Iranian women - before and after the Islamic Revolution


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
before salafi - wahhabism became the main stream


Iranian women - before and after the revolution

Wahhabism - Wikipedia
There is no legitimate reason to stop us women from stating what we want.
Women need for men to keep them under wrap and under control.

Otherwise, they will engage in nothing but mischief and create problems. .. :cool:

What right have you to say this? You and me are just human beings together on this earth. Male persons have absolutely no right to claim claim superiority of any sort. Human beings are born in both bodies. You claim that your body style is superior, but why?
European women, before and after Jewish 'democracy' and 'human rights'


After 100 years Jewish propaganda

There is no legitimate reason to stop us women from stating what we want.
Women need for men to keep them under wrap and under control.

Otherwise, they will engage in nothing but mischief and create problems. .. :cool:

Guys like Litwin wish goyim women become lesbians, feminists and prostitutes, stop to bear children and would have sex with animals. Therefore his tribe was kicked out from more as 110 places within 2000 years. Why he hates Russians? Because Russians are Christians, live having Traditional Moral and Values and do not desire to give their natural commodities to his tribe as gift.
Really? "Nature's plan"? Dick worship? You are a nutcase. You would not even be here if a woman had not carried you. There is absolutely nothing in nature that makes you superior because of the body you got.
Watch any documentary about large land mammals in the wild. The male will be the protector of the females who are generally smaller.

Humans are no different.

The male is to be the leader of the females and is to have the final say. It's been this way since day one. ... :cool:
Really? "Nature's plan"? Dick worship? You are a nutcase. You would not even be here if a woman had not carried you. There is absolutely nothing in nature that makes you superior because of the body you got.
Watch any documentary about large land mammals in the wild. The male will be the protector of the females who are generally smaller.

Humans are no different.

The male is to be the leader of the females and is to have the final say. It's been this way since day one. ... :cool:

Do you actually believe this? When has a male been smarter and a woman less intelligent and weaker because she has the physical capacity to lead new life into the world?

You must respect women. Your mother. Your sisters. Your daughters. Your neighbors. You have no right to assert that your brain/intellect is superior to theirs just because you have a different body than they do.

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