average American does not view the economy through the prism of GDP or unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers,” Plouffe said. “People won’t vote based on the unemployment rate, they’re going to vote based on: ‘How do I feel about my own situation? Do I believe the president makes decisions based on me and my family?’”
What did David Plouffe really say about unemployment? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

It's impossible to have an honest discussion with conservatives.

Actually you were right about the quote but the answer to the final question is that Obama doesn't give a rats A about the wage earners of this country and is pandering to the Unions, blacks, illegals and anyone else dumb enough to vote for him. I don't believe that American is that stupid. I can't want to change in 2012.

So now people in Unions, Black People, People seeking asylum or running away from sexual slavery..don't deserve to be addressed.

Yeah..that's a winning strategy.

I hope you go with it in 2012.
hes definately out of touch with the right wing of this country.

The right wing of this country is out of touch with the facts
Senior White House advisor David Plouffe says the unemployment situation doesn't matter to most Americans.

Is Obama one of "most Americans" that don't care?

That would seem to be the Republicans. They keep saying increasing revenues would hurt job creation, but we didn't let the Bush tax cuts expire and they're blocking the closing of loopholes, so where are the jobs they've been promising?

Hold your horses there little jimmy, The GOP has not been promising jobs, the Democrats have, for the last 3 years, and have not followed through. How in the hell could the GOP promise jobs bills when the Democrats control the Senate since 2006 and the white house since 2008? It's just not possible. You have either been misinformed "Which would be your own fault for not paying attention and seeing for yourself" or you are intentionally trying to lay blame on the GOP for the Democrats failures, which anyone on here with half a brain can see right now.

They've been saying that not raising taxes would improve the job situation. Well, they've been blocking the increases, so where are the jobs? You're talking out of both sidees of your mouth. Since new spending is off the table too, we're forced to put our faith in the "invisible hand" of the market to provide the jobs. So, I have to ask again, where are these jobs the Republicans have been promising?!?!


He didn't say that.

From your article..the abbreviated quote:

Which basically means..most politics is local. People care about what's going on with their families.

But here's the full quote:

.“The average American does not view the economy through the prism of GDP or unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers,” Plouffe said. “People won’t vote based on the unemployment rate, they’re going to vote based on: ‘How do I feel about my own situation? Do I believe the president makes decisions based on me and my family?’”
What did David Plouffe really say about unemployment? - The Plum Line - The Washington Post

It's impossible to have an honest discussion with conservatives.

Your right, it is impossible because you guys play semantics with words.

Meaningless discussion = doesn't matter

Seems pretty clear to me. You can muddle the point with some long diatribe but he said what he said. And you can bet your ass it will be used in adds in the upcomming election.

I'm not playing "semantics", I am accurately putting up the real quote in it's proper context. What you guys do, almost to a fault, is engage in hyperbole that makes it impossible to engage in meaningful discussions.

Once you start doing that..or insulting your opposition..that makes compromise very very difficult.

He didn't say that.

From your article..the abbreviated quote:

Which basically means..most politics is local. People care about what's going on with their families.

But here's the full quote:

It's impossible to have an honest discussion with conservatives.

Your right, it is impossible because you guys play semantics with words.

Meaningless discussion = doesn't matter

Seems pretty clear to me. You can muddle the point with some long diatribe but he said what he said. And you can bet your ass it will be used in adds in the upcomming election.

I'm not playing "semantics", I am accurately putting up the real quote in it's proper context. What you guys do, almost to a fault, is engage in hyperbole that makes it impossible to engage in meaningful discussions.

Once you start doing that..or insulting your opposition..that makes compromise very very difficult.

Let me give you some "contexual quotes" then....

[ame=]YouTube - ‪"O" the Debt Ceiling‬‏[/ame]

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