Is it any wonder why Republicans lost?

Yeap..your was the year before he was the minority president...but I still believe IRAQ has switched alot of voters minds. People arent as scared as they were in 04. The FEAR factor wasnt in effect so the republicans couldnt really play that card as much. The IRAQ war was the reason the republicans lost. This whole , we didnt get the message out is BS..They did.. Americans just dont accept it.

The reason the Republicans lost was because Republicans abstained and/or voted Dem for a variety of reasons because the Administration and Congress were not kissing enough conservative ass.

That the Iraq War is the sole reason is just absolute bullshit. What, to date, have the Dems offered as a solution? Nothing.

And I hope EVERY SINGLE Republican/conservative that did not vote or crossed party lines listened REAL close to Pelosi's agenda. Each and every item flies directly in the face of conservative values.

Good fucking job, dumbasses.
1. Most Americans are pro-choice.
3. Most Americans support stem cell research, even the embryonic kind.

I'm calling bull**** on this one. If you have any polls conducted cross-country (rather than exclusively Boston on SF), I'd like to see them. Otherwise, I going to assume you just made this up because you assume that the majority of Americans agree with you.
I have a feeling i'll often be repeating this in various ways in the following weeks. When one party controlls the White House, Senate, and House everything good and everything bad that happens falls squarely on their shoulders. The Democrats did not have to demonize anything, all they had to do was say "Look what 6 years of unrestrained Republican power has gotten you. Are you happy with the results?". The answer would appear to be no.

I agree. The same thing happened in the middle of President Clinton's tenure. It gives the appearance of unchecked power.

1. Most Americans are pro-choice. Speculation.

2. Most states have passed their own laws WRT to gay marriage / civil unions. The issue isn't really on the table anymore (no more windfalls like you had in '04, sorry). Agree.

3. Most Americans support stem cell research, even the embryonic kind. Speculation.

Don't confuse the middle with higher turnouts among hard right evangelicals.

Don't confuse the middle with extremists who delude themselves as to where they fall on the spectrum.
Yeah, partisan politics fucking rocks! :thup:

Actually, no it doesn't. It leads to the same gridlock we experienced during the 90's with Clinton and a Republican Congress.

I'd prefer to see people with common sense who are actually trying to accomplish something for the good of this Nation and place THAT above partisanship. Unfortunately, those days are long gone in this nation.
The GOP lost because they got lazy and lax.

1) Maxine "I can bitch-slap a cop with impunity" Waters ran unopposed.
2) J.D. Hayworth stopped campaigning a month before the election because he had a double-digit lead in preliminary polls.
3) The GOP didn't walk away from the Contract with America - it RAN! (Mike Pence paraphrased.)

The list goes on.

And of course there's the statistical fact that every 2-term POTUS has seen Congress move to the opposition during the 6-th year election cycle. It's fairly common and understood that after hearing about the party of POTUS for 4-5 years the public tends to want to move to the opposite party simply for the perception of balance.

Anyway, I find it interesting that all of the alleged "voting irregularities" the Democrats claim would occur suddenly disappeared. And isn't it nice to see the Republicans NOT being cry-babies like the Democrats in the past 6 years bitching, moaning and crying for recount after recount until they get a count they like? Something our liberal friends around here need to take a lesson from, because if they don't the Republicans can easily regain Congress and POTUS in the2008 cycle.

BTW, my high point was watching Lieberman win as an independent. Frellin' beautiful!
The GOP lost because they got lazy and lax.

1) Maxine "I can bitch-slap a cop with impunity" Waters ran unopposed.
2) J.D. Hayworth stopped campaigning a month before the election because he had a double-digit lead in preliminary polls.
3) The GOP didn't walk away from the Contract with America - it RAN! (Mike Pence paraphrased.)

The list goes on.

And of course there's the statistical fact that every 2-term POTUS has seen Congress move to the opposition during the 6-th year election cycle. It's fairly common and understood that after hearing about the party of POTUS for 4-5 years the public tends to want to move to the opposite party simply for the perception of balance.

Anyway, I find it interesting that all of the alleged "voting irregularities" the Democrats claim would occur suddenly disappeared. And isn't it nice to see the Republicans NOT being cry-babies like the Democrats in the past 6 years bitching, moaning and crying for recount after recount until they get a count they like? Something our liberal friends around here need to take a lesson from, because if they don't the Republicans can easily regain Congress and POTUS in the2008 cycle.

BTW, my high point was watching Lieberman win as an independent. Frellin' beautiful!

I'd like to see Lieberman stick it to the Dems, and I've held that stance since they dumped him.

I think I was 36 years old before Republicans had control of Congress in my lifetime. Like this is something new for me.
I'd like to see Lieberman stick it to the Dems, and I've held that stance since they dumped him.

My money says he doesn't forget how the DNC kicked him out for his stance on the WOT. But Joe will probably vote liberal on a number of topics and side with conservatives on others - my guess is maybe 60%-40% or so.
My money says he doesn't forget how the DNC kicked him out for his stance on the WOT. But Joe will probably vote liberal on a number of topics and side with conservatives on others - my guess is maybe 60%-40% or so.

I don't think he will either, which why he is going to enjoy all the offers of blowjobs the Dems and Repubs are going to send his way over the next 2 years.

My guess is he'll vote pretty much the same way he has for the last what, 18 years? (term limits please) Except now he has a much better chance to get any pet issues passed with the new pull he has.

BTW, my high point was watching Lieberman win as an independent. Frellin' beautiful!

Same here, even though I think he is a bit of a douche. Though watching the FOX News people tear up at the end of the night was a close second.
The middle JUST got taken for a ride ? WTF ?? Did I miss something , has it been happy times living in the land of chocolate for the middle class the last 6 years ? The Middle class has been getting royally screwed the last several years by lobbyists, declining wages, crappy pension plans, etc... I mean just do a google search on "Middle Class Getting Screwed" Im sure you will find plenty of articles during 05-06. So please tell me again how the middle class JUST got screwed.

Actually, yes, the Middle Class is about to get the enema of the decade.

And BTW... I can Google "Santa Claus" or "Tooth Fairy"... just because I get a lot of hits doesn't make them real.

Unemployment is currently at 4.4 percent and the DJIA is at an all time high (12,100+ ). Back in the 1990s, the the DJIA broke 11,000 and the unemployment rate flirted with 4.5%, the Democrats claimed it was Clinton. They even called it "the Clinton economy". The problem, though, was that it wasn't sustainable. Even Alan Greenspan, the Fed Chairman at the time, used the term "irrational exuberance" to describe the unfounded euphoria that was pushing the Dow to unheard of heights.

This economy is different, the unemployment rate has been going down and has remained low, the DJIA has been climbing and has stayed there. But now the Democrats say "the wealthy are getting richer on the backs of working people".

The Democrats made a strategy out of putting a negative spin on just about every good thing that has come out of this economy.

Part of the reason the economy is doing well (among others) is the Bush tax cut. However, the Democrats turned a tax cut for all people into "a tax cut FOR THE RICH". As if the Middle Class weren't benefiting from it! So, if the Bush tax cut is a tax cut for the rich, I'm going to call the coming end of the Bush tax cut "a tax increase on the Middle Class". Furthermore, since many rich people run businesses that you and I use (grocery stores, bakeries, retail, gas stations, etc) if you raise taxes on the rich, they will pass that extra cost down to you and me.

Oh, and another thing that will probably go is the cut on capital gains taxes. That will serve to bring down the DJIA and billions of dollars will disappear from people's retirement portfolios.

You see, unlike the 1930s, even every day Joes and Janes have investment portfolios. So Wall Street's machinations affect the Middle Class. That is something the Democrats don't seem to want to understand.

Increasing the minimum wage will increase the cost of labor in the country and increase prices. With the unemployment rate being so low, inflation may become a problem and a minimum wage increase will just exacerbate it. Furthermore, since the cost of labor is increasing, the likelihood that jobs will be outsourced overseas has increased. Once prices increase, the increase in minimum wage will be nullified and you'll have to raise the minimum wage again.

On the subject of pensions. The "defined benefit" pension is quickly becoming a thing of the past and the 401(k) will become what the pension used to be. But, with very important differences. First, if your company needs money, it won't be able to borrow from your 401(k) as it could from a defined benefit pension, because you'll be managing that money, not them. Secondly, you don't have to work with your company for a period of years before you are "vested", i.e. eligible for a pension, that money will be yours from your first day of work onwards. Third, if you switch jobs, you don't lose that money, you simply take it with you. Fourth, if your company is taken over, the new guys can't raid your pension. Here's an important point, none of this was mandated by the government. This was corporate America's doing and you haven't voted them out of office. Also, the problems that GM has been having lately has everything to do with their pension. They borrowed from it, didn't pay it back, people are now retiring and they are scrambling to pay them. Much like Social Security will be in a few years.

Another thing that will happen is that the Democrats are bound and determined to get even. We've had to listen to a non stop temper tantrum since the 2000 elections, now they're in power, let the theater begin! Send in the clowns.... with machine guns! You can bet on investigation, after investigation after investigation, into the Bush Administration's doings. And much of it will be made very public, you can count on it. Much of it won't amount to anything, if any of it. But it will send the signal that the government is in turmoil and that will send a signal to the investment community that they'd better invest their dollars elsewhere, any where else but America.

And many of my predictions won't come true overnight. Our economy is so big, it will take time to react to all this. I'll guess that it will be about 12 months to a year before you actually see it.... then watch out.

Hmm. Just in time for the 2008 campaign.... and if the Republicans are smart, they'll remind people just how great things were before we got Nancy "Blinky" Pelosi, Harry "I got a land deal and misspent my campaign money" Reid to screw it up for us.

And I haven't mentioned the WOT... we're poised to lose that one as well. I'm sure that the Patriot Act's days are numbered. And with it, the tools to fight terrorism. I think if that happens, we will see another 9/11, maybe a couple.

So, there are some WTFs for you to consider.

P.S. And another thing. Don't expect the Democrats to "reach out to the other side", or "work with the Republicans". Don't expect them to practice what they preach in that regard, far from it. They now have the power, the Republicans will be forced to sit in the corner. Believing Democrats promises is tantamount to buying the Brooklyn Bridge.
Your an idiot Gunny for thinking that..But I see alot of other repubs here saying the same thing..Republs lost because Repubs voted if this isnt an elitist point of view I dont know what it is. Howabout Republicans voted Democrat becuase they now think Bush sucks and the party screwed up in IRAQ ? I know several republicans who voted Bush but now are sorry they did. People change their minds man, they are open to new ideas, unlike you. Hell I voted DEM and I dont give a shit if they laid out a plan on IRAQ... I voted DEM cause I know they are against the war..PERIOD !!! And THAT is REALLY why you lost...Deal with it..

The reason the Republicans lost was because Republicans abstained and/or voted Dem for a variety of reasons because the Administration and Congress were not kissing enough conservative ass.

That the Iraq War is the sole reason is just absolute bullshit. What, to date, have the Dems offered as a solution? Nothing.

And I hope EVERY SINGLE Republican/conservative that did not vote or crossed party lines listened REAL close to Pelosi's agenda. Each and every item flies directly in the face of conservative values.

Good fucking job, dumbasses.
Your an idiot Gunny for thinking that..But I see alot of other repubs here saying the same thing..Republs lost because Repubs voted if this isnt an elitist point of view I dont know what it is. Howabout Republicans voted Democrat becuase they now think Bush sucks and the party screwed up in IRAQ ? I know several republicans who voted Bush but now are sorry they did. People change their minds man, they are open to new ideas, unlike you. Hell I voted DEM and I dont give a shit if they laid out a plan on IRAQ... I voted DEM cause I know they are against the war..PERIOD !!! And THAT is REALLY why you lost...Deal with it..

You call me an idiot, then go on an PROVE you are one? And a good job of it you did.

I believe I said the same thing about Republicans withholding their vote, or voting Dem as you, I just used different words. They weren't getting their asses kissed by the Republicans in office.

I have no problem with changing my point of view. I was Dem at one time, as a matter of fact. Then I saw how stupid and destructive the Dem's were and I bailed out about the same time as the rest of the moderate liberals did. No use staying on a sinking ship.

The Republicans don't represent my personal political ideology except in certain areas. Dem's don't represent any normal functioning brain's political ideology AT ALL.

But you and the MSM attempting to perpetuate the myth that it was all about Iraq is just about what I expect from you. Let's forget about the fact that few if any conservatives are pleased with Bush's stance on ilelgal immigration. Let's forget that Bush and Congress didn't really deliver on any core conservative issues.

It is ludicrous to assume that they voted Dem or abstained because Bush wasn't giving libs what YOU want. Wake up.
your right..millions of americans voted for people with no ideas...


Really? Name just ONE idea and justify it that doesn't have anything to do with simply being against something because conservatives are for it.

Name just ONE idea the Dems ran on in the midterms.

I'll even help you out. The Iraq War. Let's hear YOUR plan on how to handle it, without committing political suicide, destorying our economy, and leaving 12 million Iraqis hung out to dry. And "We need a new plan" is NOT an idea.
rep lost b/c they desevre it, no immigration plan, no nothing!!!!

i mean it wasn't that the dems had a good plan b/c they NEVER had a plan they won b/c reps lost. reps did nothing in congress

but the fact that the reps only lost 29 seats is crazy in 94 the dems lost 70 seats and nothing was happening then. bush is gonna veto everything:thup:

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