is obama a lame duck ?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
this will just about end his presidency, since he hasn't done anything. without healthcare, he'll be the most do nothing president ever. even harding wasn't corrupt until later... harding was still better than carter. everybody was.,cf.osb&fp=29f488875d633a54&biw=1504&bih=670

so congress is blocked by reid and everyone is waiting for godot for the election, and obama is a lame ass duck...
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The government is gridlocked and practically useless just as the 2010 freshmen wanted, quit complaining, it's what every patriotic, red-blooded, American government saboteur dreamed of.
Pretty much it's all over but the shouting.

I have heard people worry over what he'll do between election day and inauguration day. He'll have to be secured somehow.
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Pretty much it's all over but the shouting.

I have heard people worry over what he'll do between election day and inauguration day. He'll have to be secured somehow.

god knows what deals he's cut with russia syria and iran, egypt...... we know he offered to watch irael's back... after the election... good gawd...
Personally I'd like to see a Congress actively start repealing laws and regulations than creating new ones.
this will just about end his presidency, since he hasn't done anything. without healthcare, he'll be the most do nothing president ever. even harding wasn't corrupt until later... harding was still better than carter. everybody was.,cf.osb&fp=29f488875d633a54&biw=1504&bih=670

so congress is blocked by reid and everyone is waiting for godot for the election, and obama is a lame ass duck...

He got our troops out of Iraq, which McCain never would have done, and he also oversaw the operation to finally capture/kill Bin Laden, which Bush wouldn't do. Good enough for me for a first term, based on the Congress he has been forced to deal with.
One must ask herself if there is any possible chance that Obama could bring the Nation together.

Of course that answer is a resounding ' HELL NO. '

Ergo, he will be shat in November like the huge turd that he is.
this will just about end his presidency, since he hasn't done anything. without healthcare, he'll be the most do nothing president ever. even harding wasn't corrupt until later... harding was still better than carter. everybody was.,cf.osb&fp=29f488875d633a54&biw=1504&bih=670

so congress is blocked by reid and everyone is waiting for godot for the election, and obama is a lame ass duck...

He got our troops out of Iraq, which McCain never would have done, and he also oversaw the operation to finally capture/kill Bin Laden, which Bush wouldn't do. Good enough for me for a first term, based on the Congress he has been forced to deal with.

Timelines and intelligence that had been in place long before taking office.

Same outcome regardless of who'd won in 08
One must ask herself if there is any possible chance that Obama could bring the Nation together.

Of course that answer is a resounding ' HELL NO. '

Well, I agree as far as that goes. My support for Obama is not because I think he's the answer to our problems, but merely damage control, a way to keep crazy troglodytes out of power.

We will probably elect someone better in 2016, but our choices in 2012 are Obama or a disaster. Without illusions, I'll still go with Obama.
this will just about end his presidency, since he hasn't done anything. without healthcare, he'll be the most do nothing president ever. even harding wasn't corrupt until later... harding was still better than carter. everybody was.,cf.osb&fp=29f488875d633a54&biw=1504&bih=670

so congress is blocked by reid and everyone is waiting for godot for the election, and obama is a lame ass duck...

He got our troops out of Iraq, which McCain never would have done, and he also oversaw the operation to finally capture/kill Bin Laden, which Bush wouldn't do. Good enough for me for a first term, based on the Congress he has been forced to deal with.

Timelines and intelligence that had been in place long before taking office.

Same outcome regardless of who'd won in 08

Timelines and intelligence that had been in place long before taking office

The same that got us into the unprovoked and unfunded Iraqi War ???

History will recognize the epic feat of not only curtailing the 07-09 Great Recession and by doing so prevented another Turn of the Century Depression.

The ACA is a game changer and will continue to benefit the Administration irregardless the envy of a few Judges.
Pretty much it's all over but the shouting.

I have heard people worry over what he'll do between election day and inauguration day. He'll have to be secured somehow.

god knows what deals he's cut with russia syria and iran, egypt...... we know he offered to watch irael's back... after the election... good gawd...

Yeah, he's such a good friend of Israel that he uses the muslim map showing separating Jerusalem from Israel.

No matter what deal he cut, who in their right mind would rely on such a deal! He's the president of the US and is trying to cut a deal with the Russians selling the country out. If he's going to betray the nation he leads, he would betray ANYONE.
Before starting a thread regarding "lame duck", wouldn't the intelligent thing to do would be find out what the term means?
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I hate Obama, but I bet he wins this election even easier than he won the last one.
I would like to thank Michael Moore for completely fucking up the public's understanding of what a "lame duck" is.

A lame duck is a politician who loses an election and is in the period between the election and when his successor is sworn in. Alternately, a lame duck is a politician who has not or cannot run for re-election and is serving the last few months after his successor has been elected but not yet sworn in.

So, for example, if Obama lost the election this November, he would be a lame duck from election day until January 20, 2013.

In 2004, George W. Bush won re-election, but Michael Moore began calling him a lame duck from that point on, attempting to redefine "lame duck" as any politician he hated who could not run for re-election again.

Because Moore is a raving idiot.
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this will just about end his presidency, since he hasn't done anything. without healthcare, he'll be the most do nothing president ever. even harding wasn't corrupt until later... harding was still better than carter. everybody was.,cf.osb&fp=29f488875d633a54&biw=1504&bih=670

so congress is blocked by reid and everyone is waiting for godot for the election, and obama is a lame ass duck...

He got our troops out of Iraq, which McCain never would have done, and he also oversaw the operation to finally capture/kill Bin Laden, which Bush wouldn't do. Good enough for me for a first term, based on the Congress he has been forced to deal with.
He did not get our troops out IRAQ told him to get out. NICE try though.. Seals killed Bin Ladin .. Next
this will just about end his presidency, since he hasn't done anything. without healthcare, he'll be the most do nothing president ever. even harding wasn't corrupt until later... harding was still better than carter. everybody was.,cf.osb&fp=29f488875d633a54&biw=1504&bih=670

so congress is blocked by reid and everyone is waiting for godot for the election, and obama is a lame ass duck...

Not sure about lame duck, but he sure is one shitty president.

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