Is Love Unconditional?


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
I read the claim in another thread that love is unconditional? Is it? Should it be?

My wife loves me, I have no doubt of this. But would she love me if I beat here, spent my days drinking, and we were in financial distress due to my irresponsibility? Absolutely not - since that virtually describes her ex-husband.

Even if we look at a puppy, if you kick the pup and abuse it, the dog will not love you. The love of a dog is at least based on the condition that you treat it decently.

All love is conditional. If one is a quality person, one has the right to expect quality in others. A bond is formed with those who are worthy of love, those who share values and goals in common with a person.

Ah, but what of a child you ask? Do we not unconditionally love our children? Obviously with 10's of millions of abortions each year we do not. But what of after they are born? For most of us, children are reflections of the values and ideals we instill into them, so the love we have for them is still a reflection of shared values and goals. Would a parent of three children still love a child who killed both of their siblings? Doubtful,.

My contention is that all love is conditional.
Unconditional love is a false construct. Man thinks about a thought a millisecond later after having a thought, usually subconciously; therefore our natural nervous systems' attach 'strings' to the thought of unconditional love, even though those 'strings' may not be readily concious and apparent when considering such a construct.
Divine Love is unconditional.

Human love should be unconditional, but it's not..... humans are only humans, otherwise we would all have wings. Sad but true. LOL
I read the claim in another thread that love is unconditional? Is it? Should it be?

My wife loves me, I have no doubt of this. But would she love me if I beat here, spent my days drinking, and we were in financial distress due to my irresponsibility? Absolutely not - since that virtually describes her ex-husband.

Even if we look at a puppy, if you kick the pup and abuse it, the dog will not love you. The love of a dog is at least based on the condition that you treat it decently.

All love is conditional. If one is a quality person, one has the right to expect quality in others. A bond is formed with those who are worthy of love, those who share values and goals in common with a person.

Ah, but what of a child you ask? Do we not unconditionally love our children? Obviously with 10's of millions of abortions each year we do not. But what of after they are born? For most of us, children are reflections of the values and ideals we instill into them, so the love we have for them is still a reflection of shared values and goals. Would a parent of three children still love a child who killed both of their siblings? Doubtful,.

My contention is that all love is conditional.

The difference between those who know the spirit and have faith, and those who are materialists, is the knowledge of unconditional love.

Atheists cannot conceive of unconditional love.

Naturally, there are many types of love (see the philosophy of love,) but unconditional love does exist.
love should be unconditional.


Would you love a urine soaked hobo?

Compassion is not love. I think we should show compassion, but love must be earned.
I dont think I would be able to fall in love with a urine soaked hobo in the first place.
let me tell you a true story. I helped this girl a few years back that was an addict, Heroin, She was a friend of my daughters that got tied in with the wrong people and long story short she ended up ready to kill herself, that was the night we went and picked her up.
I took her to the hospital and had her stabilized and evaluated, then I let her come and live at the house while we worked hard to get her life back together. I covered the costs of all of this.
Somewhere along the line I actually did fall in love with her, not in a sexual way, but more of a daughter type of way. There is nothing that I would not do for her now, she can get mad at me, stomp off and go months without speaking, but I am there for her and always will be no matter what.
Now, if I found her one day homeless, on the street, soaked in her own urine? she would be coming home with me, getting cleaned up and again, I would do everything in my power to help her get back together.
As it is she is doing fine, she turned out to be one of the most beautiful girls I have seen in many years.
Same goes for my wife and my daughter. Not all love is unconditional, its something you dont ask for or look for, its something that grows and becomes.
Divine Love is unconditional.

Human love should be unconditional, but it's not..... humans are only humans, otherwise we would all have wings. Sad but true. LOL


Skye, you are an extraordinarily beautiful woman who I would expect had extremely high standards for a mate. That's the way it works, you had reason to be selective. It would be wrong to settle for less, to marry someone who would diminish you.
I read the claim in another thread that love is unconditional? Is it? Should it be?

My wife loves me, I have no doubt of this. But would she love me if I beat here, spent my days drinking, and we were in financial distress due to my irresponsibility? Absolutely not - since that virtually describes her ex-husband.

Even if we look at a puppy, if you kick the pup and abuse it, the dog will not love you. The love of a dog is at least based on the condition that you treat it decently.

All love is conditional. If one is a quality person, one has the right to expect quality in others. A bond is formed with those who are worthy of love, those who share values and goals in common with a person.

Ah, but what of a child you ask? Do we not unconditionally love our children? Obviously with 10's of millions of abortions each year we do not. But what of after they are born? For most of us, children are reflections of the values and ideals we instill into them, so the love we have for them is still a reflection of shared values and goals. Would a parent of three children still love a child who killed both of their siblings? Doubtful,.

My contention is that all love is conditional.

The difference between those who know the spirit and have faith, and those who are materialists, is the knowledge of unconditional love.

Atheists cannot conceive of unconditional love.

Naturally, there are many types of love (see the philosophy of love,) but unconditional love does exist.

If it exists, I've not encountered it.

Moreover, I see no reason that it SHOULD exist.
Divine Love is unconditional.

Human love should be unconditional, but it's not..... humans are only humans, otherwise we would all have wings. Sad but true. LOL

I don't think she would agree. . .
Divine Love is unconditional.

Human love should be unconditional, but it's not..... humans are only humans, otherwise we would all have wings. Sad but true. LOL


Skye, you are an extraordinarily beautiful woman who I would expect had extremely high standards for a mate. That's the way it works, you had reason to be selective. It would be wrong to settle for less, to marry someone who would diminish you.

I agree with you that human love is conditional.

May be it shouldn't be, but it is. :dunno:
I read the claim in another thread that love is unconditional? Is it? Should it be?

My wife loves me, I have no doubt of this. But would she love me if I beat here, spent my days drinking, and we were in financial distress due to my irresponsibility? Absolutely not - since that virtually describes her ex-husband.

Even if we look at a puppy, if you kick the pup and abuse it, the dog will not love you. The love of a dog is at least based on the condition that you treat it decently.

All love is conditional. If one is a quality person, one has the right to expect quality in others. A bond is formed with those who are worthy of love, those who share values and goals in common with a person.

Ah, but what of a child you ask? Do we not unconditionally love our children? Obviously with 10's of millions of abortions each year we do not. But what of after they are born? For most of us, children are reflections of the values and ideals we instill into them, so the love we have for them is still a reflection of shared values and goals. Would a parent of three children still love a child who killed both of their siblings? Doubtful,.

My contention is that all love is conditional.

The difference between those who know the spirit and have faith, and those who are materialists, is the knowledge of unconditional love.

Atheists cannot conceive of unconditional love.

Naturally, there are many types of love (see the philosophy of love,) but unconditional love does exist.

If it exists, I've not encountered it.

Moreover, I see no reason that it SHOULD exist.
I dont think anyone has ever had it for me, but then, I assume that I have some character flaw that keeps this from happening. But, I have only really felt it for two people, my daughter, and that friend of hers that I mentioned. So it is there but its not something that I would call plentiful, Im 58 years old, and in that time, the two I mentioned are really the only two I have felt that way for. My wife is close but her mother keeps me from committing all the way, maybe once the little Puerto Rican big foot look alike passes, things will be different. ( I dont like my mother in law, she has to be in everyones business, and then share that business with everyone she talks to)
Love would be unconditional if people fell in love for the sake of their beloved. But this is impossible. People fall in love for the sake of themselves. People get pregnant for the sake of themselves too, never for the sake of the child. So love can never be unconditional. Many women use the word unconditional love though, as a power trip to get rid of a man they no longer want.
I read the claim in another thread that love is unconditional? Is it? Should it be?

My wife loves me, I have no doubt of this. But would she love me if I beat here, spent my days drinking, and we were in financial distress due to my irresponsibility? Absolutely not - since that virtually describes her ex-husband.

Even if we look at a puppy, if you kick the pup and abuse it, the dog will not love you. The love of a dog is at least based on the condition that you treat it decently.

All love is conditional. If one is a quality person, one has the right to expect quality in others. A bond is formed with those who are worthy of love, those who share values and goals in common with a person.

Ah, but what of a child you ask? Do we not unconditionally love our children? Obviously with 10's of millions of abortions each year we do not. But what of after they are born? For most of us, children are reflections of the values and ideals we instill into them, so the love we have for them is still a reflection of shared values and goals. Would a parent of three children still love a child who killed both of their siblings? Doubtful,.

My contention is that all love is conditional.

The difference between those who know the spirit and have faith, and those who are materialists, is the knowledge of unconditional love.

Atheists cannot conceive of unconditional love.

Naturally, there are many types of love (see the philosophy of love,) but unconditional love does exist.

If it exists, I've not encountered it.

Moreover, I see no reason that it SHOULD exist.
I dont think anyone has ever had it for me, but then, I assume that I have some character flaw that keeps this from happening. But, I have only really felt it for two people, my daughter, and that friend of hers that I mentioned. So it is there but its not something that I would call plentiful, Im 58 years old, and in that time, the two I mentioned are really the only two I have felt that way for. My wife is close but her mother keeps me from committing all the way, maybe once the little Puerto Rican big foot look alike passes, things will be different. ( I dont like my mother in law, she has to be in everyones business, and then share that business with everyone she talks to)

Ah. . . .

See, it's clear you don't understand what UNCONDITIONAL love is, because you keep putting conditions on all these relationships.

First you state, that you must have some character flaw because no one has had it for you. . . .

That is unimportant for UNCONDITIONAL love. It is supposed to be UNCONDITIONAL. Your character flaws are not important.

I'll agree with you though, very few folks today are able to love unconditionally. Our society has become selfish and self-centered, ego-centered and self-serving. I had to take control of raising my child b/c his own mother did not know what unconditional love was. Everything I am, was no longer enough for her. I don't blame her though, she wasn't raised in a family where unconditional love was modeled for her. Her folks were both self centered and selfish, it's all she ever knew. When folks come from that, all they ever look out for is themselves.

Then you state, you may have unconditional love for some youths, but it is . . limited? Well. . . I'm not sure that would meet the criteria. If it's limited (not plentiful,) IOW, conditional, it's not Unconditional. If they called in the middle of the night, and needed something, and it was an emergency, for their success or well being, would you drop everything and come to their aid. . . unless by not doing so would help in their growth? Etc. . .

Then you state you might have it for you wife, but again, there is a condition, her mother? You can't put "conditions" on UNCONDITIONAL love. When ever you place your own happiness or comfort above those of others, it isn't "UNCONDITIONAL."

Just calling it like I see it.
Love would be unconditional if people fell in love for the sake of their beloved. But this is impossible. People fall in love for the sake of themselves. People get pregnant for the sake of themselves too, never for the sake of the child. So love can never be unconditional. Many women use the word unconditional love though, as a power trip to get rid of a man they no longer want.

If they actually had a man that loved them unconditionally, they would feel smothered.
I read the claim in another thread that love is unconditional? Is it? Should it be?

My wife loves me, I have no doubt of this. But would she love me if I beat here, spent my days drinking, and we were in financial distress due to my irresponsibility? Absolutely not - since that virtually describes her ex-husband.

Even if we look at a puppy, if you kick the pup and abuse it, the dog will not love you. The love of a dog is at least based on the condition that you treat it decently.

All love is conditional. If one is a quality person, one has the right to expect quality in others. A bond is formed with those who are worthy of love, those who share values and goals in common with a person.

Ah, but what of a child you ask? Do we not unconditionally love our children? Obviously with 10's of millions of abortions each year we do not. But what of after they are born? For most of us, children are reflections of the values and ideals we instill into them, so the love we have for them is still a reflection of shared values and goals. Would a parent of three children still love a child who killed both of their siblings? Doubtful,.

My contention is that all love is conditional.

To have a mutually loving relationship love is conditional. However, one can love another from afar even though the other party may not want anything to do with them or is too abusive to be around

To have a mutually loving relationship love is conditional. However, one can love another from afar even though the other party may not want anything to do with them or is too abusive to be around

That makes unconditional love sound like a psychosis. Healthy relationships have heavy conditions.

Love is the feeling a healthy person has toward those whom we have the greatest admiration, respect, and attraction to. We don't admire that which is worthless, or at least most of us don't We admire and respect those who earn admiration.

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