Iron Dome bill presented at US Congress


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
WASHINGTON – The US Congress' response to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren's article was instantaneous. After Oren published an opinion piece discussing the growing need to invest in 10 more Iron Dome batteries, two House Representatives introduced legislation Wednesday that would allow the Obama administration to give more missile defense systems to Israel.

The proposed bill does not include specific figures, but it recognizes the operational success of Iron Dome, and its strategic significance in anti-missile defense. It also secures the budgeting of 10 more Iron Dome batteries, regardless of expected cut in security funding. The cost of one Iron Dome battery is $50 millions, not including the costs of the missiles and infrastructure.

“Israel must have the ability to defend itself from rocket and missile attacks, and the United States will continue to stand by our strong ally if called upon in times of need,” Rep. Berman (D) said.

Iron Dome bill presented at US Congress - Israel News, Ynetnews
In a press statement outlining the introduction of the legislation, Berman noted that “when Palestinian terrorists launched their latest round of missile attacks on innocent Israelis, the Iron Dome anti-missile system saved innocent lives and prevented an escalation of hostilities and a full blown crisis.

Key congressional leaders introduced legislation that would provide further assistance to the Israeli Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. The Iron Dome Support Act was introduced by U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Howard Berman (D-Calif.) on Wednesday and co-sponsored by Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.).

Congress Pushes Help for Iron Dome

Congress pushes forward. Let's now see what President Obama does.
In a press statement outlining the introduction of the legislation, Berman noted that “when Palestinian terrorists launched their latest round of missile attacks on innocent Israelis, the Iron Dome anti-missile system saved innocent lives and prevented an escalation of hostilities and a full blown crisis.

Key congressional leaders introduced legislation that would provide further assistance to the Israeli Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. The Iron Dome Support Act was introduced by U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Howard Berman (D-Calif.) on Wednesday and co-sponsored by Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.).

Congress Pushes Help for Iron Dome

Congress pushes forward. Let's now see what President Obama does.

He will go along with it because US voters overwhelmingly support Israel over the Palestinian Arabs, and this is an election year, and because he understands that the alternative to an effective missile defense is another ground operation like Cast Lead.
In a press statement outlining the introduction of the legislation, Berman noted that “when Palestinian terrorists launched their latest round of missile attacks on innocent Israelis, the Iron Dome anti-missile system saved innocent lives and prevented an escalation of hostilities and a full blown crisis.

Key congressional leaders introduced legislation that would provide further assistance to the Israeli Iron Dome anti-missile defense system. The Iron Dome Support Act was introduced by U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Howard Berman (D-Calif.) on Wednesday and co-sponsored by Foreign Affairs Committee Chairwoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.).

Congress Pushes Help for Iron Dome

Congress pushes forward. Let's now see what President Obama does.

He will go along with it because US voters overwhelmingly support Israel over the Palestinian Arabs, and this is an election year, and because he understands that the alternative to an effective missile defense is another ground operation like Cast Lead.

We shall see. The big bunkers never made it.

The 13.6-ton “bunker-buster” bomb, known as the Massive Ordnance Penetrator, was specifically designed to take out the hardened fortifications built by Iran and North Korea, the report said.

But initial tests indicated that the bomb, as currently configured, would not be capable of destroying some of Iran’s facilities, either because of their depth or because Tehran has added new fortifications to protect them, the paper noted.

In a report issued in November, the International Atomic Energy Agency said intelligence from more than 10 countries and its own sources “indicates that Iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear device.”

It detailed 12 suspicious areas such as testing explosives in a steel container at a military base and studies on Shahab-3 ballistic missile warheads that the IAEA said were “highly relevant to a nuclear weapon programme.”

BRUSSELS, Jan 13, (Agencies): Russia would regard any military intervention linked to Iran’s nuclear programme as a threat to its own security, Moscow’s departing ambassador to NATO warned on Friday.
“Iran is our neighbour,” Dmitry Rogozin told reporters in Brussels. “And if Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our security.”

Russian Aggression Towards US or Israel Intervention on Iran

“Death to America! Death to Israel!” roared the crowd streaming away from weekly prayers at Tehran University, where the dead man was hailed as a martyr in the tradition of Imam Hussein, a revered figure for Iran’s Shi’ite branch of Islam.

“Nuclear energy is our absolute right!” young men chanted.

Nuclear weapons are not nuclear energy.
Seriously---can't this prosperous country buy it's own shit ?

^^ Seriously the other side has a lot of help. Both Russia and China are 'helping'. Look at North Korea helping. Look at Turkey helping. Egypt helping.

Oh, right, you don't see that side of this.
Congress Pushes Help for Iron Dome

Congress pushes forward. Let's now see what President Obama does.

He will go along with it because US voters overwhelmingly support Israel over the Palestinian Arabs, and this is an election year, and because he understands that the alternative to an effective missile defense is another ground operation like Cast Lead.

We shall see. The big bunkers never made it.

BRUSSELS, Jan 13, (Agencies): Russia would regard any military intervention linked to Iran’s nuclear programme as a threat to its own security, Moscow’s departing ambassador to NATO warned on Friday.
“Iran is our neighbour,” Dmitry Rogozin told reporters in Brussels. “And if Iran is involved in any military action, it’s a direct threat to our security.”

Russian Aggression Towards US or Israel Intervention on Iran

“Death to America! Death to Israel!” roared the crowd streaming away from weekly prayers at Tehran University, where the dead man was hailed as a martyr in the tradition of Imam Hussein, a revered figure for Iran’s Shi’ite branch of Islam.

“Nuclear energy is our absolute right!” young men chanted.

Nuclear weapons are not nuclear energy.

Our largest bunker busters were designed to be delivered by our B 2 bombers, and Israel's planes could not handle them, but the US has sold Israel a number of 5 ton bunker busters and there are indications Israel has been manufacturing bunker busters of various sizes, itself.
He will go along with it because US voters overwhelmingly support Israel over the Palestinian Arabs, and this is an election year, and because he understands that the alternative to an effective missile defense is another ground operation like Cast Lead.

We shall see. The big bunkers never made it.

Russian Aggression Towards US or Israel Intervention on Iran

“Death to America! Death to Israel!” roared the crowd streaming away from weekly prayers at Tehran University, where the dead man was hailed as a martyr in the tradition of Imam Hussein, a revered figure for Iran’s Shi’ite branch of Islam.

“Nuclear energy is our absolute right!” young men chanted.

Nuclear weapons are not nuclear energy.

Our largest bunker busters were designed to be delivered by our B 2 bombers, and Israel's planes could not handle them, but the US has sold Israel a number of 5 ton bunker busters and there are indications Israel has been manufacturing bunker busters of various sizes, itself.
Go to any Air Force Base where there are fighter planes and bombers and there are Israeli pilots there for training and advanced training. Uncle Sam's Rent-a-plane is open 24/7.
Seriously---can't this prosperous country buy it's own shit ?

It could, and before the 1973 war US military aid to Israel was nominal, but the US realized that if it was going to have enough influence in the ME to compete with the Soviets, it was going to have to be able to influence Israel's policies. Specifically, during the Yom Kippur War, Kissinger argued that the US should resupply Israel with the weapons and ammunition expended in the war so that the US would have some leverage with Israel in shaping the peace and locking the Soviets out of the ME.

Although the Cold War is over, the principle needing leverage with Israel in order to influence ME events still hold. When Obama's blundering ME policy led to him to get a dressing down from Netanyahu, the Arabs lost confidence in Obama.
We shall see. The big bunkers never made it.

Russian Aggression Towards US or Israel Intervention on Iran

Nuclear weapons are not nuclear energy.

Our largest bunker busters were designed to be delivered by our B 2 bombers, and Israel's planes could not handle them, but the US has sold Israel a number of 5 ton bunker busters and there are indications Israel has been manufacturing bunker busters of various sizes, itself.
Go to any Air Force Base where there are fighter planes and bombers and there are Israeli pilots there for training and advanced training. Uncle Sam's Rent-a-plane is open 24/7.

Not on the B 2.
WASHINGTON – The US Congress' response to Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren's article was instantaneous. After Oren published an opinion piece discussing the growing need to invest in 10 more Iron Dome batteries, two House Representatives introduced legislation Wednesday that would allow the Obama administration to give more missile defense systems to Israel.

The proposed bill does not include specific figures, but it recognizes the operational success of Iron Dome, and its strategic significance in anti-missile defense. It also secures the budgeting of 10 more Iron Dome batteries, regardless of expected cut in security funding. The cost of one Iron Dome battery is $50 millions, not including the costs of the missiles and infrastructure.

“Israel must have the ability to defend itself from rocket and missile attacks, and the United States will continue to stand by our strong ally if called upon in times of need,” Rep. Berman (D) said.

I remember when the U.S. started saying that it would be the HONEST BROKER in the Middle East.
I believe that it was in the late 60's or early 70's, if someone else's memory is more precise on this please inform me. I know that it was big in the Camp David Accords and it seemed as if Obama was trying to reclaim that position early in his administration. To me it always seemed to be the correct way to handle the situation. It always seems though that the U.S. always strays away from this position by it's constant protection of Israel in the U.N. and it's lavish military aid. The above seems to be more of the same !
I know that Iron Dome is a purely defensive weapon ( if there ever can be such a thing ) and in that respect I have little problem. It should be noted that the U.S. helped in the development of the weapon and now we are going to pay for the production and deployment of it. Good, protecting innocent lives is always a good thing !
But getting back to the question of being an HONEST BROKER, I have kind of a crazy idea lets protect innocent lives in Gaza also ! We can do this by providing to the Hamas Military by giving them a fully functional anti-aircraft system along with a state of the art radar system, purely defensive weapons. We could also provide them with anti-tank TOW missals.
To allay the fears of Congress and AIPAC we can get Hamas to sign a treaty that these weapons will not be used outside of a range of 2 miles from their borders. Sort of like the treaty we had with Israel that they would not use cluster munitions in or near populated areas. I know I know Israel did not honor that treaty when it invaded Lebanon twice, but we tried it with Israel, seems as if we are going to try to be an HONEST BROKER we ought to try it with the Gazans also.
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Seriously---can't this prosperous country buy it's own shit ?

^^ Seriously the other side has a lot of help. Both Russia and China are 'helping'. Look at North Korea helping. Look at Turkey helping. Egypt helping.

Oh, right, you don't see that side of this.

And I bet they say they do because the US aids Israel. The mideast has much to gain by constantly remaining in a state of crisis.

I remember when the U.S. started saying that it would be the HONEST BROKER in the Middle East.
I believe that it was in the late 60's or early 70's, if someone else's memory is more precise on this please inform me. I know that it was big in the Camp David Accords and it seemed as if Obama was trying to reclaim that position early in his administration. To me it always seemed to be the correct way to handle the situation. It always seems though that the U.S. always strays away from this position by it's constant protection of Israel in the U.N. and it's lavish military aid. The above seems to be more of the same !
I know that Iron Dome is a purely defensive weapon ( if there ever can be such a thing ) and in that respect I have little problem. It should be noted that the U.S. helped in the development of the weapon and now we are going to pay for the production and deployment of it. Good, protecting innocent lives is always a good thing !
But getting back to the question of being an HONEST BROKER, I have kind of a crazy idea lets protect innocent lives in Gaza also ! We can do this by providing to the Hamas Military by giving them a fully functional anti-aircraft system along with a state of the art radar system, purely defensive weapons. We could also provide them with anti-tank TOW missals.
To allay the fears of Congress and AIPAC we can get Hamas to sign a treaty that these weapons will not be used outside of a range of 2 miles from their borders. Sort of like the treaty we had with Israel that they would not use cluster munitions in or near populated areas. I know I know Israel did not honor that treaty when it invaded Lebanon twice, but we tried it with Israel, seems as if we are going to try to be an HONEST BROKER we ought to try it with the Gazans also.
Patrick you say the US is protective of Israel. Should we be un-protective? Then you say Iron Dome protects innocents. Now you want to give Hamas missiles if they sign a treaty. Shades of Fast and Furious!! You're kidding, right?
Seriously---can't this prosperous country buy it's own shit ?

^^ Seriously the other side has a lot of help. Both Russia and China are 'helping'. Look at North Korea helping. Look at Turkey helping. Egypt helping.

Oh, right, you don't see that side of this.

And I bet they say they do because the US aids Israel. The mideast has much to gain by constantly remaining in a state of crisis.

You keep on guessing and betting.
^^ Seriously the other side has a lot of help. Both Russia and China are 'helping'. Look at North Korea helping. Look at Turkey helping. Egypt helping.

Oh, right, you don't see that side of this.

And I bet they say they do because the US aids Israel. The mideast has much to gain by constantly remaining in a state of crisis.

You keep on guessing and betting.

I don't pretend I have all the inside "facts" like others do.

I remember when the U.S. started saying that it would be the HONEST BROKER in the Middle East.
I believe that it was in the late 60's or early 70's, if someone else's memory is more precise on this please inform me. I know that it was big in the Camp David Accords and it seemed as if Obama was trying to reclaim that position early in his administration. To me it always seemed to be the correct way to handle the situation. It always seems though that the U.S. always strays away from this position by it's constant protection of Israel in the U.N. and it's lavish military aid. The above seems to be more of the same !
I know that Iron Dome is a purely defensive weapon ( if there ever can be such a thing ) and in that respect I have little problem. It should be noted that the U.S. helped in the development of the weapon and now we are going to pay for the production and deployment of it. Good, protecting innocent lives is always a good thing !
But getting back to the question of being an HONEST BROKER, I have kind of a crazy idea lets protect innocent lives in Gaza also ! We can do this by providing to the Hamas Military by giving them a fully functional anti-aircraft system along with a state of the art radar system, purely defensive weapons. We could also provide them with anti-tank TOW missals.
To allay the fears of Congress and AIPAC we can get Hamas to sign a treaty that these weapons will not be used outside of a range of 2 miles from their borders. Sort of like the treaty we had with Israel that they would not use cluster munitions in or near populated areas. I know I know Israel did not honor that treaty when it invaded Lebanon twice, but we tried it with Israel, seems as if we are going to try to be an HONEST BROKER we ought to try it with the Gazans also.

You don't seem to understand what the term, honest broker, means. It has referred to the US taking an even handed approach to negotiations between various Arab entities and Israel, and where such negotiations have taken place, anyone familiar with the US's role in them understands the US has been even handed. The tone of your post suggests that what you really mean is that unless the US is suckered into anti Israeli propaganda it will not be seen by Israel's enemies as an honest broker, but, of course, if the US had been, it couldn't possibly be an honest broker.

Or perhaps you are confusing the concept of being an honest broker, that is, being even handed in negotiations, with being even handed in conflicts between Israel and its enemies. Even here, however, the US has consistently taken an even handed approach. In 1948, President Truman, but not the US State Department, supported the partition resolution and, along with the USSR and Iran and others, early recognized the new Jewish state, but he also refused to sell weapons to the Israelis and when the Arab defeat was turning into a route, exerted great pressure on Israel to sign ceasefire agreements.

In 1956, when Israel captured Sinai in order to end the constant terrorist attack emanating from there, Eisenhower threatened to send US forces in to drive the Israelis out.

In 1967, despite blatant acts of war by Egypt, the US tried to pressure Israel not to attack, and when the Israeli forces were less than a day from both Cairo and Damascus, the US forced Israel to stop its advances.

In 1973, despite the fact that it was obvious Egypt was about to launch an attack, the US pressured Israel not to preempt it, and the hesitation caused by US pressure cost thousands of Israeli lives. When victorious Israeli forces were in striking distance of any target they chose in Egypt and Syria, the US again forced Israel to agree to a ceasefire, yielding territory in Sinai to Egypt that Israel could have regained if the war had lasted a few days longer.

In 1981, the Reagan administration was adamant in demanding that Israel not attack Saddam Hussein's nuclear arms program, despite the fact that it would have obviously presented at least as great a threat to Iran and the Gulf Arab states as it would have to Israel, and after the Osirak reactor was effectively destroyed, the US joined much of the rest of the world in harshly condemning the Israeli action.

Through the 1973 war, US military aid to Israel was nominal, and when it was increased as a part of the US's strategy of competition with the USSR for influence in the ME, it was done in an even handed manner, providing both the Arabs and the Israelis with sufficient strength that they would all feel safe from attack and this policy exists to today. When the US has strayed from this even handed approach in pursuit of US strategic goals, it has been to the advantage of various Arab entities, not Israel.

It would be more accurate to say the US has defended the integrity of the Security Council in refusing to go along with resolutions that unfairly condemn Israeli actions without also condemning the actions of its adversaries that gave rise to them. If you were to take the time to examine US vetoes of Security Council resolutions the US vetoed, you would see that the US often disapproved of Israeli actions but insisted the resolutions place them in the proper context in which they occurred. So during the second intifada, the US vetoed resolutions or threatened to veto proposed resolutions that condemned Israeli actions in the West Bank without also condemning the racist hate crimes committed by the Palestinian Arabs, which they call resistance.

You are misinformed about the Iron Dome. It was entirely developed by Israel, and there was no US funding for its development. The Obama administration did provide some funding for the purchase and deployment of Iran Dome batteries after it had been successfully tested. It is the most advanced, fastest and most accurate interceptor for short and medium range missiles in the world, bar none. It is so good that the Pentagon is trying to find funds to purchase some of these batteries to protect US interests in the ME since the US has nothing that can compare to it.

Your idea about providing Hamas with protection so that it can safely fire rockets at Israeli civilians is bizarre and ridiculous. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization responsible for at least hundreds of racist hate crimes against Israeli Jews by the US, EU and UN. It is illegal for the US to have any contact with Hamas, much less to arm them. But even if Hamas did acquire the anti aircraft systems and the Tow missiles you want them to have, they would be next to useless against Israeli forces. As the Israeli bombing of Syria's nuclear reactor a few years ago showed, Israel has developed technologies that allowed it to evade detection by Turkey's anti aircraft system, US made, and Syria's anti aircraft system, Russian made. Moreover, Israeli tanks are now protected by Israel's Trophy anti missile system, the most advanced in world, which garnered perfect scores when tested by the US Army. Israel's Trophy system and its Iron Fist system are so good that the Pentagon has commissioned Raytheon to develop systems based on these Israeli technologies that can be fitted to US battle tanks and other armored vehicles.

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