Is Gay Marriage Already Void? &/Or Is Polygamy Already Legal?

The OP's points& the 14th Amendment's broad & blind umbrella, can we deny polygamy marriage?

  • Yes, even though I approve of gay sex behaviors, I don't approve of polyamorous ones.

  • No, one minority sex behavior gets the same protection as all under the 14th's intent.

  • Not sure. There does seem to be a conflict in law here.

  • I think it's OK that the courts can pick and choose which kink can marry and which can't.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Inspired here: Opponents in LGBT case agree: It's not about wedding cake

Well as it stands today, no state can, in the pure interest of Obergefell's judicial-legislation adding brand new protections for deviant sex behaviors to the Constitution, deny polyamorists (polygamists) to marry. You cannot wave a magic wand of discrimination against polygamists when you use a fabricated interpretation of our Constitution's equality-Amendment (14th) to "legalize" other deviant sex behaviors' marriage across the 50 states by power of the 5 Justices who essentially "just said so". A majority-rejected deviant sex behavior practitioner is a majority-rejected deviant sex practitioner. All are welcome under that judicial logic or none are. Who decides which are acceptable and which aren't? 5 Justices on the US Supreme Court? Or the 300 million?
The reason that a couple would wed was because of an obvious historically valid reason. But now, that standard is simply absurd. And since state licence laws make sexual interaction not a requirement, nor love, nor anything that we had historically thought as of reasons to marry, there is only an arbitrary reason to deny members of the same family to marry.

Recent USSC ruling are pretty clear, marriage is simply a financial tool, not much different then forming an S-Corp or LLC.

Even if that was true, the state has to get a benefit from the loss they extend to the marriage contract. With the new contract saying "no mother or father for life, banishment, for any child involved" the state no longer gets its traditional share of that contract. That traditional share they paid for with benefits was to insure children had a stable home with a mother and father for best statistical future-citizen production. Now they get nothing. They actually get worse than nothing in that at least single parents promise to deliver at some point in the future. "Gay marriage" is de facto anti-marriage as far as any state was concerned fiscally. It insures an inferior product for the money when before man/woman marriage insured a quality product for the money.

It was an illegal contract revision, Obergefell. It screwed the major beneficiaries of the old contract (the state and the children anticipated to arrive in marriage) and gave devil-may-care license to the subservient beneficiaries (those receiving benefits under state-controlled parameters). It would be like removing any stays on welfare distribution in the states, allowing the recipients to set terms on owning a mansion, six cars and a casino and still "be eligible" to receive state welfare benefits.

Absurd it is. Absurd and illegal. The Infancy Doctrine protects children from contracts with adults that deprive them of psychological necessities. Gay marriage contracts BANISHES children involved from either a father or mother, for life. That is an illegal contract upon its face. The ID says that any contract that contains terms like that involving children isn't merely challengable, it is void before the ink is dry. Ergo, gay marriage is void. The Gay Marriage vs Children's Rights Impending Legal-Collision Looms Closer
I think Sil is jealous that a gay man can find a husband and she can't.
Our govt shouldnt be telling people who or how many to marry.
Big govt bullshit.
Well the problem is the government is part of the marriage contract. So like welfare benefits, marrieds have to abide by certain rules they set in order to get benefits. That ability to set rules was ripped away in Obegefell 2015. So now the subdominant contract parties (marrieds) are ripping off the states' share of the contract which used to be "pay for father/mother homes for children's best development".

Either that or states should be able to withdraw all benefits because they are paying for nothing now. Worse than nothing with "gay marriage" because it guarantees children involved will be banished for life from either a mother or father. It would now be more cost effective for states to invest in single hetero parents as they at least offer the promise of providing the missing gender at some point...and are at least not in possession of a contract that banishes children from either a mother or father for life.
Our govt shouldnt be telling people who or how many to marry.
Big govt bullshit.
Well the problem is the government is part of the marriage contract. So like welfare benefits, marrieds have to abide by certain rules they set in order to get benefits. That ability to set rules was ripped away in Obegefell 2015. So now the subdominant contract parties (marrieds) are ripping off the states' share of the contract which used to be "pay for father/mother homes for children's best development".
the fed govt shouldnt be in marriage, period. It isnt their place.
the fed govt shouldnt be in marriage, period. It isnt their place.
OK so no benefits at all to any married couple from the states. Gotcha.
why should married couples be getting benefits others dont? Its discrimination.
They used to get benefits precisely to entice mothers and fathers in homes for children. Now that anti-marriage was forced on the states by 2015's Judicial-legislation, states get nothing from these new contracts and indeed it is discriminatory to single parents who at least offer hope of the missing gender coming to the home. Why award people having a contract that banishes children from a mother or father for life when other people at least offer children hope in that regard? We are on the same page.
the fed govt shouldnt be in marriage, period. It isnt their place.
OK so no benefits at all to any married couple from the states. Gotcha.
why should married couples be getting benefits others dont? Its discrimination.
They used to get benefits precisely to entice mothers and fathers in homes for children. Now that anti-marriage was forced on the states by 2015's Judicial-legislation, states get nothing from these new contracts and indeed it is discriminatory to single parents who at least offer hope of the missing gender coming to the home. Why award people having a contract that banishes children from a mother or father for life when other people at least offer children hope in that regard? We are on the same page.
Our govt shouldnt be telling people who or how many to marry.
Big govt bullshit.
Well the problem is the government is part of the marriage contract. So like welfare benefits, marrieds have to abide by certain rules they set in order to get benefits. That ability to set rules was ripped away in Obegefell 2015. So now the subdominant contract parties (marrieds) are ripping off the states' share of the contract which used to be "pay for father/mother homes for children's best development".
the fed govt shouldnt be in marriage, period. It isnt their place.
I agree the gov't shouldn't be in the marriage business. What it should do is support civil unions and let religious groups perform marriages. The civil unions determine legal status, recognized by the state, while marriages have no legal status. People can and will most often have both.

Civil unions should be available to anyone capable of consent (no kids or animals) and can include any number of either sex.
Preventing same-sex marriage is NOT discrimination. It's no more discrimination than preventing children from driving. Gays have/had the exact same rights as everyone else, as they were free to marry the opposite sex.

While the narrative suggests marriage is about love and love only, the INTENT of marriage was in accord with universal law for purposes of reproduction and survival It's was also intended to support stability, economics and nation building. Gay marriage is a contradiction, and it's a slap in the face to tradition, normalcy and common sense. It also introduces all kinds of stupidity reducing society, such as men were intended to use the women's locker room.
Preventing same-sex marriage is NOT discrimination. It's no more discrimination than preventing children from driving. Gays have/had the exact same rights as everyone else, as they were free to marry the opposite sex.

While the narrative suggests marriage is about love and love only, the INTENT of marriage was in accord with universal law for purposes of reproduction and survival It's was also intended to support stability, economics and nation building. Gay marriage is a contradiction, and it's a slap in the face to tradition, normalcy and common sense.
The govt telling gays to fuck off is unconstitutional. They should have never been involved..
The only person that should be able to tell a gay couple no is a church.
Civil unions should be available to anyone capable of consent (no kids or animals) and can include any number of either sex.

So fathers can marry adult daughters, adult grandsons can marry grandfathers, adult brothers can marry adult sisters....

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