Is climate change the new race card ???


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Hoaxers hoaxing....
i am waiting on an explanation of how global warming is bringing in our first polar vortex that will have the average temp of the U.S. around 0.0 degrees this weekend.
. Get ready for the card to be thrown then, because they have no explanation except for the card to be thrown down just as quick as the race card is being thrown down where it makes no sense to throw it down also.
The UN admits it is all about wealth redistribution. I'll get the link.


UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
By Noel Sheppard | November 18, 2010 | 11:27 AM EST

Here's the key quote from the interview.

"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy.

Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.

This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
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The only redistribution going on is from the poor and middle to the rich.

Climate change is fact...Have fun sleeping as the world goes to shit.

The United Nations disagrees with you. Africa will be the big winner. It's all about globalization.

"(OTTMAR EDENHOFER, UN IPCC OFFICIAL): That will change immediately if global emission rights are distributed.

If this happens, on a per capita basis, then Africa will be the big winner, and huge amounts of money will flow there. This will have enormous implications for development policy. And it will raise the question if these countries can deal responsibly with so much money at all.

(NZZ): That does not sound anymore like the climate policy that we know.

(EDENHOFER): Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization."

UN IPCC Official Admits 'We Redistribute World's Wealth By Climate Policy'
Of course there is Climate Change, the question is whether it's from man's destruction of the earths resources or natural cyclic phenomena.

If you think about it & put it into perspective....the earth has been here for how many (m)(b)(tr)illions of years? And how many climatic changes have occurred during that time? And how many years has man been polluting it? Since the Industrial Age began within the last 200-300 years?

Man's direct impact is more like a gnat on an elephants ass. The earth has been experiencing 'Global Warming' since the last Ice Age.
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
Climate change was BHO's pet peeve.

It will now die for at least the next 4 to 8 years if not forever.
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??

Nope, by June or July the public will forget all about it because the Trump admin won't be talking about it constantly.
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309
. The problem with radicals is that their is no compromise, and that is why the push back has begun. Like Trump said, he is for all these things you speak, but it won't come at the complete destruction of this nation's economic strength any longer. Their will be compromises now, but it will be the radical left that will have to give in some now. No more oppression from the left at the expense of the nations wealth and/or it's well being as a nation.
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??

Nope, by June or July the public will forget all about it because the Trump admin won't be talking about it constantly.
. Not the point here... The point is this - The left loves to use cards to hold America down or back, and the climate card was just another one of those cards they would throw down willy nilly as a way to get their way, and to hell with the economic strength of this nation. We can't become a great nation again by being a weakling in everything we do or in everything we talk about.
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves
. Agree, but I think it has gone way to far. We can be strong and keep the regs that count. Just got to watch out for the climate card being thrown willy nilly by those who are complete radicals or demons who have an alternative agenda in play.
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