Is it just Me, or is this kind of... Weird?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2007
Charleston, SC
No Birth Certificate Required
Pro-Choice White House Requires Registration of Unborn Children for Tours

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff - May 8, 2012 1:11 pm

The White House Visitors Office requires that an unborn child—still residing in utero—must be counted as a full human being when its parents register for a White House tour, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon...

One of the oddest parts of the "registration:"

•GENDER: if the parents know put that gender down if not, you can enter either M or F as we’ll ask you to update it at the time of birth


No Birth Certificate Required | Washington Free Beacon

Maybe it's just me.
It's totally weird. Got any validation as to the reality thereof?

Just the link to the article. In it they are referencing an e-mail from White House Visitors Office director Ellie Schafer. Other than that...

As for the Washington Free Beacon, not sure what their story is...
They desperately want to show a lot of numbers going through there. They may start counting eggs and sperm.
This isn't the most weird thing that goes on in the White House. They count the silverware after every meal. Nobody can leave until they have accounted for all the silverware but they eat on paper plates.
It's totally weird. Got any validation as to the reality thereof?

Just the link to the article. In it they are referencing an e-mail from White House Visitors Office director Ellie Schafer. Other than that...

As for the Washington Free Beacon, not sure what their story is...

the washington free beacon is a rightwingnut site. i wouldn't trust it.

what i can tell you is this is the page where you get info about registering for white house tours and it says nothing like what the article in the beacon said.

Tours & Events | The White House
The Washington Times is running a story on this, not much more than the FB had, hell it's essentially the same story. I'd like to think they (WT) checked their sources.

Screw it, I don't trust the media anyway. Just struck me as on odd story.
The Washington Times is running a story on this, not much more than the FB had, hell it's essentially the same story. I'd like to think they (WT) checked their sources.

Screw it, I don't trust the media anyway. Just struck me as on odd story.

why would you think Rev Moon's paper does the slightest bit of fact-checking.
Politifact has rated one claim related to this "mostly false" but ... well, read for yourself ...

PolitiFact | Anti-abortion group says Obama White House screens unborn babies

I'm confused, which is probably the hope of the group that started this whole thing.

So, the group started this whole thing and the White House responded as they did? If so, it proves the nonsense, which is just nutty.

The White House should have said, "We've no issue with those unable to claim human, by law." Fetuses do not have to be taken into consideration. True, that. From their POV. What they chose though?

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