CDZ Is human development part of the natural order?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Much has been made of human "destruction" of the environment, but it seems to me that this begs the question of whether or not human development is simply part of a natural evolutionary process. If it is, why should humans be blamed for environmental changes more that any other life forms or geological disturbances?

If not, doesn't this presuppose that humans possess some supernatural traits that confer a special responsibility for Earth stewardship that is not shared by anyone or anything else? If they do, how were they assigned this special responsibility?

My point is that placing moral blame on humans for their actions is a tacit admission that they were created for some moral purpose. Isn't it inconsistent to claim that humans are simply the result of random genetic mutations but then claim that their development is not part of the natural order?
Much has been made of human "destruction" of the environment, but it seems to me that this begs the question of whether or not human development is simply part of a natural evolutionary process. If it is, why should humans be blamed for environmental changes more that any other life forms or geological disturbances?

If not, doesn't this presuppose that humans possess some supernatural traits that confer a special responsibility for Earth stewardship that is not shared by anyone or anything else? If they do, how were they assigned this special responsibility?

My point is that placing moral blame on humans for their actions is a tacit admission that they were created for some moral purpose. Isn't it inconsistent to claim that humans are simply the result of random genetic mutations but then claim that their development is not part of the natural order?
Without a doubt consciousness is evolving just as every stage of the evolution of matter and energy before it. The natural order is for matter and energy to complexifly. Which is pretty amazing since the universe is predisposed to disorder.
Humans are programmed to explore,spread, procreate, build. That desire is deep in our collective roots. In fact all life seeks to spread and thrive. Our next evolutionary step would naturally be spreading off world.
Earths time is finite, humanity as a whole need not suffer that fate.

My humble view is that program was a design. Could care less what we call the designer.
Humans can be put in perspective. They have the environmental effect of an invasive virus. But one could also say, that as plants caused global environmental transformation, so do humans, and then so will also machines. Each of these three feeds on the previous one.

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