Is China About To Throw N. Korea Under The Bus?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Finally a Wikileaks document that surprising. According to some of the leaked State Department documents, China is growing increasingly frustrated by the military antics of North Korea and and increasingly favors reunified Korea under the Government of South Korea.

Now that it has become a world power, the Chinese government wants one thing more than anything else, stability. In recent months North Korea has grown increasingly unpredictable, attacking a South Korean military ship, surprising the world with a brand new nuclear plant, and last week's mortar attack on the South has not put the world on edge but it has embarrassed the Chinese government who as the North's number one ally, has been charged with keeping North Korea in line.

The latest batch of released documents reveal that Beijing's frustration with Pyongyang has grown since its missile and nuclear tests last year, worries about the economic impact of regional instability, and fears that the death of the dictator, Kim Jong-il, could spark a succession struggle.
Is China About To Throw N. Korea Under The Bus
I would immagine they are are more annoyed than they let on.

and I think they have an issue with a hereditary state anyway.
I think they were waiting for Kim Sr to die, but they might do it sooner. China has become a business first thinking country. What is good for business is good for China, what's bad for business is bad for China. North Korea is definitely bad for business. The South Korean military is building up. The US is moving its aircrafts and navy into position.

Here is the stages:
(1) US and SK provoke NK into yet another attack! NK being retarded attacks.
(2) The US stages a massive air and missile campaign fully equiped with bunker busters. They hit NK nuclear sites, air force, military, navy, ground forces and government establishments HARD! Think of Russia nailing Georgia.
(3) China hits the lights and cuts off supplies - 70% of NK energy comes directly from China and they are depend on Chinese handouts (very costly to China)!
(4) South Korean military blitz the North is extreme force and well equipment ground forces. NOT ONE US SOLDIERS assists. The US assists with air support and shelling from their warships off the North Korean coast.
(5) South Korea secures the country by itself. I highly doubt they will be views as an occupier, since after all they are the same people with the same language, NK is overtly repressive, the NK government forced famine on its own citizens and South Korea is a rich 1st world industrialize country!

There will always be loyal people, but I highly doubt you will see Viet Cong or NVA! It could be a huge Obama foreign policy victory!
Finally a Wikileaks document that surprising. According to some of the leaked State Department documents, China is growing increasingly frustrated by the military antics of North Korea and and increasingly favors reunified Korea under the Government of South Korea.

Now that it has become a world power, the Chinese government wants one thing more than anything else, stability. In recent months North Korea has grown increasingly unpredictable, attacking a South Korean military ship, surprising the world with a brand new nuclear plant, and last week's mortar attack on the South has not put the world on edge but it has embarrassed the Chinese government who as the North's number one ally, has been charged with keeping North Korea in line.

The latest batch of released documents reveal that Beijing's frustration with Pyongyang has grown since its missile and nuclear tests last year, worries about the economic impact of regional instability, and fears that the death of the dictator, Kim Jong-il, could spark a succession struggle.
Is China About To Throw N. Korea Under The Bus

N.Korea's equippment is outdated, but in quantitative terms, it is a very potent conventional power, especially when it comes to artillery shelling.

Old, but does its job
Koksan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And as RtSeargeant said, S.Korean Metropolitan regions are within artillery-firing range.
Unification is bullshit. S.Korea has also not the economical capabilities to absorb N. Korea.
N. Korea has about 12 million more people then E.Germany, and W.Germany was more wealthy then S.Korea today is.
And E.Germany was one of the more successful cases of communism when it comes to industry and infrastructure.

Without taxing S.Koreans in a 'unification-tax', which is going to be significant (wealth-transfer), unification is not possible.
S. Korea is way better off without absorbing the North.

P.S: The China factor is decisive to the future of N.Korea, not S. Korea.
There is no way, that China will back-off from supporting the North.
They hit NK nuclear sites, air force, military, navy, ground forces and government establishments HARD! Think of Russia nailing Georgia.(...)

N.Korea is not Georgia.
If Georgia were a neighbor of N.Korea, the N.Koreans would have nailed them like the Russians did.
They hit NK nuclear sites, air force, military, navy, ground forces and government establishments HARD! Think of Russia nailing Georgia.(...)

N.Korea is not Georgia.
If Georgia were a neighbor of N.Korea, the N.Koreans would have nailed them like the Russians did.

LOL, you really are a Turkish Whore! Please tell us again how 3rd world Turkey is a world superpower!
LOL, you really are a Turkish Whore! Please tell us again how 3rd world Turkey is a world superpower!

You talk about China cutting of N.Korea's energy supplies and such thing.

In subjects I do not know anything about, I do not talk.
Simple as that.
why should China pay attention to anything we do ro say when things like this occur, we are amateurs who cannot even keep a simple story straight...paper tiger, unreal.

Richardson says W.H. approved trip
By MATT NEGRIN | 12/23/10 2:59 PM Updated: 12/23/10 5:15 PM

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson said Thursday that the Obama administration approved his high-profile trip to North Korea, contrary to the White House’s assertion that he didn’t seek approval.

“I postponed the trip twice at the request of the administration,” Richardson said on MSNBC. “They signed off on this last trip.”

Richardson later said on CNN that when he spoke with officials before his trip, “the administration said, ‘As long as you say that it’s a private trip, go ahead.’ ” He also added, “While I was in North Korea, I did talk to the State Department.”

A White House official disputed Richardson’s characterization. “No one signed off on the trip, and he didn't need or get our 'approval,' " the official said in an e-mail.

The Obama administration has said that it didn’t approve of Richardson’s visit, though the State Department said it expected a “full report” from him. Richardson said Thursday afternoon that he had “just finished briefing some officials today.”

“They want official channels to prevail, and I was an unofficial channel,” he said.

Richardson says W.H. approved trip | POLITICO 44
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N. Korea is a useful tool for China. Think of it like a pet bulldog. Ever once in awhile it will act up but it is on a leash and once it gets yanked back it obeys, grumpily.

These leaks are American interpretations of Chinese policy. This may be what the Chinese want us to think. Our intelligence about Chinese intentions has not proven over time to be very good. So why are you taking these leaks as fact? Remember the WMD's in Iraq?

I believe that NK's actions sometime cause the Chinese headaches because they are not following the direction the Chinese want. There is considerable behind the scenes communication here that we know nothing about. NK cannot mount an invasion without the support of China because of fuel supplies. Therefore an invasion will only occur when the Chinese desire it. China has the leash on NK and they know it.

The south will not invade because the damage to their infrastructure would be be to prohibitive, not to mention the civialian casualties. Who would foot the bill to rebuild the south? The north? China would be the only one that would help and that would entail many strings.

China views all southeast Asia as their sphere of influence and sometime in the future I would not be suprised if the announce their own "Monroe Doctrine" about non-southeast Asian countries interfering in the area. This is what I believe they are seeking by modernizing their military and making deals, economic and militarily with other nations in the region.

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