Is a Christian Gun Owner oxymoronic?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"“The death of the righteous is not to be feared – it is not to be shunned,” he said. “It is the shadowed threshold to the palace of God.”"
- Rev. Billy Graham

If death is a Christian's entry to Heaven, why would such a person wish to avoid death by defending themselves against anyone trying to kill them?

Logicly, people (of whatever faith has an afterlife) should welcome death. Drive sans seatbelts, not look before crossing the street, avoid medicine and good health, and not own weapons for defensive purposes to hasten their own deaths. While they're usually forbidden to commit suicide, they can not try as hard to stay alive and still 'go up.'
"“The death of the righteous is not to be feared – it is not to be shunned,” he said. “It is the shadowed threshold to the palace of God.”"
- Rev. Billy Graham

If death is a Christian's entry to Heaven, why would such a person wish to avoid death by defending themselves against anyone trying to kill them?

Logicly, people (of whatever faith has an afterlife) should welcome death. Drive sans seatbelts, not look before crossing the street, avoid medicine and good health, and not own weapons for defensive purposes to hasten their own deaths. While they're usually forbidden to commit suicide, they can not try as hard to stay alive and still 'go up.'

Jesus didn't teach the Disciples to be stoopid.
Self defense
Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus revealed to His disciples the future hostility they would face and encouraged them to sell their outer garments in order to buy a sword (Luke 22:36-38; cf. 2 Corinthians 11:26-27). Here the "sword" (Greek: maxairan) is a dagger or short sword that belonged to the Jewish traveler's equipment as protection against robbers and wild animals. A plain reading of the passage indicates that Jesus approved of self-defense.

Self-defense may actually result in one of the greatest examples of human love. Christ Himself said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:14). When protecting one's family or neighbor, a Christian is unselfishly risking his or her life for the sake of others.

Theologians J. P. Moreland and Norman Geisler say that "to permit murder when one could have prevented it is morally wrong. To allow a rape when one could have hindered it is an evil. To watch an act of cruelty to children without trying to intervene is morally inexcusable. In brief, not resisting evil is an evil of omission, and an evil of omission can be just as evil as an evil of commission. Any man who refuses to protect his wife and children against a violent intruder fails them morally."
Self defense
Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus revealed to His disciples the future hostility they would face and encouraged them to sell their outer garments in order to buy a sword (Luke 22:36-38; cf. 2 Corinthians 11:26-27). Here the "sword" (Greek: maxairan) is a dagger or short sword that belonged to the Jewish traveler's equipment as protection against robbers and wild animals. A plain reading of the passage indicates that Jesus approved of self-defense.

Self-defense may actually result in one of the greatest examples of human love. Christ Himself said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:14). When protecting one's family or neighbor, a Christian is unselfishly risking his or her life for the sake of others.

Theologians J. P. Moreland and Norman Geisler say that "to permit murder when one could have prevented it is morally wrong. To allow a rape when one could have hindered it is an evil. To watch an act of cruelty to children without trying to intervene is morally inexcusable. In brief, not resisting evil is an evil of omission, and an evil of omission can be just as evil as an evil of commission. Any man who refuses to protect his wife and children against a violent intruder fails them morally."

Then it seems as though (shockingly) the BIble contradicts itself huh? When you die, if saved, you go a paradisical heaven. But you're supposed to fight tooth and nail to prevent dying?

Jesus told a physician to 'heal thyself.' Illustrating faith can heal you, and going to a doctor isn't needed. So if when people who believe in and follow Jesus get sick, if good Jesusians (heh) they shouldn't go to a doctor and rely solely on faith-healing. Afterall, if you die, that's not a bad thing because you'll go to Heaven.
Picking a few Bible verses without context or cognizance makes you look the idiot we've all here come to know and love.
Please limit your commentary here to subjects you have some knowledge of.
Self defense
Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus revealed to His disciples the future hostility they would face and encouraged them to sell their outer garments in order to buy a sword (Luke 22:36-38; cf. 2 Corinthians 11:26-27). Here the "sword" (Greek: maxairan) is a dagger or short sword that belonged to the Jewish traveler's equipment as protection against robbers and wild animals. A plain reading of the passage indicates that Jesus approved of self-defense.

Self-defense may actually result in one of the greatest examples of human love. Christ Himself said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:14). When protecting one's family or neighbor, a Christian is unselfishly risking his or her life for the sake of others.

Theologians J. P. Moreland and Norman Geisler say that "to permit murder when one could have prevented it is morally wrong. To allow a rape when one could have hindered it is an evil. To watch an act of cruelty to children without trying to intervene is morally inexcusable. In brief, not resisting evil is an evil of omission, and an evil of omission can be just as evil as an evil of commission. Any man who refuses to protect his wife and children against a violent intruder fails them morally."

Then it seems as though (shockingly) the BIble contradicts itself huh? When you die, if saved, you go a paradisical heaven. But you're supposed to fight tooth and nail to prevent dying?

Jesus told a physician to 'heal thyself.' Illustrating faith can heal you, and going to a doctor isn't needed. So if when people who believe in and follow Jesus get sick, if good Jesusians (heh) they shouldn't go to a doctor and rely solely on faith-healing. Afterall, if you die, that's not a bad thing because you'll go to Heaven.

Jesus said a lot of shit meant to confuse one who was without the Holy Spirit......
Self defense
Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus revealed to His disciples the future hostility they would face and encouraged them to sell their outer garments in order to buy a sword (Luke 22:36-38; cf. 2 Corinthians 11:26-27). Here the "sword" (Greek: maxairan) is a dagger or short sword that belonged to the Jewish traveler's equipment as protection against robbers and wild animals. A plain reading of the passage indicates that Jesus approved of self-defense.

Self-defense may actually result in one of the greatest examples of human love. Christ Himself said, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:14). When protecting one's family or neighbor, a Christian is unselfishly risking his or her life for the sake of others.

Theologians J. P. Moreland and Norman Geisler say that "to permit murder when one could have prevented it is morally wrong. To allow a rape when one could have hindered it is an evil. To watch an act of cruelty to children without trying to intervene is morally inexcusable. In brief, not resisting evil is an evil of omission, and an evil of omission can be just as evil as an evil of commission. Any man who refuses to protect his wife and children against a violent intruder fails them morally."

Then it seems as though (shockingly) the BIble contradicts itself huh? When you die, if saved, you go a paradisical heaven. But you're supposed to fight tooth and nail to prevent dying?

Jesus told a physician to 'heal thyself.' Illustrating faith can heal you, and going to a doctor isn't needed. So if when people who believe in and follow Jesus get sick, if good Jesusians (heh) they shouldn't go to a doctor and rely solely on faith-healing. Afterall, if you die, that's not a bad thing because you'll go to Heaven.

Jesus said a lot of shit meant to confuse one who was without the Holy Spirit......

So, you need to gain the Holy spirit before you can receive the message of Jesus Christ?

Another strange setup--please, tell us, how is that suppose to work?

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