Is Modernity Good for Us?


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Supposedly, the one clear benefit of modernity is improved health.

But affluence (and the poor diet and sedentary lifestyle that goes with affluence) and pollution can lead to major health problems, as can the emptiness often found in modern existence.

Here are some diseases associated with affluence: type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, certain forms of cancer, asthma, alcoholism, gout, allergies and depression, as well as a major range of other psychiatric illnesses.


Other problems:

Are We Killing Ourselves with Cleanliness? As Number of Allergy Sufferers Soar, Potential Cures Are More Radical

Eight Deadly Superbugs Lurking in Hospitals

Communicable diseases can spread much faster thanks to modern transportation.

Is medical science built on shaky foundations?

Are Hospitals Less Safe Than We Think?

One final problem: Some modern societies seem to be committing suicide.

Co-Creator of the Pill Laments Resulting Demographic "Horror Scenario"

Is it too much to say that modern medicine destroys populations over which it rules?
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The highly modern upper classes of Europe and North America have had a puny, sagging birthrate for some time now. Looks like they're halfway out the door. Going, going...

US Birth Rate Lowest Ever...
US birth rate falls to record low
Nov 30, 2012 - Preliminary data from 2011 shows the lowest birth rate in 90 years; Recession's effects play big role
The US birth rate hit a record low last year, led by the decline in child-bearing among foreign-born women, according to a Pew study. The overall US birth rate decreased by 8% between 2007-10, and by 6% among US-born women, found the data. The rate fell sharpest for those hardest hit by the recession: 14% among foreign-born women and 23% among Mexican immigrant women in particular. The 2011 rate was the lowest since 1920, when such records began.

Previous research by Pew concluded that states with the largest economic downturn from 2007-08, were most likely to have experienced fertility declines. Foreign and US-born Hispanic women have experienced the largest fall in household wealth since 2007. But increased access to contraception for Latino women may also be playing a part in the falling birth rate, according to the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health. Foreign-born mothers continue to give birth to a disproportionate share of the nation's newborns.

Last year there were 3.95 million total US births, according to the preliminary data from Pew Research Center. The overall US birth rate was 63.2 per 1,000 women of child-bearing age. It peaked in 1957 during the Baby Boom years, reaching 122.7 per 1,000 women.

BBC News - US birth rate falls to record low
Another enormous problem for the rich countries: In the past a women might have 8 children and maybe 2 would survive. Now perhaps a woman might have one child who will usually survive - not infrequently with the help of massive medical intervention. As the generations proceed unhealthy children will bequeath undesirable DNA to their descendants and the population will become more and more infirm.

Unfortunately you can't cheat Mother Nature.
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T-bird wrote: Abortion & radical "feminism" & gay activists & hedonism together will destroy any given society.

These are the standard tools used to destroy populations the elites consider hostile.

Granny says, "Dat's right - dem Commonists done infiltrated our country...

... an' dey's behind alla lib'ral groups...

... an' dat gay/lib'ral agenda...

... just like ol' Joe McCarthy warned us...

... we shoulda let him finish the job.
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Granny says, "Dat's right - dem Commonists done infiltrated our country...
Some of the degenerates running our country are not Communists, some are just limousine liberals.

... just like ol' Joe McCarthy warned us...
Some news about McCarthy:

Most-hated senator was right
Scholars: Joseph McCarthy's charges 'now accepted as fact'

Can anyone doubt the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White and Owen Lattimore were guilty?
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We have a cultural aversion to having children.
Abortion & radical "feminism" & gay activists & hedonism together will destroy any given society.

These are the standard tools used to destroy populations the elites consider hostile.


Never mind the nazi link and the incredibly stupid comment from katzen-liar, like so many other species which we have over-bred, we are no long able to easily reproduce ourselves.

We call them "fertility clinics", but, in fact, they are just **AI facilities.

**Artificial Insemination

In spite of the homophobia that runs rampant on this board, only about 1% of the population is homosexual. So-called "feminists" have babies, as do "hedonists". And, as much as you nutter rw's would like for us to believe otherwise, abortion is unlikely to make us extinct.

That's right. Free thinking, well-educated (read "elites") progressives are not going to be responsible for the sky falling on you.

(You froot loops are just amazing.)
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem Commonists done infiltrated our country...
Some of the degenerates running our country are not Communists, some are just limousine liberals.

... just like ol' Joe McCarthy warned us...
Some news about McCarthy:

Most-hated senator was right
Scholars: Joseph McCarthy's charges 'now accepted as fact'

Can anyone doubt the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White and Owen Lattimore were guilty?

Don't worry.

I'm sure Alan West reads Commie WND.
We call them "fertility clinics", but, in fact, they are just **AI facilities.

**Artificial Insemination
Not many are eager to raise someone else's child.

So-called "feminists" have babies,
The whole point of radical "feminism" is to stop women from having babies - and to place women at the mercy of heartless businessmen & bureaucrats.

as do "hedonists".
I'm sure you realize that the last thing a hedonist wants is the "burden" of raising a child.

I'm not a right winger!

abortion is unlikely to make us extinct.
It will kill millions, however.

Free thinking, well-educated
I get the idea you've never met anyone who fits that description.
Don't worry.

I'm sure Alan West reads Commie WND.
Can you answer the question? Can anyone doubt the Rosenbergs and Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White and Owen Lattimore were guilty? Can you refute any statements made in the article about McCarthy?
It will kill millions, however

How can abortion kill millions when those millions haven't breathed their first breath of life yet? <Sigh>...oh well...I guess that's another topic to tackle.
Supposedly, the one clear benefit of modernity is improved health.

But affluence (and the poor diet and sedentary lifestyle that goes with affluence) and pollution can lead to major health problems, as can the emptiness often found in modern existence.

Here are some diseases associated with affluence: type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, obesity, certain forms of cancer, asthma, alcoholism, gout, allergies and depression, as well as a major range of other psychiatric illnesses.


Other problems:

Are We Killing Ourselves with Cleanliness? As Number of Allergy Sufferers Soar, Potential Cures Are More Radical

Eight Deadly Superbugs Lurking in Hospitals

Communicable diseases can spread much faster thanks to modern transportation.

Is medical science built on shaky foundations?

Are Hospitals Less Safe Than We Think?

One final problem: Some modern societies seem to be committing suicide.

Co-Creator of the Pill Laments Resulting Demographic "Horror Scenario"

Is it too much to say that modern medicine destroys populations over which it rules?


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