*Irans Little Peace Maker*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah sure, the religion of peace an all.
2. I call bullshit to that statement!
3. Islam is a warring politcal party, with many sides, left wing, right wing, center wing, up ure ass wing, wing of a different color, suicide wing, and the wings go on and on.
4. There is no peace in islam, get over it, you will never see it, in your life time, and or the generations ahead will never see it, its a failed political party, and that will prove itself over and over through out time.
5. islam will kill, kill, kill, each other, if there is no other non-muslims to kill.
6. There is no hope whatsoever for islam, muslims, or any sect that is branched off of islam, PERIOD!!!!
7. So sure, if your reading this, and happen to be in islam, and a muslim, we all know, that you want those outside islam, dead, and we know that you wish this upon myself, CWN, the master ranter of the internet.
8. I have only spoken the truth, as you and I both know it, your hatred for me should be proof enough, but, just try for once in your life time to listen to reason, I just want to save you from islam, and muslims and thier way of life, which is on the direct path to death, anyones death, you need a time to break free from that, and come over to my side, Jesus Christ is ready with open arms to save you, just believe in the truth for once and be set free!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2: make the angels stand and applaud your stand for Jesus Christ!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2:
9. Here's what one of your fellow students of islam is up too:Iran President Ahmedinejad Threatens U.S. War Without Boundaries If Nuclear Faclities Attacked - ABC News

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad warned the Obama administration today that if Iran's nuclear facilities are attacked, the U.S. will face a war that "would know no boundaries."

The Iranian president, who is in New York for the annual meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, spoke at a breakfast meeting with reporters and editors at Manhattan's Warwick Hotel.

He said that Iran is on the brink of becoming a nuclear power, and warned Israel and the U.S. against attacking its nuclear facilities.

Asked about the possibility of a U.S.-supported Israeli air strike against Iran, the fiery Iranian leader said an attack would be considered an act of war, and suggested the U.S. is unprepared for the consequences. Such a war "would know no boundaries," Ahmedinejad said. "War is not just bombs."

10. You have been lied too, Jesus Christ will take you in and give you the love you so so, desperately need, so stop following these little mad angry muslims, and find true love in Jesus Christ!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2: the angels weep for you, as long as you live in islam.

Well, let's see. I was born in the middle of a war in which the estimated toll was over 50 million people. So started that war? Muslims? Seems to me the nations that were the aggressors in that war were Christian and Shinto. And the Christian nation that started the whole affair systematically killed nearly ten million people imprisoned in camps.
Sorry bout that,

Well, let's see. I was born in the middle of a war in which the estimated toll was over 50 million people. So started that war? Muslims? Seems to me the nations that were the aggressors in that war were Christian and Shinto. And the Christian nation that started the whole affair systematically killed nearly ten million people imprisoned in camps.

1. This is sorta off topic I would say.
2. But you are claiming Hitler was a Christian?
3. I would be hard pressed to claim Hitler was a Christian dude.
4. Just like I would be hard pressed to claim Obama was a Christian too.

For good or bad, right or wrong, there is only one group of people/country on earth that has used nuclear weapons on people... and the vast majority of them are not muslim.
Sorry bout that,

1. Just give them some time, they will show you they can do it Bill.
2. Thats what little mad islamic man is all about.
3. And is threatening USA and Israel, with them.
4. Read the piece.

Word of advice: Please stop writing before you make more of a fool of yourself. In the cold war before you were even thought of it was the soviets, and the yellow man. Now it is the arabs and the persians <gasp> which is interesting considering that the U.S. primary foreign policy goal is total control of central asia, or what you simpletons refer to as the ME. But don't let the facts get in the way of your ignorance because I'm sure your friends on the short bus will be more impressed with your sohpistory or complete lack of it in this case.
Sorry bout that,

1. We are bitter I preceive?
2. Lost much eh?
3. So war has done you wrong eh my friend?
4. Its obvious.
5. Look, wars happen, they have always happened.
6. A so called holy war is happenning now, if you hadn't noticed, thats what these crazy fucks call it.
7. You play it safe and hide somewhere, with your shotgun, perhaps you will die of old age before they come for you.
8. But be advised, they are coming, one way or another these bastard muslims will come, and find a way to kill as many stupid fuckers like you as they can, and they will too.
9. Some people are just way too stupid to see whats obvious!
10. So you drink a beer or three, and whine about how America has had enemies over the decades, see if I care, I don't.
11. Russia is what it is, and its getting better everyday for Russians, same goes with the China man, problem is, islam will never get any better, so what do we do then?
12. You go and drink a cold one, and get back to me on that one dude!

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. We are bitter I preceive?
2. Lost much eh?
3. So war has done you wrong eh my friend?
4. Its obvious.
5. Look, wars happen, they have always happened.
6. A so called holy war is happenning now, if you hadn't noticed, thats what these crazy fucks call it.
7. You play it safe and hide somewhere, with your shotgun, perhaps you will die of old age before they come for you.
8. But be advised, they are coming, one way or another these bastard muslims will come, and find a way to kill as many stupid fuckers like you as they can, and they will too.
9. Some people are just way too stupid to see whats obvious!
10. So you drink a beer or three, and whine about how America has had enemies over the decades, see if I care, I don't.
11. Russia is what it is, and its getting better everyday for Russians, same goes with the China man, problem is, islam will never get any better, so what do we do then?
12. You go and drink a cold one, and get back to me on that one dude!


I stopped drinking a long time ago.

You're missing the bigger picture here. Bitter? Not at all, I'm simply a realist, and if you would put your pride aside for a moment and listen to what more knowledgable people have to say on the subject you might just learn something, but first you're going to have to start reconsidering some of your beliefs. That's what smart people do, they look at themselves from the outside in and re-examine their assertions frequently. The truth is, that for the most part slam is a manufactured boogeyman designed to make you act a certain way. No different than the japanese nationals and their children in WWII for example. There is no logic involved, just power plays aimed a appealing to your emotions and sadly you've taken the bait.
Sorry bout that,

1. The point to me is islam is a fucking terrorist political party, that needs to be beaten down!
2. If we need to go at Iran, well, some shit has to be done by some one.
3. Us or Israel, waiting helps no one.
4. Pbama won't order it, even if we take a nuke, he claims we can absorb it.
5. So I guess we look to the Jews to stop Iran's little man.
6. Doing nothing at this point isn't an option.
7. We didn't attack Russia, or China.

Sorry bout that,

1. The point to me is islam is a fucking terrorist political party, that needs to be beaten down!
2. If we need to go at Iran, well, some shit has to be done by some one.
3. Us or Israel, waiting helps no one.
4. Pbama won't order it, even if we take a nuke, he claims we can absorb it.
5. So I guess we look to the Jews to stop Iran's little man.
6. Doing nothing at this point isn't an option.
7. We didn't attack Russia, or China.


I assume that you have already volunteered for the front line. Or are you a Cheney type chickenhawk?
Sorry bout that,

1. The point to me is islam is a fucking terrorist political party, that needs to be beaten down!
2. If we need to go at Iran, well, some shit has to be done by some one.
3. Us or Israel, waiting helps no one.
4. Pbama won't order it, even if we take a nuke, he claims we can absorb it.
5. So I guess we look to the Jews to stop Iran's little man.
6. Doing nothing at this point isn't an option.
7. We didn't attack Russia, or China.


Why is it do you think your hero crusader George Bush never invaded/bombed Iran in the fall of 2006 or later for that matter despite the overwhelming pressure from his zionist warhawk Cheney and others?
Sorry bout that,

1. I really don't know why we haven't done something by now.
2. But I have a feeling your going to give us your opinion.
3. Perhaps its only because they have a midget as a leader, so we feel ashamed to attack him???:confused:
4. Poor little feller, world opinion would be against any country for attacking that runt, me thinks!:lol:

Well James, you should enjoy this read. Here is your attack.

Stuxnet malware is 'weapon' out to destroy ... Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant? - Yahoo! News

By Mark Clayton Mark Clayton &#8211; Tue Sep 21, 3:08 pm ET
Cyber security experts say they have identified the world's first known cyber super weapon designed specifically to destroy a real-world target &#8211; a factory, a refinery, or just maybe a nuclear power plant.

The cyber worm, called Stuxnet, has been the object of intense study since its detection in June. As more has become known about it, alarm about its capabilities and purpose have grown. Some top cyber security experts now say Stuxnet's arrival heralds something blindingly new: a cyber weapon created to cross from the digital realm to the physical world &#8211; to destroy something.

At least one expert who has extensively studied the malicious software, or malware, suggests Stuxnet may have already attacked its target &#8211; and that it may have been Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant, which much of the world condemns as a nuclear weapons threat.

The appearance of Stuxnet created a ripple of amazement among computer security experts. Too large, too encrypted, too complex to be immediately understood, it employed amazing new tricks, like taking control of a computer system without the user taking any action or clicking any button other than inserting an infected memory stick. Experts say it took a massive expenditure of time, money, and software engineering talent to identify and exploit such vulnerabilities in industrial control software systems.

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