Iraq stabilizing, leading Arab world: Bush was right, liberals ashamed?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Arab relief at Allawi win, hope for secular Iraq | World | Reuters

You all can research more and more about the recent victory for secular Iraq. But the Arab world was fearful of sectarian rule in Iraq, and it did not happen. Slowly but surely, Iraq is emerging as a stable and secular government that is going to eventually be able to stand up to Iraq, earn the respect and admiration of the Arab world (already happening) and possibly within 10-20 years stabilize much of that region through assisting the US and by leading with an example of moderate secularism in that region.

George W. Bush was a courageous man, and he was outshined by the courage, integrity and fighting spirit of our men and woman in the armed forces. They took on an impossible task of eliminating global terror and stabilizing post-Saddam Iraq to a point that it could stand against Iran while not posing a threat to the US and Europe.

W knew this war would be hard, brutal, and last MUCH longer than his 8 years. He sacrificed his short term political gain for long-term goals for Iraq and America. IF this progress continues in Iraq, it could become the shining light of the Middle East. When the Arab world sees that example, of how in America our political pendulum can swing from as right as Bush to as left as Obama, and we are outraged, but do it WITHOUT killing each other, and how we assisted the Iraqis in becoming that same type of society, it will be a truly revolutionary time in human history. When power can change hands in the Arab world the same way- with heated debate, but no violence. It's getting close to that now.

But, just as the brilliant sociology book "The McDonaldization of America" pointed how, many Americans will smuggly try to prevent such outcomes. The American left was disgusting in their behavior during the hardest days of the Iraq War. While they stand on a platform of helping all the weak, they were sadly not in support of helping the oppressed, tortured and murdered citizens under Saddam Hussein. The liberals wanted a war that was quick, with immediate stabilization and withdrawl. Liberals don't understand war and struggle. It's why they want everything handed to them rather than working for it. It's how their brains function.

But thankfully, our troops and some of our presidents don't behave that way. They have sacrificed more than most of us can ever fathom. And the fruits of that labor are beginning to emerge in a stable, secular Iraq. 30-40 years from now, this generation of soldiers will be looked at how the WW2 soldiers are today. We'll be saying how their efforts in Iraq are what stabilized that region and likely prevented WW3 from sparking through Pakistan, Iran, Syria and the West.

The fight is far from over, but God Bless those who are fighting it, and shame on those who opposed it and worked towards the halting of the progress being made over there.
Liberals aren't ashamed. They're DISAPPOINTED. And they still won't admit we've done any good in Iraq.
Liberals bashed Bush because they knew they wouldn't get the credit for stabilizing the entire Middle East and causing the fall of the Islamic government in Iran....and basically they are pacifists who wouldn't hurt a flea unless they thought it would get them a few votes.

[ame=]YouTube - Bush protects Iraqi Christians[/ame]


Tragedies of the Invasion of Iraq. Part 1. Iraqi Christian population facing extinction -

Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq it is estimated over 2/3rds of the Iraqi Christians have left. And more are leaving every day. They lived there for over 1000 years of Muslim rule, they survived the Mongol hordes, they survived the two world wars. But this invasion has led to their decimation.

There were no weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. There was no link between Iraq and 9/11. There was no reason to invade Iraq. The Iraqi Christians have paid a very heavy price for our folly. And Iraqi Christians were a very valuable part of Iraqi society. Many were doctors and teachers. Their leaving will cause suffering for Iraqi’s for decades to come.

Iraq Moves Down List Of Most Corrupt In The World | EPIC

Iraq’s Ranking In Corruption Index 2003-2009
2003 #20
2004 #17
2005 #22
2006 #3
2007 #2
2008 #3
2009 #4

When I see that Iraq is now under Sharia law. Because the majority of health care professionals were Christian and 2/3rds of all Christians have fled or been "murdered", the health care system is a disaster. No Christians will be going back now that Iraq is under, by constitution, "Sharia" law. Iraq is considered the most dangerous place on earth to the gays.

Religious tolerance and "diversity" are part of what makes a country strong. These don't exist in Iraq. Worse, women are now living in bags.

When I see the American right's glowing reports of Iraq, I just don't know where they are coming from. All evidence points to the contrary. Some things you can just "make up". Death panels, kill grandma, the president is a Marxist, but Iraq is too serious to lie and make stuff up. Iraq is a disaster. The people there hate our guts. Where is the "thanks" for liberation? Instead, we have created a "mortal enemy". THAT is the reality.
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YouTube - Muslims Terrorizing Christian Girls in Iraq - Sister Hatunes Testimony

YouTube - Bush protects Iraqi Christians


Tragedies of the Invasion of Iraq. Part 1. Iraqi Christian population facing extinction -

Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq it is estimated over 2/3rds of the Iraqi Christians have left. And more are leaving every day. They lived there for over 1000 years of Muslim rule, they survived the Mongol hordes, they survived the two world wars. But this invasion has led to their decimation.

There were no weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. There was no link between Iraq and 9/11. There was no reason to invade Iraq. The Iraqi Christians have paid a very heavy price for our folly. And Iraqi Christians were a very valuable part of Iraqi society. Many were doctors and teachers. Their leaving will cause suffering for Iraqi’s for decades to come.

Iraq Moves Down List Of Most Corrupt In The World | EPIC

Iraq’s Ranking In Corruption Index 2003-2009
2003 #20
2004 #17
2005 #22
2006 #3
2007 #2
2008 #3
2009 #4

When I see that Iraq is now under Sharia law. Because the majority of health care professionals were Christian and 2/3rds of all Christians have fled or been "murdered", the health care system is a disaster. No Christians will be going back now that Iraq is under, by constitution, "Sharia" law. Iraq is considered the most dangerous place on earth to the gays.

Religious tolerance and "diversity" are part of what makes a country strong. These don't exist in Iraq. Worse, women are now living in bags.

When I see the American right's glowing reports of Iraq, I just don't know where they are coming from. All evidence points to the contrary. Some things you can just "make up". Death panels, kill grandma, the president is a Marxist, but Iraq is too serious to lie and make stuff up. Iraq is a disaster. The people there hate our guts. Where is the "thanks" for liberation? Instead, we have created a "mortal enemy". THAT is the reality.

Good post...I see a lot of freedom of speech, drunken brawling and they are almost tied with the Democrats in their ranking for CORRUPTION!!!! Give them a couple more years and Pelosi, Reid and Obama can take that place on the "Change, Yes we can... platform."
I think most of the those who opposed the war believed that eventually the fighting would stop and a quasi-democratic government would emerge. Whether Iraq becomes the shinning light of democracy in the middle east only time will tell. The main objection people on the left have is the cost. A trillion dollars so far, which happens to be the CBO estimate of the cost of the healthcare bill. Then there is the cost in lives; over 4,000 US solders, between 95,000 and 104,000 documented civilians deaths, and countless numbers who have suffered in a million ways. And just exactly what did we accomplish that was worth these costs?
I think most of the those who opposed the war believed that eventually the fighting would stop and a quasi-democratic government would emerge. Whether Iraq becomes the shinning light of democracy in the middle east only time will tell. The main objection people on the left have is the cost. A trillion dollars so far, which happens to be the CBO estimate of the cost of the healthcare bill. Then there is the cost in lives; over 4,000 US solders, between 95,000 and 104,000 documented civilians deaths, and countless numbers who have suffered in a million ways. And just exactly what did we accomplish that was worth these costs?

Try to look at the bigger picture instead of instant gratification that most liberals want. In 20 years revisit your doubts...then ask the same questions of the Iraq War and healthcare.
I think most of the those who opposed the war believed that eventually the fighting would stop and a quasi-democratic government would emerge. Whether Iraq becomes the shinning light of democracy in the middle east only time will tell. The main objection people on the left have is the cost. A trillion dollars so far, which happens to be the CBO estimate of the cost of the healthcare bill. Then there is the cost in lives; over 4,000 US solders, between 95,000 and 104,000 documented civilians deaths, and countless numbers who have suffered in a million ways. And just exactly what did we accomplish that was worth these costs?

Try to look at the bigger picture instead of instant gratification that most liberals want. In 20 years revisit your doubts...then ask the same questions of the Iraq War and healthcare.
I doubt that we will have to wait 20 years. Once the US troops are out, our influence over Iraq will wane. Iraq will joint with their neighbors in their support of the Palestinians and condemn the US for our support of Israel. Democracy at the point of a bayonet just doesn't work.

The real winner in the Iraqi war is Iran. When we took out Saddam Hussein, Iran gained both influence and power throughout the middle east. Unlike Iraq, Iran is now nuclear threat.
Overall this is good news.

We still need to see what happens when the US troops are not there to keep the peace. Keep your fingers crossed. We all need Iraq to succeed
in 20 years....

Yep think back about this thread and it's assertions in 20 years.

We stopped those mushroom clouds though :beer:
While I'm pleased that Iraq seems (seems, mind you) to be moving in the right direction, I don't think we should lavish unstinting praise on the Bush administration.

Yes, they were the folks who took the decision to take the US (and several other countries) to war, but the failure to plan coherently for the aftermath of the actual fighting led to a vacuum that terrorist and fundamentalist elements were happy to exploit.

This has meant thousands upon thousands of lives lost (both civilian and military) that might otherwise have been saved.

It's not the first time this sort of thing has happened, but maybe this time some lessons have been learned.

That said, as someone who supported the war on the basis of regime change, I'm extremely glad to see that Iraq, while not necessarily emerging from the long, dark tunnel, can perhaps at least see some light at the end of it.
Liberals bashed Bush because they knew they wouldn't get the credit for stabilizing the entire Middle East and causing the fall of the Islamic government in Iran....and basically they are pacifists who wouldn't hurt a flea unless they thought it would get them a few votes.

So, are you righties finally admitting that the whole reason Dubya and Dick invaded Iraq was to nation build?
Bob, as we can see many will use Iraq as an excuse to do it again.
See how well Iraq worked out?

I would have thought the human cost of Iraq (and to a lesser extent the financial cost) should make the world think twice. This is not a decision to be taken lightly.

Anyone who thinks that just because it seems to be working a bit in Iraq that it can be used as a template to politically manipulate further countries whose attitudes to the west are deemed to need adjusting is not only an idiot but a scumbag as well.
Bob, as we can see many will use Iraq as an excuse to do it again.
See how well Iraq worked out?

I would have thought the human cost of Iraq (and to a lesser extent the financial cost) should make the world think twice. This is not a decision to be taken lightly.

Anyone who thinks that just because it seems to be working a bit in Iraq that it can be used as a template to politically manipulate further countries whose attitudes to the west are deemed to need adjusting is not only an idiot but a scumbag as well.

Are you suggesting that Bush's policy of "The bombings will continue until morale improves" may not have been in our best interest???
Bob, as we can see many will use Iraq as an excuse to do it again.
See how well Iraq worked out?

I would have thought the human cost of Iraq (and to a lesser extent the financial cost) should make the world think twice. This is not a decision to be taken lightly.

Anyone who thinks that just because it seems to be working a bit in Iraq that it can be used as a template to politically manipulate further countries whose attitudes to the west are deemed to need adjusting is not only an idiot but a scumbag as well.

Are you suggesting that Bush's policy of "The bombings will continue until morale improves" may not have been in our best interest???

I'm not familiar with that quote, so I'd probably choose not to speculate on it.
I think most of the those who opposed the war believed that eventually the fighting would stop and a quasi-democratic government would emerge. Whether Iraq becomes the shinning light of democracy in the middle east only time will tell. The main objection people on the left have is the cost. A trillion dollars so far, which happens to be the CBO estimate of the cost of the healthcare bill. Then there is the cost in lives; over 4,000 US solders, between 95,000 and 104,000 documented civilians deaths, and countless numbers who have suffered in a million ways. And just exactly what did we accomplish that was worth these costs?

Try to look at the bigger picture instead of instant gratification that most liberals want. In 20 years revisit your doubts...then ask the same questions of the Iraq War and healthcare.
I doubt that we will have to wait 20 years. Once the US troops are out, our influence over Iraq will wane. Iraq will joint with their neighbors in their support of the Palestinians and condemn the US for our support of Israel. Democracy at the point of a bayonet just doesn't work.

The real winner in the Iraqi war is Iran. When we took out Saddam Hussein, Iran gained both influence and power throughout the middle east. Unlike Iraq, Iran is now nuclear threat.

Your boundless stupidity and ability to make baseless assumptions belies your Democrat leanings. I guess your Democratic Underground crystal ball arrived in the mail.
Liberals bashed Bush because they knew they wouldn't get the credit for stabilizing the entire Middle East and causing the fall of the Islamic government in Iran....and basically they are pacifists who wouldn't hurt a flea unless they thought it would get them a few votes.

So, are you righties finally admitting that the whole reason Dubya and Dick invaded Iraq was to nation build?

Clinton passed the Iraqi regime change resolution and was the father of "nation building". Take that up with him.

Clinton...Bush...Obama....all one in the same.
Liberals bashed Bush because they knew they wouldn't get the credit for stabilizing the entire Middle East and causing the fall of the Islamic government in Iran....and basically they are pacifists who wouldn't hurt a flea unless they thought it would get them a few votes.

So, are you righties finally admitting that the whole reason Dubya and Dick invaded Iraq was to nation build?

Clinton passed the Iraqi regime change resolution and was the father of "nation building". Take that up with him.

Clinton...Bush...Obama....all one in the same.

Wasn't it Bush who swore on the campaign trail that he would NOT nation build?
So, are you righties finally admitting that the whole reason Dubya and Dick invaded Iraq was to nation build?

Clinton passed the Iraqi regime change resolution and was the father of "nation building". Take that up with him.

Clinton...Bush...Obama....all one in the same.

Wasn't it Bush who swore on the campaign trail that he would NOT nation build?

Wasn't it Obama who swore on the campaign trail that he would NOT be like Bush?

See....they are all the same.

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