Is everyone ready for another farce election?

Do you think the mass media is biased with propaganda?

  • Yes, in favor of conservatives.

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VIP Member
Jan 4, 2015
Well, here we go again. The corporate media (shills for the military-industrial complex) are choosing the candidates which we are allowed to consider giving our vote. Reading and watching their news stories, Hillary is already practically nominated, and any number of Republicans are considered able to beat her. But as in the past decades, newcomers who truly want to reform politics in this country are being dismissed and ignored as irrelevant and unelectable. The way they treated Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, Dennis Kucinich, and others, they are showing the same arrogant disregard for people like Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren. Rand Paul, like his Dad, and Bernie Sanders want to stop the expansion of the "M-I Complex", so the full force of the Empire is applied against them. Shouldn't the people be deciding who is electable and who is not, and what sort of policies we want our nation to support?

Something is terribly wrong with that picture when it comes to democracy.

Election integrity is another problem affecting democracy. How can we trust our elections when we cannot trust our voting machines. Most of them are unverifiable since the election fiasco of year 2000.

We, the people, need to take control of this mess if we truly are patriots and want to save our nation from destroying itself. If we enact the National Initiative, we can revitalize our media information networks, and create secure voting systems for ourselves. Let's do it!
It's a farce until we get money out of politics.

In other words, it will remain a farce.

Money will be removed from politics if we enact the National Initiative. It is built into this law.
Well, here we go again. The corporate media (shills for the military-industrial complex) are choosing the candidates which we are allowed to consider giving our vote. Reading and watching their news stories, Hillary is already practically nominated, and any number of Republicans are considered able to beat her. But as in the past decades, newcomers who truly want to reform politics in this country are being dismissed and ignored as irrelevant and unelectable. The way they treated Ralph Nader, Ross Perot, Dennis Kucinich, and others, they are showing the same arrogant disregard for people like Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren. Rand Paul, like his Dad, and Bernie Sanders want to stop the expansion of the "M-I Complex", so the full force of the Empire is applied against them. Shouldn't the people be deciding who is electable and who is not, and what sort of policies we want our nation to support?

Something is terribly wrong with that picture when it comes to democracy.

Election integrity is another problem affecting democracy. How can we trust our elections when we cannot trust our voting machines. Most of them are unverifiable since the election fiasco of year 2000.

We, the people, need to take control of this mess if we truly are patriots and want to save our nation from destroying itself. If we enact the National Initiative, we can revitalize our media information networks, and create secure voting systems for ourselves. Let's do it!
What is wrong is that far too many citizens stay home instead of voting, and so many that do vote could not vote without the D or R on the ballot.
The elections are not a farce. We get the government we deserve; always have and always will.

Actually no, we don't get the government we deserve. Americans (USA) voted according to what they got from radio and TV, up until recently. The Internet is changing some minds as voters find factual sites to view, but this is a slow process since the major media companies have a huge Internet presence. Politically, the mass media news is filled with Imperial propaganda along with their Internet sites. And the Empire has huge political exposure itself across the Internet in so many ways.

But there are good factual sites if you look for them from independent media, and that's possible thinks to net neutrality.

When citizens vote according to what the mass media tells them, they are being misled into bad choices. This is not their fault directly since they are unaware of reality. But when they discover they are being lied to, look out! I believe those numbers are growing.

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