Iraq Plan for Peace


Jan 15, 2004
One of the main objections many people had too the United States military invasion of Iraq was there was no defined military mission and there was no exit strategy. As with any major operation a constant reevaluation of the plan of operation has to be made. Only by dealing with the facts and realities on the ground in Iraq can we start to understand the problems. The majority of Arab people before the 2003 invasion of Iraq hated the United States government’s foreign policies. Today the majority of the people around the world hate United States government’s foreign policies. This is not to say they hate the American people or the American way of life.

With the overthrow of Saddam a vacuum was created in tribal society that the majority of the people only knew the autocratic rule of law. Iraq once a prospering and thriving society that became dysfunctional after the 1991 Gulf War with the sanction and restriction placed on them by the United Nations backed by United States and Great Britain. The question is where do we go from here forward.

The United States government has to become more of an international team player with some humility. For the sake of the people of Iraq and of the world, peace and security must come to Iraq. First the United States must down size their military presence in Iraq to the Baghdad Airport. The United States and British military mission must be redefined as to support of humanitarian relief and training for the Iraqi people. A commission must be established to help coordinate the NGO’s and governments relief efforts.

The less international military presence in Iraq the sooner the lives of the Iraqi people will get back to normal. The primary mission of the United States military from here forward should be to secure a Green Zone around the Baghdad Airport for the international relief workers. The British military forces will secure Green Zone port for shipping in southern Iraq. Keeping the pipeline of humanitarian aid flowing into Iraq is the key to peace and security. The Iraqi foreign nationalist must help in forming links with the people of Iraq and the outside world. Only the people of Iraq can bring peace and security to Iraq.

The United Nation and League of Arab Nations should be the leading groups in the foreign relief aid to the people of Iraq. A global effort must be made similar too the Asian Tsunami relief. The international community can only help the people of Iraq when a specific request is made. The people of Iraq must start at the bottom forming strong local governments to enforce the rule of law in the local communities. The people of Iraq need the tools and hardware to help develop an economy. Given Iraq’s natural resources water, fertile soil and oil there is no reason why the people of Iraq could not have one of the highest standard of living among the people in the Middle East once again.

Let us not continue the Iraq War over saving face. It is time to start working for peace and security for the people of Iraq. This will require fewer foreign military forces and more humanitarian aid and relief workers. The protocol of humanitarian aid workers will fall into place over time similar as in the Asian Tsunami. The United States government must become more of a team player on international problems. Only by strengthening the international platform of law and protocol will peace and security prevail around the world. No one nation’s government can dictate policies onto another sovereign nation. The natural resources of anyone nation can’t become part of the vital national interest of another nation. Only by the Iraqi people getting back to work and having a better standard of living will peace and security have a chance to grow in Iraq.

What should Iraq look like ten years from now? One nation with three to five states that is known as the Sweet Water Capital of the Middle East with Iraq’s fertile river valleys producing food for the people of the Middle East. The people of Iraq are helping in the international relief efforts of people in other nations. As people are to their neighbors so should it be with nations to nations.
The lies that are told by the people in power to keep their position of power are at the roots of many of the nation’s problems as well as world. Too often the team player’s loyalty is higher to their political party, corporation or boss than to what is in the best interest of the nation. The allegiance of an organization that lobbies government elected officials is self-serving to the point they often deny the truth. The miss construed notion of National Security is often the grounds these lies are told on a national and international level.
Why the heck do you lefties want to run away so easily? Holy crap people we still havent left Germany after World War I for crying out loud. Why the heck are you so eager to run from our enemies in Iraq? It doesn't make any sense.

We have a very clear exit strategy. We kill the terrorists before they kill us. We win, they loose. We have peace. You arent going to stop the war on terror just by running away from Iraq. In fact, youll likely make it worse.

We don't need to become an international player. We are the international leader. We lead, others follow. The ones that have to become international players are France, Germany, and Russia who would rather sit back and make money off corruption and keeping people poor than actually fix some problems in the world. We are the ones putting ourselves on the line. We are the International players and those who have joined wish us are international players. we want to make the world a better place, not line our pockets with dirty money like the big three did.

The UN refused to enforce its resolutions. the UN instead decided to help the previously mentioned nations swindle the Iraqi people and make billions screwing the Iraqi people over. The last thing the Iraqis need is the UN doing anything. Why on earth would they want their women raped like the UN "Peacekeepers" are doing in Africa? Why on earth should the Iraqi's trust the UN to do squat for them after the hell they've already put them through supporting Saddam's regime? What the UN needs to do is either disband or reform itself majorly. it really doesnt want to do either and will continue to be a paper tiger till it does. Ironically it seems that UN is one of the greatest impedement to peace in the world.

Oh and if you are going to soap box like this it be nice if you stopped trolling and actually stayed around to discuss anything.
David, I am extremely envious of your negative points rating.
What are you doing that I haven't done so far? :cheers2:

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