Iraq Attack In Shiite South Kills 22


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Iraq Attack In Shiite South Kills 22


BAGHDAD — Twin explosions early Tuesday near a government compound killed at least 22 people and wounded dozens in a rare attack in the Shiite heartland, Iraqi officials said.

The blasts came as Iraq's top political factions started to discuss in earnest whether to ask the U.S. to leave some of its troops to stay beyond the Dec. 31 withdrawal deadline because of the security situation.

While violence is well below what it was during the years that followed the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, militants are still able to launch deadly attacks. The ongoing violence has led to concerns about what happens when the 47,000 remaining U.S. troops are withdrawn.

Still, such violence is rare in the mostly Shiite city of Diwaniyah, which is 80 miles (130 kilometers) outside of Baghdad and well south of most of the insurgent strongholds.

Provincial Gov. Salim Hussein Alwan said he was leaving his house when a suicide bomber rammed into a police checkpoint nearby.

"I was in the garage preparing to leave when the attacker hit the police barrier outside and crashed with their vehicle," Alwan told The Associated Press in a phone interview.

The suicide bomber also crashed into a police vehicle that had munitions inside, said Alwan and Maj. Gen. Othman al-Ghanimy, who commands military operations in Qadisiyah province where Diwaniyah is located. That caused the police vehicle to explode.

But a police officer and a member of the provincial council, Thamir Naji, said there were two suicide bombers driving vehicles who blew themselves up. Conflicting accounts are common in the chaotic aftermath of such attacks. The police official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to journalists.

At least 37 people were wounded in the blasts about 7:30 a.m., when security forces were changing shifts, the officials said.

Iraq Attack In Shiite South Kills 22
My question is why are the Iraqi Forces (which is known for being heavily infiltrated with insurgents) on a US compound with REAL WEAPONS where they outnumber the US Army trainers (600 to about 150) when they could be using faux rifles for training? Now a day later they still have their M-16s at this training site, and you cant tell who has a bullet in there or not?

All those people died, and all that blood everywhere two days before. Eleven (11) sites targeted.

That's just screwed up. :cuckoo:

No matter how secure certain areas are in Baghdad, utterly ruthless savages will find ways to detonate heavy bombs.

Remember October, 1983 when a truck loaded with explosives blew through a gate and killed over 230 US Marines and over 50 French Foreign Legionnaires at the Beirut Airport?

The concrete and steel barracks was lifted off its foundation..the marine commandant begged Sec. of State Schultz and Reagan to not place marines on low ground. He was overruled and a few weeks later Reagan ran the US out of Lebanon after saying that the US would not bug out.

This is the way of Islam in a majority. They kill each other to gain power. One must fight both as a majority block as well. We are not there yet it would seem. There's far too much Islamic placation and Muslim appeasement of these fanatics who ALL vote together in a Muslim block in the UN (57 nations are Muslim). They do not even vote WITH the UN.

What's Missing From Their World View


They have their own arena to vote from and separate themselves.
My question is why are the Iraqi Forces (which is known for being heavily infiltrated with insurgents) on a US compound with REAL WEAPONS where they outnumber the US Army trainers (600 to about 150) when they could be using faux rifles for training? Now a day later they still have their M-16s at this training site, and you cant tell who has a bullet in there or not?

All those people died, and all that blood everywhere two days before. Eleven (11) sites targeted.

That's just screwed up. :cuckoo:

No matter how secure certain areas are in Baghdad, utterly ruthless savages will find ways to detonate heavy bombs.

Remember October, 1983 when a truck loaded with explosives blew through a gate and killed over 230 US Marines and over 50 French Foreign Legionnaires at the Beirut Airport?

The concrete and steel barracks was lifted off its foundation..the marine commandant begged Sec. of State Schultz and Reagan to not place marines on low ground. He was overruled and a few weeks later Reagan ran the US out of Lebanon after saying that the US would not bug out.

This is the way of Islam in a majority. They kill each other to gain power. One must fight both as a majority block as well. We are not there yet it would seem. There's far too much Islamic placation and Muslim appeasement of these fanatics who ALL vote together in a Muslim block in the UN (57 nations are Muslim). They do not even vote WITH the UN.

What's Missing From Their World View


They have their own arena to vote from and separate themselves.

That is a good question Ropey and it is something that not alot of people are talking about, sure everyone is glad we are leaving Iraq however we are leaving behind a smaller amount of troops whose lives are in grave danger from attacks from the Iraqis. The Iraqi insurgent groups are still active and basically we are trusting the lives of our troops to the Iraqi Military, who are DEFINENTLY not to be trusted! most of our infantry and Marines have already left Iraq and are in Afghanistan, most of the troops in Iraq now are trainers and support troops. We don't have the capability to launch massive ground combat operations on our own even if we wanted to. Iraq is not a country like Germany or Belgium where you can leave a small amount of US Troops on a base and they will be safe, the more troops we pull out of Iraq the more dangerous it will get until we are completely out of that country. The scene is ripe for the Iraqis to pull off a massive attack on US Troops in that country who are vulnerable right now and I pray it doesn't happen.:(
My question is why are the Iraqi Forces (which is known for being heavily infiltrated with insurgents) on a US compound with REAL WEAPONS where they outnumber the US Army trainers (600 to about 150) when they could be using faux rifles for training? Now a day later they still have their M-16s at this training site, and you cant tell who has a bullet in there or not?

All those people died, and all that blood everywhere two days before. Eleven (11) sites targeted.

That's just screwed up. :cuckoo:

No matter how secure certain areas are in Baghdad, utterly ruthless savages will find ways to detonate heavy bombs.

Remember October, 1983 when a truck loaded with explosives blew through a gate and killed over 230 US Marines and over 50 French Foreign Legionnaires at the Beirut Airport?

The concrete and steel barracks was lifted off its foundation..the marine commandant begged Sec. of State Schultz and Reagan to not place marines on low ground. He was overruled and a few weeks later Reagan ran the US out of Lebanon after saying that the US would not bug out.

This is the way of Islam in a majority. They kill each other to gain power. One must fight both as a majority block as well. We are not there yet it would seem. There's far too much Islamic placation and Muslim appeasement of these fanatics who ALL vote together in a Muslim block in the UN (57 nations are Muslim). They do not even vote WITH the UN.

What's Missing From Their World View


They have their own arena to vote from and separate themselves.

That is a good question Ropey and it is something that not alot of people are talking about, sure everyone is glad we are leaving Iraq however we are leaving behind a smaller amount of troops whose lives are in grave danger from attacks from the Iraqis. The Iraqi insurgent groups are still active and basically we are trusting the lives of our troops to the Iraqi Military, who are DEFINENTLY not to be trusted! most of our infantry and Marines have already left Iraq and are in Afghanistan, most of the troops in Iraq now are trainers and support troops. We don't have the capability to launch massive ground combat operations on our own even if we wanted to. Iraq is not a country like Germany or Belgium where you can leave a small amount of US Troops on a base and they will be safe, the more troops we pull out of Iraq the more dangerous it will get until we are completely out of that country. The scene is ripe for the Iraqis to pull off a massive attack on US Troops in that country who are vulnerable right now and I pray it doesn't happen.:(

Indeed. :eusa_pray:
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