Is Life Cheap?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Everyone exploits other living things.


Even a vegetarian takes and uses life.


Once basic needs are met, the accumulation of resources, both living and mineral, and the power to control resources, including human resources, is the pinnacle of the concept behind "Survival of the Most Fit", and if the checkered history of this violent world confirms anything, it's that life is a cheap resource. Especially human life.


As exploited life forms go, humans have been a very profitable resource.


The first generation on this pale blue speck of wet dust in space to show enough Sentience to understand 'survival of the species' over 'survival of the fittest' will get to see their children reach the stars.

:dunno: Does anyone really need a gold pot to piss in?
To answer your questions in order:

1) Life can't be measured with monetary value.

2) No. No one needs gold toilets.
The chemical components that make up the human body work out to about $1985.77.

However, if you were to piece out your body, Wired magazine says your body is worth about $45 million...

...It found that vital organs are no longer the most valuable body parts. Rather, bone marrow heads the list…priced at $23 million, based on 1,000 grams at $23,000 per gram.
DNA can fetch $9.7 million, while extracting antibodies can bring $7.3 million. A lung is worth $116,400, a kidney $91,400 and a heart $57,000.

Women's eggs are costlier than men's sperm. The survey found that a fertile woman could sell 32 egg cells over eight years for $224,000; however, for a man to earn the same amount, he would have to make 12 sperm donations a month for 20 years.

The prices are based on cost estimates taken from hospitals and insurance companies, and are based on projected prices only in the United States. Of course, the prices also assume that all these substances can be extracted from living tissue for sale.

Read more: How much is your body worth
Each person has to answer what is important to them. Sit down and look around. Think about the things you value and be honest and you'll have your answer.

How do you value those around you?
Everyone exploits other living things.

Even a vegetarian takes and uses life.

Once basic needs are met, the accumulation of resources, both living and mineral, and the power to control resources, including human resources, is the pinnacle of the concept behind "Survival of the Most Fit", and if the checkered history of this violent world confirms anything, it's that life is a cheap resource. Especially human life.


As exploited life forms go, humans have been a very profitable resource.


The first generation on this pale blue speck of wet dust in space to show enough Sentience to understand 'survival of the species' over 'survival of the fittest' will get to see their children reach the stars.

Pale Blue Dot - YouTube

:dunno: Does anyone really need a gold pot to piss in?
You make an outstanding case for Religion.

Thank you.
Song lyrics to What Do The Simple Folk Do?:

What do the simple folk do

To help them escape when they're blue?

The shepard who is ailing, the milkmaid who is glum

The cobbler who is wailing from nailing his thumb

When they're beset and besieged

The folk not noblessly obliged

However do they manage to shed their weary lot?

Oh, what do simple folk do...we do not?


I have been informed by those who know them well

They find relief in quite a clever way

When they're sorely pressed, they whistle for a spell

And whistling seems to brighten up their day

And that's what simple folk do

So they say


They whistle?


So they say

(they whistle for a while)


What else do the simple folk do

To pluck up the heart and get through?

The wee folk and the grown folk

Who wander to and fro

Have ways known to their own folk

We throne folk don't know

When all the doldrums begin

What keeps each of them in his skin?

What ancient native custom provides the needed glow?

Oh, what do simple folk do?

Do you know?


Once, upon the road, I came upon a lad

Singing in a voice three times his size

When I asked him why, he told me he was sad

And singing always made his spirits rise

And that's what simple folk do

I surmise


They sing?


I surmise


Arise, my love, arise, my love

Apollo's lighting the skies, my love

The meadows shine with columbine

And daffodils blossom away

Hear Venus call to one and all

Come taste delight while you may

The world is bright and all is right

And life is merry and gay


What else do the simple folk do?

They must have a system or two

They obviously outshine us at turning tears to mirth

Have tricks a royal highness is minus from birth

What, then, I wonder, do they

To chase all the goblins away?

They have some tribal sorcery you haven't mentioned yet

Oh, what do simple folk do to forget?


Often, I am told, they dance a fiery dance

And whirl 'till they're completely uncontrolled

Soon the mind is blank and all are in a trance

A violent trance astounding to behold

And that's what simple folk do

So I'm told


They dance?


So I'm told

(they dance)


What else do the simple folk do

To help them escape when they're blue?


They sit around and wonder what royal folk would do

And that's what simple folk do



Oh, no, really?


I have it on the best authority.



Yes, that/'s what simple folk do
While I stand by my early comment on how we cannot measure the value of human life with money, I would point out that it isnt exactly cheap to woo a good woman, convince that woman to marry you, and create a human life with you.

At least, if you are most men.
While I stand by my early comment on how we cannot measure the value of human life with money, I would point out that it isnt exactly cheap to woo a good woman, convince that woman to marry you, and create a human life with you.

At least, if you are most men.

Well played.
While I stand by my early comment on how we cannot measure the value of human life with money, I would point out that it isnt exactly cheap to woo a good woman, convince that woman to marry you, and create a human life with you.

At least, if you are most men.

So, what you're saying is...

Living ain't cheap.
While I stand by my early comment on how we cannot measure the value of human life with money, I would point out that it isnt exactly cheap to woo a good woman, convince that woman to marry you, and create a human life with you.

At least, if you are most men.

So, what you're saying is...

Living ain't cheap.

I thought he said "Pussy ain't cheap"

While I stand by my early comment on how we cannot measure the value of human life with money, I would point out that it isnt exactly cheap to woo a good woman, convince that woman to marry you, and create a human life with you.

At least, if you are most men.

So, what you're saying is...

Living ain't cheap.

I thought he said "Pussy ain't cheap"

Universal truth that does not need to be stated.

While I stand by my early comment on how we cannot measure the value of human life with money, I would point out that it isnt exactly cheap to woo a good woman, convince that woman to marry you, and create a human life with you.

At least, if you are most men.

So, what you're saying is...

Living ain't cheap.

I thought he said "Pussy ain't cheap"


No. im it's quite expensive to court a woman and create a life. At least if you are decent person.
The chemical components that make up the human body work out to about $1985.77.

However, if you were to piece out your body, Wired magazine says your body is worth about $45 million...

...It found that vital organs are no longer the most valuable body parts. Rather, bone marrow heads the list…priced at $23 million, based on 1,000 grams at $23,000 per gram.
DNA can fetch $9.7 million, while extracting antibodies can bring $7.3 million. A lung is worth $116,400, a kidney $91,400 and a heart $57,000.

Women's eggs are costlier than men's sperm. The survey found that a fertile woman could sell 32 egg cells over eight years for $224,000; however, for a man to earn the same amount, he would have to make 12 sperm donations a month for 20 years.

The prices are based on cost estimates taken from hospitals and insurance companies, and are based on projected prices only in the United States. Of course, the prices also assume that all these substances can be extracted from living tissue for sale.

Read more: How much is your body worth

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